Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Coldplay objavljuju novi singl 3. juna / Coldplay to release a new single on June 3

Dugoočekivani novi singl grupe Coldplay "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" biće objavljen u petak 3. juna, saopšteno je na zvaničnom veb sajtu benda. Ovi će biti prvi singl sa njihovog još neimenovanog novog albuma koji bi trebalo da bude objavljen u oktobru. Bend će novu pesmu promovisati na predstojećim evropskim festivalima, a dok se pesma ne pojavi u prodaji, pročitajte tekst ispod ovog posta.
Coldplay su poslednji album "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends" objavili 2008. godine sa kojim su postigli veliki uspeh, pa se od novog albuma mnogo očekuje.


A long awaited single by Coldplay "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" will be released this friday (June 3), it was announced on their official website. This will be the first single from their untitled upcoming album that should be released this October. The band will perform the new single at upcoming summer festivals and you can read the lyrics below this post.
Coldplay released their last album "Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends" in 2008 which was a huge success for them, so fans expect a lot from the new album too.










Sunday, May 29, 2011

UK Charts: Drugi #1 album za Lady Gagu / Lady Gaga scores her second #1 album

Novi album Lady Gage "Born This Way" debitovao je na prvom mestu britanske liste albuma sa prodatih 215 hiljada primeraka. Ovo je najbolja prodaja ove godine kada je prva nedelja u pitanju i druga generalno. Njen prethodni album "The Fame/The Fame Monster" prodat je u preko 2.5 miliona primeraka u Velikoj Britaniji i ove nedelje se vratio u top 10 zahvaljujući uspehu aktuelnog albuma..
Prošlonedeljni #1 album "21" od Adele nalazi se na drugom mestu ove nedelje.
Live album grupe The Prodigy takođe je među top 10 noviteta ove nedelje. Njihov prvi live album u karijeri "World's On Fire - Live" debitovao je na petom mestu.
Što se liste singlova tiče, nema većih promena. Pitbull sa "Give Me Everything" je i ove nedelje na prvom mestu. 
Nakon četiri nedelje u top 10 je ušao i singl rumunske pevačice Alexandre Stan "Mr. Saxobeat" koji se nalazi na petom mestu.
Novi singl pop grupe The Saturdays "Notorious" ove nedelje debitovao je na osmom mestu i ovo je njihov deveti top 10 singl.
Nakon prošlonedeljnog 11. mesta aktuelni singl house grupe Swedish House Mafia "Save the World" napredovao je za jednu poziciju i našao se na 10. mestu što čini njihov treći uzastopni top 10 singl.
Liste top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Lady Gaga's new album "Born This Way" debuts at #1 this week in the official UK Albums Chart with 215k copies sold. This is the best first-week sales and the second overall this year. Her last album The Fame/The Fame Monster" has been sold in more than 2.5 million copies to date in the UK and returns to top 10 this week thanks to the latest album success.
Last week #1 album "21" by Adele slips to #2.
The Prodigy's live album is also among top 10 new entries. Their first live set in a career "World's On Fire - Live" debuts at #5.
As for the Singles chart, there are no much changes. Pitbull is still #1 for the second consecutive week with "Give Me Everything".
After four weeks a single by Romanian singer Alexandra Stan "Mr. Saxobeat" enters top 10 at #5.
The Saturdays' new single "Notorious" debuts at #8 which makes it their nineth top 10 single.
After last week debut at #11, the latest single by Swedish House Mafia "Save the World" rises one spot, so it has become their third cosecutive top 10 single.
Check out top 10 albums & singles below.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (new) Lady Gaga - Born This Way
  2. (1) Adele - 21
  3. (3) Adele - 19
  4. (5) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  5. (new) The Prodigy - World's On Fire - Live
  6. (8) Jessie J - Who You Are
  7. (11) Lady Gaga - The Fame/The Fame Monster
  8. (4) Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk
  9. (7) Chase & Status - No More Idols
  10. (10) Caro Emerald - Deleted Scenes From The Cutting Room Floor 
Top 10 Singles:

  1. (1) Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
  2. (2) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
  3. (4) Aloe Blacc - I Need a Dollar
  4. (3) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
  5. (14) Alexandra Stan - Mr. Saxobeat
  6. (5) Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi - Beautiful People
  7. (9) Snoop Dogg vs. David Guetta - Sweat
  8. (new) The Saturdays - Notorious
  9. (8) Lady Gaga - Judas
  10. (11) Swedish House Mafia - Save the World

    Lenny Kravitz objavljuje novi album "Black & White America" 22. avgusta / Lenny Kravitz to release his new album "Black & White America" on August 22

    Popularni pevač Lenny Kravitz objaviće svoj deveti studijski album "Black & White America" 22. avgusta u većini zemalja, dok je objavljivanje albuma za američko tržište zakazno za 30. avgust.
    Pevač kaže da je ovo njegov najličniji album do sada:
    "Ova ploča je moj život - ja sam sin crne glumice Roxie Roker i belog televizijskog producenta Syja Kravitza. Odrastao sam u sredini, između belog i crnog sveta. Moj život je uvek bio prepun kontrasta, a to ne važi samo za moj odnos sa roditeljima i odrastanje, već i za sadašnji trenutak u kome prihvatamo promene, te imamo afro-američkog predsednika".
    Prvi zvanični singl biće pesma "Stand" koja će biti objavljena krajem juna.
    Potvrđeno je i da će Lenny krenuti na evropsku turneju u oktobru u okviru koje će posetiti i Zagreb 17. novembra.
    Kravitz je do sada objavio osam albuma koji su prodati u preko 35 miliona primeraka. Poslednji album "It Is Time for a Love Revolution" objavio je 2008. godine.


    A popular singer Lenny Kravitz is set to release his nineth studio album "Black & White America" on August 28th in most countries and August 30th in North America.
    The singer says that this is his most personal album to date:
    "It's my life, I'm the son of a black actress, Roxie Roker, and a white television producer, Sy Kravitz. I grew up in an environment where I was in between a so-called black and white world. My life has always been about contrasts, and it reflects on not only my life and what I've gone through with my parents and what I saw growing up, but also where we are now as far as this country, and accepting these kind of changes where we now have an African-American president".
    The first official single from this release "Stand" will be released in the end of June.
    It's also confirmed that Lenny will start European tour in October during which he'll perform in Zagreb on November 17.
    Kravitz has released eight albums so far which have been sold in more than 35 million copies. His last album "It Is Time for a Love Revolution"  was released in 2008.

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    WATCH: Take That - Love Love (NEW VIDEO!)

    ttll Listen: Take That premiere new single Love Love

    Grupa Take That objavila je spot za svoj poslednji singl "Love Love". Kao što smo već objavili, ova pesma će se naći na soundtracku filma "X Men: First Class", kao i na reizdanju njihovog poslednjeg albuma "Progress" - "Progressed" koje će biti objavljeno 13. juna.
    Pogledajte spot ispod ovog posta i recite nam šta mislite!


    Take That have premiered a video for their latest single "Love Love". As we already posted, this song is an official single of "X Men: First Class" soundtrack and it will also be featured on a re-release of their latest album "Progress" - "Progressed", due out June 13.
    Watch the video below and tell us what you think!

    BREAKING NEWS: Amy Winehouse ponovo na rehabilitaciji / Amy Winehouse back in rehab

    Iako za manje od mesec dana treba da nastupi na Kalemegdanu, pevačica Amy Winehouse je ponovo na rehabilitaciji, potvrdila je njena portparolka. Ipak, održavanje koncerta se (za sada) ne dovodi u pitanje. 
    "Ona želi da bude spremna za nastupe u Evropi, pa je odlučila da zatraži pomoć", kaže se u izjavi.
    Navodno, njen otac je taj ko je naterao da ponovo ode u kliniku zbog toga što misli da ponovo mnogo pije.
    Njeni menadžeri tvrde da će pevačica na vreme izaći sa klinike kako bi započela evropsku turneju u Beogradu, 18. juna.
    Šta mislte, hoće li koncert Amy Winehouse biti otkazan?


    Although her European tour is supposed to start in less than a month, Amy Winehouse has checked into rehab again, her rep confirmes. Still, there's no change of plans about the concert (for now).
    "She wants to be ready for performances in Europe this summer and decided to seek an assessment", it's said in a statement.
    Supposedly, her father convinced her to check into a clinic because he thinks she drinks too much again. 
    Her managers claim that she'll be out of rehab on for her European tour which is planned to start in Belgrade on June 18.
    What do you think? Will Amy perform this summer? 

    Guardian: Adele najmoćnija ličnost u britanskoj muzičkoj industriji / Adele has been named the most powerful person in the British music industry

    Adele i njen tim proglašeni su najmoćnijim ličnostima u britanskoj muzičkoj industriji na The Music Power 100 listi lista Guardian. Glavni kriterijumi bili su prodaja i uspešnost promocije. Aktuelni album ove pevačice 21 zauzeo je prvo mesto u 15 zemaljda i do sada je prodat u šest miliona primeraka.
    Direktor njene izdavačke kuće XL Records, Richard Russell, tim povodom je rekao:
    "Kada se radi o njoj, poruka je jasna - sve je u muzici. Nema trikova, nema prodaje seksualnosti".  
    Drugo mesto pripalo je Lucianu Grainigeu i Davidu Jospehu, direktorima Universal Music Group i Universal Music UK pod čijim se okriljem nalaze Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber i The Rolling Stones.
    Tvorac X Factora i direktor izdavačke kuće Syco, Simon Cowell, zauzeo je treće mesto.
    Top 10 možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


    Adele and her team have been named the most powerful persons in British music industry in Guardian's The Music Power 100 poll. The list was decided by a music industry panel and focussed mainly on industry figures and the teams behind the success of artists. The singer's latest album 21 went #1 in 15 countries selling 6 million copies to date.
    A head of her label XL RecordsRichard Russell, said:
    "The whole message with her is, it's just music. There's no gimmicks, there's no selling of sexuality".
    The runner-up spoot took Lucian Grainige and David Joseph, CEOs of Universal Music Group and Universal Music UK, a label which is a home to Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber The Rolling Stones.
    X Factor boss and CEO of Syco label, Simon Cowell, took #3 spot.
    Check out top 10 below this post.  

    Top 10:

    1. Team Adele: Label executive: Richard Russell, XL Recordings, Manager: Jonathan Dickins, Publisher: Paul Connolly, Universal Music Publishing Group, Radio plugger: Brad Hunner, Radar Plugging.
    2. Lucian Grainge: Universal Music Group and David Joseph: Universal Music UK
    3. Simon Cowell: Managing Director, Syco
    4. Nigel Harding: Broadcaster, Music policy executive, Radio 1
    5. Person or persons unknown: Retailer: iTunes UK
    6. Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim: Digital media: founders, YouTube
    7. George Ergatoudis: Broadcaster, head of music, BBC Radio 1 and 1Xtra
    8. Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Eric Schmidt: Digital media, co-founders, Google, and their executive chairman
    9. Simon Moran: Live music promoter, managing director, SJM Concerts
    10. Jeff Bezos: Retailer, president and CEO, Amazon.com

    Susan Boyle želi duete sa Lady Gagom, Rihannom i Adele / Susan Boyle wants duets with Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Adele

    Pevačka senzacija emisije Britain's Got Talent Susan Boyle želi da snimi album sa duetima na kome bi se našle i mlade pop zvezde Lady Gaga, Rihanna i Adele, izjavila je pevačica u intervjuu za Daily Records.
    "Želim da uradim album sa duetima i mnogo je ljudi sa kojima bih želela da pevam. Saradnja sa Lady Gagom bila bi zabavna, ali i sa Donnyem Osmnondom. Veoma bih volela da sarađujem i sa Rihannom i Adele", rekla je Susan.
    Susan takođe ima ponudu da sarađuje sa engleskim producentom Labirinthom koji želi da modernizuje njen zvuk. U intervjuu za BANG Showbiz on je rekao:
    "Želim da uradim najbolesniju pesmu na svetu, a to je kombinacija Susan i dubstespa".
    Bilo bi više nego zanimljivo videti i čuti kako bi se Susan snašla sa svim ovim saradnjama.
    Inače, ova YouTube zvezda iza sebe ima dva albuma sa obradama - "I Dreamed a Dream" i "The Gift" koji su prodati u više miliona primeraka širom sveta.


    Britain's Got Talent singing senastion Susan Boyle wants to record an album of duets with young pop stars Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Adele among others, she revealed in an interview for Daily Records.
    "I'd be interested in an album of duets. There are so many people I'd love to sing with. Lady Gaga would be fun. But then, so would Donny Osmond. I really like Adele and Rihanna", Susan said.
    Susan also has an offer from English producer Labirinth who wants to modernize her sound. He told BANG Showbiz:
    "I want to make her the sickest track in the world man - it would be Susan on dubstep".
    It would be more than interesting to see and hear Susan in all these collabs!
    Anyway, this YouTube star has two covers albums in her career - "I Dreamed a Dream" and "The Gift", both with multiplatinum certifications.

    Beyonce predstavila novu pesmu "1 + 1" / Beyonce premieres a new song "1 + 1"

    Beyonce je u finalu emisije American Idol predstavila novu pesmu sa albuma "4" - "1 + 1". Pevačica kaže da joj je ovo omiljena pesma sa novog albuma, pa i ne čudi što je prva na tracklisti.
    Beyonce je pre nastupa otkirla kompletnu tracklistu albuma "4" na svojoj zvaničnoj facebook stranici koju možete videti ispod ovog posta, kao i uživo izvođenje pesme "1 + 1".
    Koja vam se od dve objavljene pesme više sviđa? 


    Beyonce premiered a new song from her upcoming album "4" - "1 + 1" in the final of American Idol. The singer says that this is her favorite track from the new album, so it's not surprising to see it as an opening track.
    Before the performance, Beyonce posted a complete tracklist of "4" to her official facebook page which you can check out below this post + live performance of "1 + 1" as well.
    Which of two released songs do you like more?


    1. " 1+1"
    2. "I Care"
    3. "I Miss You"
    4. "Best Thing I Never Had"
    5. "Party" feat Andre 3000
    6. "Rather Die Young"
    7. " Start Over"
    8. " Love On Top"
    9. "Countdow"
    10. "End Of Time"
    11. "I Was Her"
    12. " Run The World (Girls)"

    WATCH: Taylor Swift - The Story of Us (NEW VIDEO!)

    Popularna američka country pop pevačica Taylor Swift objavila je spot za četvrti singl sa albuma "Speak Now" - "The Story of Us". U ovom simpatičnom spotu možemo videti pevačicu kako se vraća u školu, preciznije biblioteku, i igra devojku koju više zabavlja gomila knjiga nego ljubav. 
    Spot je režirao Noble Jones koji je sarađivao sa grupom HIMMichaelom Bubleom, Mary J. Blige i mnogim drugim.
    Šta mislite o spotu? :)


    A popular American country pop singer Taylor Swift has premiered a video for the 4th single from her album "Speak Now" - "The Story of Us". In this cute video we find the singer returning to school, library more precisely, playing a girl who rather loses herself in the stacks than in love.
    The video is directed by Noble Jones who previously worked with  HIMMichael Buble, Mary J. Blige and many others.
    So, what do you think about the video?

    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    Lady Gaga planira da objavi božićni jazz album / Lady Gaga to release Christmas jazz album

    Lady Gaga je u nedavnom intervjuu za Financial Times otkrila da planira da objavi božićni album inspirisan jazzom. Pevačica o ovome kaže:
    "Mislila sam da bi bilo baš slatko da objavim božićni album sa jazz standardima. Zaista želim to da uradim i već sam razgovarala sa menadžerom".
    Jazz i Lady Gaga? Definitivno zanimljiva kombinacija koju fanovi širom sveta, verujemo, jedva čekaju da čuju, ali moraće da se strpe do kraja godine.
    Do tada mogu da uživaju u njenom aktuelnom albumu Born This Way koji je na putu da bude prodat u oko milion primeraka u Americi u prvoj nedelji zahvaljujući prodaji na sajtu Amazon gde je ovaj album prodavan za 1 (jedan) dolar u mp3 formatu i u prvom danu prodat u 400 hiljada kopija na ovom sajtu. 


    Lady Gaga in a recent interview for Financial Times has revealed that she's planning to release a jazz-inspired Christmas album. The singer about this idea said:
     "I thought it would be really sweet to do a Christmas release of GaGa and the jazz standards. I really want to do it. I've spoken to my manager". 
    Jazz and Lady Gaga?  It's definitely an interesting combination which worldwide fans, we believe, can wait' to hear. Still, they need to hold their breath until the end of the year.
    Until then they can enjoy in her latest album Born This Way which is heading to 1 million copies sold in the USA in the first week thanks to Amazon mp3 store that was selling this album for 1 (one) dollar. It 's reported that the album was sold in ~400k copies in the first week in this store. 

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Billboard: Adele i dalje na vrhu / Adele still tops both main charts

    Dakle, Adele je i dalje na vrhu i liste albuma i liste singlova, objavio je magazin Billboard. Album 21 našao se na prvom mestu po deveti put sa 137 hiljada prodatih primeraka. Ipak, sledeće nedelje će tu poziciju morati da prepusti Lady Gagi i njenom novom albumu Born This Way, za koji se predviđa da će biti prodat u više od 850 hiljada primeraka u prvoj nedelji.
    Najuspešnije novo izdanje ovo nedelje je album rock benda Seether "Holding Onto to Strings Better Left to Fray" na drugom mestu (61 000). Ovo je najbolja pozicija u njihovoj karijeri i najbolja nedeljna prodaja od albuma Karma and Effect koji je prodat u 82 hiljade primeraka u prvoj nedelji.
    U top 10 je još jedan novitet i to je debi album italijanske teen grupe II Volo na desetom mestu sa 23 hiljade prodatih primeraka.
    U top 10 su se vratili albumi grupe Mumford & Sons "Sigh No More" (5. mesto; 25 000) i Justina Biebera "Never Say Never: The Remixes" (8. mesto; 23 000).
    Što se liste singlova tiče, Rolling In the Deep je i dalje #1, kao što smo već rekli, treću nedelju zaredom, a izgleda da ću tu ostati i narednih nedelja. Ova pesma bila je najprodavanija prošle nedelje (297 000) i druga po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
    Dve nove pesme našle su se ove nedelje u top 10 Billboard Hot 100 liste. Veliki evropski hit Party Rock Anthem koji izvode LMFAO, GoonRock i Lauren Bennett napredovala je sa 20. na osmo mesto zahvaljujući digitalnoj prodaji (4. mesto, 163 000).
    Lupe Fiasco dobio je svoj drugi top 10 hit. Pesma The Show Goes On zabeležila je skok sa 12. na deveto mesto. 
    Top 10 listu albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.  


    So, Adele still tops both albums and singles charts, Billboard reported. 21 is #1 album for the 9th non-consecutive week selling additional 137k copies. Still, Lady Gaga will take this position next week as her new album Born This Way is projected to sell more than 850k copies in the first week.
    The most successful new entry this week is an album by a rock band Seether "Holding Onto to Strings Better Left to Fray" at #2 (61k). This is the highest chart position in their career and the best weekly sales since  Karma and Effect in 2005 which was sold in 82k in the first week.
    The only new top 10 entry beside Seether is a debut self-titled album by Italian teen trio II Volo at #10 with 23k copies sold.
    Two albums return to top 10 this week: Momford & Sons' "Sigh No More" (#5; 25k) and Justin Bieber's "Never Say Never: The Remixes" (#8; 23k).
    As for the singles chart, Rolling In The Deep is #1 for the third consecutive week, as we already reported, and it seems that it will stay there in next weeks. This song was the best-selling single last week (297k) and it also took #2 on Radio Songs chart.
    Two songs blast into Hot 100's top 10 this week. A big European hit Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO, Lauren Bennett and GoonRock rises 20-8 thanks to strong digital sales (#4, 163k).
    Lupe Fiasco scores his second top 10 hit as The Show Goes On surges 12-9.
    Check out top 10 albums and singles below this post.

    Top 10 Albums:
    1. (1) Adele - 21 (137k)
    2. (new) Seether - Holding Onto to Strings Better Left to Fray (61k)
    3. (2) Now 38 (50k)
    4. (10) Jason Aldean - My Kinda Party (29k)
    5. (12) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (25k)
    6. (6) Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 (24k)
    7. (3) Lonely Island - Turtleneck & Chain (24k)
    8. (11) Justin Bieber - Never Say Never; The Remixes (23k)
    9. (8) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues (23k)
    10. (new) II Vovo - II Vovo (23k)
    Top 10 Singles:
    1. (1) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
    2. (2) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
    3. (4) Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
    4. (5) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
    5. (6) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
    6. (7) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
    7. (8) Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
    8. (20) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
    9. (12) Lupe Fiasco - The Show Goes On
    10. (9) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now

    Monday, May 23, 2011

    Novi album Lady Gage "Born This Way" od danas u prodaji! / Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" out today!

    Dugoočekivani album Lady Gage "Born This Way" od danas je konačno u prodaji. Album je dostupan u standardnoj i specijalnoj verziji, a samo nekoliko sati po objavljivanju dospeo je do provg mesta itunes lista u gotovo svim zemljama. Više podataka o prodaji trebalo bi da bude poznato sutra, ali se očekuje da u Americi obori sve rekorde prodaje jer se na sajtu Amazon prodaje za samo 0.99$ u mp3 formatu. Zanimljiva strategija koja joj može doneti preko milion prodatih kopija u jednoj nedelji.
    Pa, da li ste preslušali ovaj album i šta mislite?


    A long-awaited Lady Gaga's album Born This Way is finally out today. The album is available in standard and special edition and only few hours after release it topped itunes albums charts in almost every country. More sales data should be available tomorrow, but it's expected that this album break all records in the USA because it's available for only 0.99$ in Amazon mp3 store. it's an interesting strategy that could bring her more than million copies sold in one week.
    So, have you heared this album and what do you think?

    Billboard Music Awards report!

    Nakon četiri godine pauze, Billboard Music Awards se vraćaju na velika vrata. Veliki broj trenutno najpopularnijih muzičkih zvezda okupio se sinoć u Las Vegasu kako bi saznali koji su izvođači bili najuspešniji na Billboardovim listama prošle godine. Naravno, mnogi su priredili i spektakularne nastupe. No, jedno po jedno.
    Show je otvorila Rihanna koja je pevala S&M. Njoj se na sceni pridružila Britney Spears na oduševljenje njenih fanova koji su nedeljama nagađali hoće li se njihova ljubimica pojaviti. Britney se kasnije pridružila i Nicki Minaj kako bi izvele deo remixa Till the World Ends.

    Najviše nagrada odneli su Eminem i Justin Bieber (po 6). Eminem je, između ostalog, osvojio i nagrade za najboljeg izvođača, najboljeg muškog izvođača i najbolji album, dok je Bieber kući otišao sa nagradom fanova i nagradom za najboljeg novog izvođača, između ostalih.
    Za njima nisu zaostale ni Rihanna i Taylor Swift. Rihanna je osvojila nagrade za najboljeg radio izvođača, kao i za najboljeg ženskog izvođača, dok je Swiftova proglašena za najboljeg Billboard Top 200 umetnika.
    Zvezda večeri svakako je bila Beyonce koja je dobila Billboard Millenium nagradu, kao što smo već objavili, a izvela je i svoj aktuelni single Who Run the World (Girls). Tokom prihvatanja nagrade, njen rad preko video bima hvalili su muzički veterani kao što su Barbara Streisand, Stevie Wonder i Bono, ali i prva dama Amerike Michelle Obama.

    U2 su postali dobitnici nagrade za najuspešniju turneju prošle godine 360 koja je nedavno postala i najuspešnija turneja svih vremena.
    Kao što smo već rekli, nastupilo je mnogo izvođača koji su, verujemo, zadovoljili sve muzičke ukuse. Pored već pomenutih, nastupile su i zvezde country muzike Lady Antebellum i Keith Urban, zatim i pop zvezde Ke$ha i Tiao Cruz. Svoje pesme izveli su i One Republic, Cee-Lo Green, R&B diva Mary J. Blige nastupila je zajedno sa Lil Waynom, dok je Pitbull pevao svoj aktuelni hit Give Me Everything. Među izvođačima su bili i The Black Eyed Peas koji su izveli medley svojih najvećih hitova.
    Sve u svemu, jedno zanimljivo veče, bez većih iznenađenja što se nagrada tiče i sa mnogo lepih i neobičnih nastupa.
    Kompletan spisak nagrađenih možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


    After 4-years long break, Billboard Music Awards are back in a big style. Many music stars gathered last night in Las Vegas to find out which acts were the most successful last year in Billboard charts. Some of them also gave extraordinary performances. So, one by one.
    Rihanna opened the show with S&M. Britney Spears joined her on stage, which made Spears' fans happy after many weeks of rummors about whether Britney will perform. She even later returned to perform part of Till the World Ends remix with Nicki Minaj.
    Eminem and Justin Bieber were the biggest winners of the night (each won 6 awards). Eminem, among others, won Top Artist, Top Male Artist and Best Album awards, while Biber took home Fan Favorite and Top New Artist Awards, among others.
    Rihanna and Taylor Swift were not much behind. Rihanna was named for Top Radio Artist and Top Female Artist, while Swift got Billboard Top 200 Artist of the Year award.
    Beyonce was certainly the star of the night. She was honored with Billboard Millenium Award, as we previously reported and she also performed her latest single Who Run the World (Girls). During accaptance, Beyoncé was honored by musical veterans like Barbra Streisand, Bono and Stevie Wonder, as well as First Lady Michelle Obama, in a video montage.   
    U2 won an award for the most successful tour last year 360 which eventually became the most successful tour of all time.
    As we already said before, there were many performers and we beleive everyone found something for themselves. Beside mentioned, there were country stars Lady Antebellum and Keith Urban, pop breakouts Ke$ha Tiao Cruz. Among performers were also One Republic and Cee-Lo Green. R&B diva Mary J. Blige dueted with Lil Wayne, while Pitbull performed his latest hit Give Me Everything. The Black Eyed Peas also performed singing medly of their greatest hits.
    To sum up, it was one interesting music night, without big surprises among awarded followed by nice and unusuall performances.
    Check out the complete winners list below.


    • Top Artist: Eminem
    • Top New Artist: Justin Bieber
    • Top Male Artist: Eminem
    • Top Female Artist: Rihanna
    • Top Duo/Group: Black Eyed Peas
    • Top Billboard 200 Artist: Taylor Swift
    • Top Hot 100 Artist: Katy Perry
    • Top Digital Songs Artist: Katy Perry
    • Top Radio Songs Artist: Rihanna
    • Top Touring Artist: U2
    • Top Social Artist: Justin Bieber
    • Top Streaming Artist: Justin Bieber
    • Top Digital Media Artist: Justin Bieber
    • Top Pop Artist: Lady GaGa
    • Top R&B Artist: Usher
    • Top Rap Artist: Eminem
    • Top Country Artist: Taylor Swift
    • Top Rock Artist: Train
    • Top Alternative Artist: Mumford & Sons
    • Top Latin Artist: Shakira
    • Top Dance/Electronic Artist: Lady GaGa
    • Top Christian Artist: Chris Tomlin

    • Top Billboard 200 Album: Eminem - "Recovery"
    • Top Pop Album: Justin Bieber - "My World 2.0"
    • Top R&B Album: Usher - "Raymond vs. Raymond"
    • Top Rap Album: Eminem - "Recovery"
    • Top Country Album: Taylor Swift - "Speak Now"
    • Top Rock Album: Mumford & Sons "Sigh No More"
    • Top Alternative Album: Mumford & Sons "Sigh No More"
    • Top Latin Album: Enrique Iglesias - "Euphoria"
    • Top Dance/Electronic/Electronic Album: Lady GaGa - "The Fame"
    • Top Christian Album: Skillet - "Awake"

    • Top Hot 100 Song: Taio Cruz - "Dynamite"
    • Top Digital Song: Taio Cruz - "Dynamite"
    • Top Radio Song: Bruno Mars - "Just the Way You Are"
    • Top Streaming Song (Audio): Nelly - "Just a Dream"
    • Top Streaming Song (Video): Justin Bieber ft. Ludacris - "Baby"
    • Top Pop Song: Taio Cruz - "Dynamite"
    • Top R&B Song: Usher ft. will.i.am "OMG"
    • Top Rap Song: Eminem ft. Rihanna - "Love the Way You Lie"
    • Top Country Song: Lady Antebellum - "Need You Now"
    • Top Rock Song: Train - "Hey, Soul Sister"
    • Top Alternative Song: Neon Trees - "Animal"
    • Top Latin Song: Shakira ft. Freshleyground - "Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)"
    • Top Dance/Electronic Song: Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina - "Stereo Love"
    • Top Christian Song: Chris Tomlin - "Our God"

    • Millennium Award: Beyonce Knowles
    • Icon Award: Neil Diamond

    • Viral Innovator Award: Cee-Lo Green
    • Fan Favorite Award: Justin Bieber
    • Heatseeker of the Year: Gentleman Hall

    10 000! Thank you :)

    The World of Pop

    Dragi posetioci,

    Za manje od tri meseca ovaj blog je zabeležio više od 10 000 pregleda i želim da vam se zahvalim na tome. Nadam se da će broj pregleda nastaviti da raste u budućnosti, a ja ću nastaviti da se trudim da među prvima objavljujem najzanimljivije vesti iz sveta pop muzike.
    Naravno, nastavite da čitate, lajkujete, komentarišete, delite linkove sa prijateljima, sugerišete, kritikujete jer mi to mnogo znači.
    Pozivam vas da lajkujete i zvaničnu facebook stranicu bloga, kao i da me pratite na twitteru i tako budete u toku sa svim novim postovima.

    Hvala još jednom, pa da stignemo do milion pregleda uskoro :D


    Dear visitors,

    This blog has scored more than 10 000 views in less than three months and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart.
    I hope that number of views will continue to increase in the future and I'll keep trying to post the most interesting pop music news among the first.
    Of course, keep reading, liking, commenting, sharing, suggesting, criticising because it really means a lot to me.
    I also invite you to like an official facebook page of this blog and follow me on twitter and in this way stay up-to-date with all new posts.

    Thank you once again and I hope we'll reach million views soon :D 

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    UK Charts: Novi-stari album Kate Bush na drugom mestu, prvi #1 single za Pitbulla / Kate Bush's new-old album at #2, first #1 single for Pitbull

    Prvi album legendarne pevačice Kate Bush u poslednjih šest godina Director's Cut debitovao je na drugom mestu ovonedeljne liste najprodavanijih albuma u Velikoj Britaniji. Da podsetimo, ovaj album se sastoji od novih verzija nekih od pesama sa albuma The Sensual World (1989) i Red Shoes (1993). Kate je poslednji studijski album Aerial objavila 2005. godine i ovaj album je stigao do trećeg mesta. Za sada nema zvaničnih informacija kada će Kate objaviti novi album sa originalnim pesmama.
    Kate se na putu do vrha isprečila, pogađate, Adele koja se na ovoj poziciji nalazi već 16. nedelju sa albumom 21.
    Od noviteta tu je i novi album grupe Friendly Fires "Pala" na šestom mestu, što je napredak u odnosu na njihov debi album koji je stigao do 21. mesta.
    Aktuelni album grupe Foo Fighters "Wasting Light" vratio se u top 10 ove nedelje i nalazi se na devetom mestu. 
    Nakon uspeha pesme On a Night Like This, u top 10 je dospeo i album holandske jazz pevačice Caro Emerald "Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor". 
    Što se liste singlova tiče, nakon mnogobrojnih saradnji i uspeha na top-listama, kubanski reper Pitbull dobio je svoj prvi #1 single u Velikoj Britaniji kao glavni umetnik Give Me Everything.
    Nakon nedavnih nastupa u Velikoj Britaniji, pesma "Judas" Lady Gage vratila se u top 10 na osmo mesto. Trenutno su sva četiri singla ove pevačice sa albuma Born This Way među top 20 najprodavanijih.
    Top 10 liste albuma i singlova, pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


    Kate Bush's first album in six years  Director's Cut debuts at #2 in the UK Official Albums Chart. To remind you, this album is created of new versions of some of songs from albums   The Sensual World (1989) and Red Shoes (1993). Kate Bush released her last studio album Aerial in 2005 which reached #3 spot. There's no official confirmation when a new album with original songs will be released.
    Adele blocks Kate's way to the top. Her album 21 #1 for the 16th non-consecutive week.
    From new top 10 entries there is a new album by Friendly Fires "Pala"  at #6 which is a jump compared to their debut album that reached #21.
    The latest Foo Fighter's album Wasting Light returns to top 10 this week at #9. 
    After success of a single On a Night Like This, an album by Dutch jazz singer Caro Emerald  "Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor" also reaches top 10.
    As for the singles chart, after many chart-successful collaborations, Kuban rapper Pitbull finally reaches his first UK #1 single as a lead artist with Give Me Everything.
    After recent performances in the UK, Lady Gaga's Judas returns to top 10 (#8). All four singles from her upcoming album Born This Way are in top 20 at the moment.     
    Check out top 10 Albums & Singles below this post.

    Top 10 Albums:

    1. (1) Adele - 21
    2. (new) Kate Bush - Director's Cut
    3. (3) Adele - 19
    4. (2) Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk
    5. (4) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
    6. (new) Friendly Fires - Pala
    7. (9) Chase & Status - No More Idols
    8. (6) Jessie J - Who You Are
    9. (12) Foo Fighters - Wasting Light
    10. (re) Caro Emerald - Deleted Scenes from the Cutting Room Floor

    Top 10 Singles:

    1. (4) Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
    2. (1) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
    3. (2) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
    4. (9) Aloe Blacc - I Need a Dollar
    5. (5) Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi - Beautiful People
    6. (6) Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory
    7. (3) David Guetta feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj - Where Them Girls At
    8. (11) Lady Gaga - Judas
    9. (8) Snoop Dogg vs David Guetta - Sweat
    10. (7) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor 

    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    Tinie Tempah snima duet sa Adele / Tinie Tempah to record a duet with Adele

    Evo najave za još jednu zanimljivu saradnju u budućnosti. Britanski reper Tinie Tempah potvrdio je da radi na novoj pesmi sa Adele. On kaže da je njen veliki fan i da su dobri prijatelji, te da mu je velika čast što je nedavno sarađivao sa njom u studiju u Los Angelesu. Detalji o pesmi za sada nisu poznati, ali je Tinie obećao da će rezultat njihove saradnje biti fantastičan. 
    Svakao neobična saradnja. Možda možemo da očekujemo nešto u stilu pesme Stan koja je bila veliki hit za Eminema i Dido pre 11 godina. No, videćemo. Više detalja trebalo bi da bude poznato uskoro.


    It seems that another interesting collaboration is around the corner. British rapper Tinie Tempah confirmed that he worked on a new song with Adele. He says that he's a big fan of her, that they're good friends, so he's honored because he has recently got a chance to collaborate with her in his studio in LA. Details about the song are still unknown, but Tinie promises that result of this collab will be amazing.
    This is certainly unusual collaboration. Maybe we can expect something like Stan which was a huge hit for Eminem and Dido 11 years ago. Anyway, we'll find out soon when we get more details.

    Take That objavljuju reizdanje albuma "Progress" / Take That to re-release "Progress"

    Grupa Take That objaviće reizdanje njihovog albuma iz prošle godine Progress čiji je naziv Progressed. Album će biti objavljen 13. juna i na njemu će se naći osam novih pesama, uključujući i pesmu Love Love sa soundtracka filma X Men: First Class.
    Album Progress objavljen je u novembru prošle godine i prodat je u 2 miliona primeraka samo u Velikoj Britaniji. Zanimljivo je da je ovo prvi album sa Robbijem Williamson posle 1995. godine.


    Take That are set to re-release their last year album Progress which title will be Progressed. The album will be released on June 13 and will feature eight new songs, including Love Love from X Men: First Class soundtrack
    Progress was released in November last year and it was sold in 2M copies in the UK only. It's interesting that this is their first album feautring Robbie Williams since 1995.

    WATCH: Beyonce - Who Run the World (Girls) VIDEO! + Album News!

    Dugoočekivani spot Beyonce za pesmu Who Run the World (Girls) nakon mnogobrojnih teasera konačno je premijerno prikazan u emisiji American Idol. Radnja spota smeštena je u apokaliptični svet kroz koji pevačica predvodi svoju armiju. Režiser ovog klipa je Francis Lawrence.
    Pa, šta mislite?
    Beyonce je takođe najavila da će njen novi album 4 biti objavljen 28. juna, a iznad ovog posta možete pogledati omot.
    Poslednji album I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyonce je objavila u novembru 2008. godine i ovaj album je do danas prodat u oko 8 miliona primeraka. Sada ostaje da se vidi kako će publika prihvatiti nove psme. Nadamo se mnogo bolje od prvog singla :) 


    A long awaited Beyonce's video for Who Run the World (Girls) after many teasers has been finally premiered in American Idol. The video which was directed by Francis Lawrence is set in an apocalyptic world in which the singer leads a determined army of suporters.
    So, what do you think about the video?
    Beyonce also revealed that her new album 4 will hit stores on June 28 and you can check out a cover above this post.
    The last album   I Am... Sasha Fierce, Beyonce released in November 2008 and this album has been sold in 8M copies to date. Now let's wait and see how the audience will accept new songs. Hopefully, much better than her first single.

    Wednesday, May 18, 2011

    Forbes: Lady Gaga najmoćnija poznata ličnost na svetu / Lady Gaga the world's most powerful celebrity

    Lady Gaga je proglašena za najmoćniju poznatu ličnost na svetu na Forbesovoj godišnjoj Celebrity Power 100. Ona je zamenila Oprah Winfrey na vrhu koja je četiri godine bile na ovoj poziciji.
    U saopštenju magazina se navodi da se pevačica nalazi na vrhu liste ne samo zbog 90 miliona dolara koliko je zaradila tokom proteklih 12 meseci, već i zbog miliona fanova na društvenim mrežama (32 miliona fanova na Facebooku i 10 miliona pratioca na Twitteru). Dodaje se da su ovi fanovi pomogli da se njen single Born This Way proda u milion kopija za samo pet dana. Što se muzičkih zvezda tiče, u top 10 su i Justin Biber na trećem, U2 na četvrtom, Elton John na petom, Taylor Swift na šestom i Bon Jovi na osmom mestu.


    Lady Gaga has been named as the most powerful celebrity in Forbes' annual Celebrity Power 100 list. She replaced Oprah Winfrey on the top, who has held #1 spot for the past four years.
    A statement from the magazine said:
    "Lady Gaga tops our power list not just because of her $90 million in earnings, but also because of her 32 million Facebook fans and 10 million Twitter followers. Those fans helped move 1 million copies of her hit single, 'Born This Way', in just five days."
    As for music stars, in top 10 are Justin Bieber at #3, U2 at #4, Elton John at #5, Taylor Swift at #6 and Bon Jovi at #8.

    Oprah Show: Madonna, Beyonce i Usher u poslednjoj emisiji / Madonna, Beyonce and Usher in the final show

    Više od 20 000 ljudi okupilo se u United Centru u Chicagu da prisustvuje snimanju poslednjih emisija Oprah Show. Domaćin u prvom satu bio je Tom Hanks, a zatim je stigao i prvi gost Tom Cruise za koga je Oprah rekla da je izgledao kao da ima 10 godina kada je prvi put, 1998. godine, gostovao kod nje.
    Od muzičkih zvezda nastupili su Jackie Evancho iz America's Got Talent koja je sa Joshom Grobanom otpevala Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Zatim se kao gost iznenađenja pojavila Madonna koja je rekla da je Oprah inspirisala mnoge ljude uključujući i nju i da je Oprah i posle 25 godina i dalje na vrhu. Beyonce je izvela svoj novi single Run the World (Girls) (pogledajte ispod ovog posta), dok je show zatvorio Usher koji je pevao O.M.G. praćen simfonijskim orkestrom.
    Naravno, gostovlo je još mnogo poznatih ličnosti, bilo je još mnogo iznenađenja i emotivnih momenata, a sve to možete videti 23. i 24. maja kada će biti prikazane poslednje emisije Oprah Show.
    Hoće li vam Oprah nedostajati?


    More than 20 000 people gathered today in Chicago's United Center to attend taping of last episodes of Oprah Show. Tom Hanks hosted the first hour and as the first guest appeared Tom Cruie for whom Oprah said: "You looked like you were 10 when you on my show in 1988".
    As for music stars, Jackie Evancho (America's Got Talent) performed Somewhere Over the Rainbow with Josh Groban. Madonna showed up as a surprise guest who said: "It's no secret that millions of people are inspired by Oprah. I am one of them. She's a self-made woman who's been at the top of her game for over 25 years and she is still kicking ass".
    Beyonce performed her new single Run the World (Girls) (watch below), while Usher closed the show singing O.M.G. with a full symphony behind.
    Of course, there were many more celebrity guests, many more surprises and emotional moments and you can see all that on May 23 and 24 when the last episodes will be aired.
    Will you miss Oprah?

    Billboard: Adele i dalje na vrhu lista albuma i singlova / Adele still tops both Albums & Singles charts

    Britanska pevačica Adele i dalje je na vrhu Billboardovih glavnih top-lista. Njen aktuelni album 21 prodat je u 156 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje što je bilo više nego dovoljno da se po osmi put nađe na prvom mestu. Ovaj album je do sada prodat u 1.7 miliona primeraka i za sada je jedini album koji je prodat u više od milion primeraka ove godine u Americi.
    Grupa komičara The Lonely Island dospela je do trećeg mesta ove nedelje sa svojim drugim albumom Turtleneck & Chain (68000).  Ovo je napredak u odnosu na njihov debi album Incredibad koji je dospeo do 13. mesta.
    Debi album pevačice Christine Perri "Lovestrong" nalazi se na četvrtom mestu (58000), dok je na petom mestu hip-hoper Tyler, the Creator sa albumom Goblin (45000). Ovo je njegov drugi album, ali prvi koji je dospeo na Billboard Top 200 listu.
    Prvi album grupe Cars u poslednje 24 godine Move Like This debituje na sedmom mestu (36000) i ovo je njihov peti top 10 album.
    Album country pevača Jasona Aldeana "My Kinda Party" vraća se u top 10 jer je prošle nedelje prodat u 28 hiljada primeraka.
    Kao što smo već rekli, Adele je #1 i na Billboard Hot 100 listi. Rolling In the Deep je prošle nedelje prodat u 353 hiljade primeraka, što je druga najbolja nedeljna prodaja ove godine, dok je ova pesma po slušanosti napredovala sa trećeg na drugo mesto.
    Zahvaljujući jakoj digitalnoj prodaji (2. mesto, 266 000), novi single Lady Gage "The Edge of Glory" debitovao je na trećem mestu ove nedelje.
    Single Down on Me koji izvode Jeremih i 50 Cent vraća se u top 10 ove nedelje na 10. mesto.
    Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


    British singer/songwriter Adele still tops both Billboard's main charts. Her album 21 was sold in 156k copies last week which was more than enough to top Albums chart for the eightth non-consecutive week. This album has been sold in 1.7M copies and it's the only album that was sold in more than 1M copies this year in the US for now.
    A comedy troup The Lonely Island reaches #3 this week with their second album Turtleneck & Chain (68k). This is a far better result compared to their debut album Incredibad that peaked at #13.
    A debut album by Christina Perri "Lovestrong" starts at #4 (58k), followed by Tyler, the Creator's "Goblin" at #5 (45k). This is his second album, but the first charting release.
    The first album by pop/rock group Cars in 24 years Move Like This bows at #7 (36k) and this is their fifth top 10 album.
    Thanks to 28k copies sold, an album by country singer Jason Aldean "My Kinda Party" rises 12-10 this week.
    As we already said, Adele tops Billboard Hot 100 chart as well. Rolling In the Deep was sold in 353k digital copies which is the second best weekly sales this year. It also rises 3-2 in Radio Songs chart.
    Thanks to strong digital sales (#2, 266k), Lady Gaga's new single The Edge of Glory arrives at #3 this week.
    Jeremih's single featuring 50 Cent returns to top 10 as it rises 12-10.
    Check out top 10 albums and singles charts below.

    Top 10 Albums:

    1. (1) Adele - 21 (156k)
    2. (3) Now 38 (68k)
    3. (new) The Lonely Island - Turtleneck & Chain (68k)
    4. (new) Christina Perri - Lovestrong (58k)
    5. (new) Tyler, the Creator - Goblin (45k)
    6. (2) Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 (42k)
    7. (new) Cars - Move Like This (36k)
    8. (4) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues (34k)
    9. (5) Jennifer Lopez - Love? (33k)
    10. (12) Jason Aldean - My Kinda Party (28k)

    Top 10 Singles:

    1. (1) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
    2. (2) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
    3. (new) Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory
    4. (8) Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
    5. (4) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
    6. (3) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
    7. (5) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
    8. (6) Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
    9. (10) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now
    10. (12) Jeremih feat. 50 Cent - Down On Me

    Natasha Bedingfield se vraća u Evropu / Natasha Bedingfield returns to Europe

    Britanska pevačica Natasha Bedingfield, poznata po hitovima Unwritten i These Words, vraća se u Evropu nakon četvorogodišnje pauze. U nekoliko evropskih zemalja već je objavljen njen novi album Strip Me Away i ovo je evropska verzija albuma Strip Me koji je krajem prošle godine objavljen u Severnoj Americi. Zanimljivo je da je kao prvi single sa ovog izdanja izabrana pesma Pocketful of Sunshine koja je bila veliki hit pre tri godine. Naime, Natasha je od 2008. godine albume objavljivala samo za američko tržište. Pomenuta pesma je tamo postigla veliki uspeh, ali nije mogla legalno da se kupi u ostatku sveta. Ostaje da se vidi da li je evropska publika zaboravila ovu pevačicu i kako će prihvatiti nove-stare pesme.
    Natasha je poslednji album za evropsko tržište N.B. objavila 2007. godine, dok je u međuvremenu objavila dva albuma za američko - Pocketful of Sunshine i Strip Me.


    British singer/songwriter Natasha Bedingfield, known for hits Unwritten and These Words, returns to Europe after four years. Her new album Strip Me Away has ben already released in few European countries. Strip Me Away is European version of her album Strip Me which was released in North America last year. It's interesting that the first single from this release is Pocketful of Sunshine - a song that was a big hit three years ago. Natasha has released albums only for American market since 2008. and the mentioned song wasn't available in the rest of the world. Now let's wait and see if European audience forgot this singer and how they'll accept her old-new songs.
    Natasha's last album for European market N.B. was released in 2007, while in the meantime she released two albums in America - Pocketful of Sunshine and Strip Me.  

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    LISTEN: Lady GaGa - Hair (NEW SINGLE!)

    Lady Gaga Releases 'Hair' Single Cover (Photo)

    Lady Gaga je u okviru itunes odbrojavanja do novog albuma Born This Way (23. maj) objavila još jedan promo single Hair. Pesmu je radio provereni tim - Lady Gaga  i RedOne, a magazin Rolling Stones je ovaj single opisao kao neobičnu verziju pesme Bad Romance, odnosno mix melodramatičnog hita "We Belong" Pata Benetara i industrijskog metala koji izvode Nine Inch Nails".
    Gaga je prošle nedelje objavila takođe promo single The Edge of Glory koji je zbog uspeha na itunes listama postao treći zvanični single sa albuma Born This Way.
    Poslušajte Hair ispod i recite nam šta mislite!


    Lady Gaga has released a new promo single Hair as a part of itunes countdown to her new album Born This Way (May 23). The song was written by well known team - Lady Gaga and RedOne and Rolling Stones magazine described the track as “an inspirational song in the mold of 'Born This Way,' but it’s a bit weirder, mixing the yearning romantic melodrama of Pat Benetar’s ‘We Belong’ with the hard industrial metal edge of Broken-era Nine Inch Nails”.
    Gaga released another promo single The Edge of Glory which eventually became the third official single from Born This Way due to strong digital downloads.
    Listen to a Hair below and tell us what you think!

    [Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

    UK Charts: Bruno Mars dobija još jedan #1 single, na listi albuma i Dr House / Bruno Mars scores another #1 single, Dr. House in the Albums chart

    Popularni glumac Hugh Laurie, poznat po ulozi Dr Housea u istoimenoj seriji, objavio je blues album Let Them Talk i stigao do drugog mesta britanske liste albuma sa preko 33 hiljade prodatih primeraka. Na putu do vrha isprečila se pevačica Adele. Njen aktuelni album 21 prošle nedelje prodat je u 70 hiljada primeraka i zauzeo je prvo mesto po 15. put od objavljivanja.
    Ovonedeljni top 10 noviteti su i muzika iz serije Glee na sedmom mestu (15438) i The Ultimate Collection grupe Sade na osmom (15184). Album grupe Chase & Status "No More Idols" vratio se u top 10 i ove nedelje zauzima deveto mesto (14272).
    Na listi singlova, Bruno Mars je dobio svoj treći uzastopni #1 single. Lazy Song je posle četiri nedelje dospela na vrh sa  68 hiljada prodatih digitalnih kopija. U top 10 je dospeo i aktuelni single Pitbulla "Give Me Everything" (4. mesto), dok je novi single Lady Gage "The Edge of Glory" na šestom mestu sa više od 40 hiljada prodatih kopija.
    Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


    A popular actor Hugh Laurie, known for his role of Dr. House, released a blues album Let Them Talk and reached #2 in the Albums chart. Adele blocked his way to the top as her album 21 took #1 spot for the 15th week selling additional 70k copies.
    New top 10 entries this week are a new Glee soundtrack at #7 (15438) and The Ultimate Collection by Sade at #8 (14272).
    Bruno Mars gets his third consecutive #1 single in the Singles chart this week. Lazy Song reaches the top after four week thanks to 68k sold digital copies. The latest Pitbull's single Give Me Everything also reaches top ten (#4), while Lady Gaga's new single The Edge of Glory debuts at #6 with more than 40k copies sold.
    Check out top 10 albums and singles below.

    Top 10 Albums:

    1. (1) Adele - 21
    2. (new) Hugh Laurie - Let Them Talk
    3. (3) Adele - 19
    4. (5) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
    5. (2) Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
    6. (4) Jessie J - Who You Are
    7. (new) Glee: The Music Presents the Warblers
    8. (new) Sade - The Ultimate Collection
    9. (12) Chase & Status - No More Idols
    10. (8) Rihanna - Loud
    Top 10 Singles:

    1. (2) Bruno Mars - Lazy Song
    2. (1) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett and GoonRock - Rock Party Anthem
    3. (3) David Guetta feat. Flo Rida & Nicki Minaj - Where Them Girls At
    4. (12) Pitbull feat. No-Yo, Afrojack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
    5. (4) Chris Brown feat. Benny Benassi - Beautiful People
    6. (new) Lady Gaga - The Edge of Glory
    7. (5) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
    8. (6) Snoop Dogg vs David Guetta - Sweat
    9. (10) Aloe Blacc - I Need a Dollar
    10. (9) Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect

    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    Katy Perry godinu dana na američkoj listi singlova / Katy Perry spends an year in the US singles chart

    Katy Perry oborila je rekord iz devedesetih, jer su njene pesme provele više od godinu dana na Billboard Hot 100 listi najpopularnijih singlova u Americi. Počevši od California Gurls, preko Teenage Dream, Firework, pa do poslednjeg hita E.T ,koji je trenutno na drugom mestu, pevačica je provela 52 uzastopne nedelje na ovoj listi (a po svemu sudeći biće ih još mnogo) čime je oborila rekord grupe Ace of Base iz 1993/1994. godine koji su proveli 48 uzastopnih nedelja.
    Zanimljivo je da su sve četiri pesme stigle do prvog mesta. Katy je nedavno objavila još jedan single sa albuma Teenage Dream "Last Friday Night", pa ostaje da vidimo hoće li i ova pesma biti podjednako uspešna i produžiti njen boravak na Billboardovoj listi. 


    Katy Perry has broken a chart record from the early nineties, because her songs have spent more than an year on Billboard Hot 100 chart. Starting from California Gurls, then Teenage Dream and Firework to the most recent hit E.T. (#2 at the moment), the singer has spent 52 consecutive weeks in this chart (and apparantly there will be more) and she broke a record of Ace of Base who spent 48 weks back in 1993/1994.
    It's interesting that all mentioned songs reached #1. Katy has released another single from Teenage Dream recently Last Friday Night so let's wait and see if this song will be equaly successful as previous singles and keep her longer in the chart. 

    Azerbejdžan pobednik takmičenja za Pesmu Evrovizije! / Azerbaijan wins Eurovision Song Contest!

    Nakon uzbudljivog glasanja pobedu na ovogodišnjem takmičenju za Pesmu Evrovizije odneli su Ell/Nikki iz Azerbejdžana sa pesmom Running Scared. Publika i žiri iz 43 zemlje učesnice dodelili su im 221 poen. Iza njih su Raphael Gualazzi iz Italije koja se ove godine vratila na takmičenje i zauzela drugo mesto sa 189 osvojenih poena i Eric Saade iz Švedske na trećem mestu koji je sakupio 185 bodova.
    Azerbejdžan na takmičenju učestvuje od 2008. godine i ovo je njihova prva pobeda.
    Predstavnica Srbije Nina Radojčić sa pesmom Čaroban završila je na 14. mestu sa 85 poena.
    Kompletnu tabelu možete pogledati ovde.
    Dakle, šta mislite o pobedničkoj pesmi?

    After exciting voting, Azerbaijan won this year final of Eurovision Song Contest thanks to their representatives Ell/Nikki and a song Running Scared. Televoters and juries from 43 participating countries awarded them 221 points. Behind them are Raphael Gualazzi from Italy that returned to the contest and took #2 spot with 189 points and Eric Saade from Sweden at #3 with 185 points. 
    Azerbaijan has been the participant from 2008 and this is their first victory.
    A representative of Serbia Nina Radojčić with a song Čaroban (Magical) is at the 14th place with 85 points.
    Check out a complete scoreboard here.
    So, what do you think about the winner?

    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    Večeras finale takmičenja za Pesmu Evrovizije! / Eurovision Song Contest Final tonight!

    Fanovi, da li ste spremni za finale najpopularnijeg muzičkog festivala u Evropi? Predstavnici 25 zemalja boriće se večeras za titulu "Pesma Evrope", a među njima će biti i predstavnica Srbije Nina Radojčić sa pesmom Čaroban. Pretpostavljam da svi već imate svoje favorite, ali ako se još dvoumite evo kratkih isečaka svih pesama! Ovaj pregled snimljen je sinoć tokom generalne probe i biće prikazan večeras.
    Za koga navijate? :)


    Fans, are you ready for another final of the most popular music festival in Europe? Representatives of 25 countires will compete for the Best Song of Europe title, and among them is a representative of Serbia Nina Radojčić with a song Čaroban (Magical). I suppose that you all have chosen your favorites by now, but if you have any doubts check out snipets of all songs that you'll hear tonight. This recap was filmed last night during the final dress rehearsal and will be shown tonight.
    So, who is your favorite? :)

    Friday, May 13, 2011

    LISTEN: Lady Gaga - Judas (HURTS Remix)

    Sledeće nedelje biće objavljen novi EP Lady Gage sa remixima pesme Judas među kojima će se naći i remix popularnog dua Hurts koji će 25. maja nastupiti u Beogradskoj Areni. 
    Poslušajte kako su oni doživeli ovu pesmu i recite nam šta mislite! :)


    EP with remixes of Lady Gaga's Judas will be released next week and among them you'll hear a remix of a popular duo Hurts. Listen below their impression of the song and tell us what you think! :)

    Eurovision Song Contest: Poznati svi finalisti / All finalists decided

    Još 10 finalista Takmičenja za Pesmu Evrovizije odabrano je na sinoć održanoj drugoj polufinalnoj večeri. Nastupili su predstavnici 19, ali je u finalu bilo mesta samo za 10 država i to su: Estonija, Rumunija, Moldavija, Irska, Bosna i Hercegovina, Danska, Austrija, Ukrajina, Slovenija i Švedska. Nije bilo iznenađenja, s obzirom na to da su ovih 10 država činile top 10 i na kladionicama. Oni će se pridržiti odabranim finalistima iz prve polufinalne večeri, kao i predstavnicima takozvane "Velike petorke" - Nemačke, Velike Britanije, Francuske, Španije i Italije.
    U finalu je i predstavnica Srbije Nina Radojčić sa pesmom Čaroban koja će nastupiti pod rednim brojem 24.
    Finale je na programu sutra (u subotu) od 21 sat po centralnoevropskom vremenu.


    10 more finalists of Eurovision Song Contest were decided last night during the second semi-final. Representatives of 19 countries performed, but there were only 10 spots in the final that got: Estonia, Romania, Moldova, Ireland, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Denmark, Austria, Ukraine, Slovenia and Sweden. There were no surprises last night because these countries were betting favorites as well. They will be joined by 10 countries previously decided in the first semi-final and representatives of so-called "Big 5" - Germany, The United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy.
    The representative of Serbia Nina Radojčić with a song Čaroban (Magical) is in the final too and will perform at position 24.
    The final will be aired tomorrow (Saturday) at 9PM CET.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Naziv novog albuma Beyonce je... / The title of new Beyonce's album is...

    Da, dobro ste pročitali - 4. Vrlo inspirativno. Ovo je njen četvrti album, a Beyonce dodaje da je ovaj broj značajan jer je rođena četvrtog, njena majka je rođena četvrtog, mnogi njeni prijatelji su rođeni četvrtog, ona se venčala četvrtog. Shvatili smo. Broj 4 je važan za nju, ali izgleda da je in da se brojevi koriste kao nazivi albuma (vidi pod Adele). 
    Datum objavljivanja četvorke za sada još nije poznat, ali svi jedva čekamo.
    Da podsetimo, Beyonce je već objavila single Who Run the World (Girls) koji nije zavidno prošao na svetskim top-listama, pa se nadamo da će na novom albumu biti uspešnijih (i boljih) pesama.


    Yes, you've read it well - 4. How inspiring is that. This is her fourth album, but Beyonce says that this number means a lot to her, because she was born on 4th, her mother was born on 4th, many her friends were born on 4th, she got married on 4th... Ok, we got it, 4 is important to her, but it seems it becomes a trend to put numbers as album titles (see Adele).
    Still, the release date of 4 remains unknown, but we all are looking forward to.
    To remind you, Beyonce has already released a single Who Run the World (Girls) which hasn't score great results on charts, so we hope that the album features more successful (and better) songs. 

    LISTEN: Take That - Love Love (NEW SINGLE!)

    ttll Listen: Take That premiere new single Love Love

    Popularni britanski bend Take That objavio je novi single Love Love. Ova pesma je zvanični single sa soundtracka filma X Men: First Class.
    Pesmu možete poslušati ispod ovog posta i, naravno, recite nam šta mislite :)


    A popular British band Take That has released a new single Love Love. This is the official single from a soundtrack of X Men: First Class movie.
    Listen to a song below and tell us what you think :)

    Billboard Charts: Adele na vrhu lista i albuma i singlova / Adele tops both albums and singles charts

    Ako ste pomislili da je slava Adele počela da bledi, prevarili ste se. Njeni rezultati pokazuju da je i dalje jedna od najvećih zvezda u Americi trenutno. Njen album 21 i dalje je najprodavaniji i ovo je sedma nedelja kako se nalazi na vrhu. Zahvaljujući Danu majki, ovaj album je prodat u 155 hiljada primeraka prošle nedelje što je za 26% više u odnosu na prethodnu nedelju. Kada su u pitanju ženski izvođači, jedino je Taylor Swift  od 2000. godine imala više nedelja na vrhu sa albumom Fearless iz 2009. godine (11).
    Ove nedelje je čak osam noviteta među 10 najprodavanijih. Na drugom mestu je novi album grupe Beastie Boys "Hot Sauce Committee Part 2" sa 128 hiljada prodatih primeraka. Ovo je njihov prvi studijski album koji promašio #1 poziciju još od 1992. godine i albuma  Check Your Head.
    Druga Now kompilacija za ovu godinu Now 38 nalazi se na trećem mestu sa 124 hiljade primeraka.
    Novi album grupe Fleet Foxes "Helplessness Blues" debitovao je na četvrtom mesto sa 91 hiljadom prodatih primeraka što je napredak u odnosu na njihov prvi album koji je stigao do 36. mesta.
    Jennifer Lopez sa albumom Love? zauzela je peto mesto sa 83 hiljade prodatih primeraka. Njen prethodni album Brave stigao je tek do 12. mesta i ostaje njen jedini album koji je "promašio" top 10.
    Članica benda Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, objavila je novi album posle 10 godina In Your Dreams i stigla do šestog mesta sa 52 hiljade prodatih primeraka. Ovo je njen peti top 10 album u karijeri.
    Druga kompilacije grupe Sade "The Ultimate Sade" nalazi se na sedmom mestu sa 38 hiljada prodatih primeraka i ovo je njihov deveti uzastopni top 10 album koliko su ih i imali u karijeri.
    Na osmom mestu je Musiq Soulchild sa albumom MusiqInTheMagiq. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 35 hiljada primeraka i ovo je treća najbolja pozicija za Musiqa u karijeri.
    Poslednji top 10 novitet je novi album grupe Sixx A.M. "This Is Gonna Hurt" na desetom mestu i 30 hiljada prodatih primeraka, što je napredak u odnosu na njihov debi album koji je stigao tek do 62. mesta.
    Što se Billboard Hot 100 liste tiče, Adele je nakon dve nedelje provedene na drugom mestu zauzela #1 poziciju sa Rolling In the Deep. Ova pesma bila je najprodavanija prošle nedelje (294 hiljade downloada) i treća po slušanosti na radio-stanicama. Adele je tako postala tek osma Britanka u istoriji koja je ostvarila ovaj rezultat. 
    Prošlonedeljni #1 hit E.T. koji izvode Katy Perry i Kanye West pao je na drugo mesto ove nedelje.
    Zahvaljujući nastupu u American Idolu, hit Jennifer Lopez "On the Floor" stigao je do trećeg mesta i ovo je sedmi top 3 hit u njenoj karijeri. Koristi od nastupa u ovoj emisiji imao je i bend Lady Antebellum čiji je novi single Just a Kiss debitovao na sedmom mestu ove nedelje što je rekord za jedan country band kada je prva nedelja u pitanju.
    U top 10 našao se i aktuelni single Pitbulla "Give Me Everything" na osmom mestu i ovo je njegov četvrti top 10 hit.
    Top 10 liste albuma i singlova možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. 


    If you think that Adele's glory is fading, you're wrong. Her results are proving that she's the one of most popular artists in America at the moment. Her album 21 is the best-selling title for the 7th non-consecutive week. Thanks to Mother's Day this album was sold in 155k copies last week (26% up). Only Taylor Swift had more weeks on the top with Fearless in 2008/2009 (11) since 2000.
    There are almost record-breaking eight new entries inside the top 10 this week. Beastie Boys' new album Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 takes #2 spot with 128k copies sold. This is their first studio album that has missed #1 since Check Your Head in 1992.
    The second Now compilation this year Now 38 arrives at #3 with 124k copies sold.
    Fleet Foxes' sophmore album Helplessness Blues debutes at #4 with 91k copies sold which is a jump compared to their first album that reached #36.
    Jennifer Lopez starts at #5 with her new album Love? and 83k copies sold. Her last album Brave reached only #12 and remains her only album that missed top 10.
    Fleetwood Mac member Stevie Nicks released her first album in 10 years In Your Dreams and reached #6 with 52k copies sold. This is her fifth career top 10.
    The second compilation by Sade "The Ultimate Sade" bows at #7 with 38k copies sold. This is their 9th  (the number of albums they've released so far) top 10 album in a row.
    A new album by Musiq Soulchild "MusiqInTheMagiq" debutes at #8 with 35k copies sold. This is the third best chart position for him.
    The last top 10 new entry is a sophmore album by Sixx A.M. "This Is Gonna Hurt" (#10, 30k) which is a huge jump compared to their debut album that peaked only at#62.
    As for Billboard Hot 100 charts, Adele tops it with Rolling In The Deep after two weeks at #2. This was the best-selling song last week (294k) and #3 on Radio Songs chart. Adele has become the eighth British female artist who topped Hot 100.
    Last wek #1 E.T. by Katy Perry and Kanye West slips to #2 after seven weeks.
    Thanks to American Idol performance, Jennifer Lopez' hit On the Floor gets a new peak at #3 and this is her seventh top 3 hit in a career. American Idol performance also helps Lady Antebellum whose new single Just a Kiss debutes at #7 which is a record for a country band when it comes to the debut week.
    The latest single by Pitbull "Give Me Everything" enters top 10 this week at #8 and this is the fourth top 10 hit for him as a lead artist. 
    Check out both top 10 albums and singles charts below.

    Top 10 Albums:

    1. (1) Adele - 21 (155k)
    2. (new) Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 (128k)
    3. (new) Now 38 (124k)
    4. (new) Fleet Foxes - Helplessnes Blues (91k)
    5. (new) Jennifer Lopez - Love? (83k)
    6. (new) Stevie Nicks - In Your Dreams (52k)
    7. (new) Sade - The Ultimate Collection (38k)
    8. (new) Musiq Soulchild - MusiqInTheMagiq (35k)
    9. (3) Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More (32k)
    10. (new) Sixx A.M. - This Is Gonna Hurt (30k)

    Top 10 Singles:

    1. (2) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
    2. (1) Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
    3. (7) Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
    4. (4) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
    5. (5) Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song
    6. (3) Britney Spears feat. Nicki Minaj & Ke$ha - Till the World Ends
    7. (new) Lady Antebellum - Just a Kiss
    8. (13) Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, AfroJack & Nayer - Give Me Everything
    9. (6) Rihanna - S&M
    10. (10) Chris Brown feat. Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes - Look at Me Now