Ako mislite da ja lista top 10 albuma previše alternativna i indie i željni ste više pop zvuka, onda je ovo prava lista za vas - 10 najboljih singlova 2011. godine po mišljenju autora bloga (prodaja i slušanost na radio-stanicama nisu faktori od značaja na ovoj listi).
Dakle.../ If you think that albums list is too indie or alternative, then this is the right list for you - top 10 singles of 2011 (IMO, of course - sales and airplay do not affect this chart). So...
10. Jessie J feat. B.o.B. - Price Tag
Nešto kao Zaz, ali mnogo manje iritantnije. Jessie J je pevačica koja se ove godine izdvojila svojim raskošnim talentom i specifičnim stilom. Poruka ove pesme je jasna - nije sve u novcu, ima nešto i u zabavi, a mi se super zabavljali uz ritmove ovog hita. Najlepše stvari su zaista besplatne / This is something like Zaz, just not that iritating. Jessie J got under a spotlight thanks to her huge talent and an unique style. The song's message is clear - it's not everything about money, there's something in partying too and we were partying so good thanks to a rhythm of this hit. The best things in life are indeed free.
9. Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.
Katy Perry je svojim hitovima ove godine okupirala top-liste svojim hitovima. Izdvojio sam ovu kao nešto potpuno drugačije od svega što je Katy do sada uradila. Nadam se da će i u budućnosti imati ovako zanimljivih eksperimenata. / Katy Perry has occupied charts with her hits. I selected this one because it's totally different than anything Katy recorded in the past. I hope we'll get more experiments like this from her in the future.
8. Jennifer Lopez - Papi
Spoj latino zvuka sa modernom dance muzikom uvek je bila odlična kombinacija za Jennifer Lopez. Kada tome dodate besprekornu produkciju i savršen spot, doživljaj je potpun! / A compond of latino sounds and modern dance music has always been a winning combination for Jennifer Lopez. When you add a flawless production and a perfect video to all that, you get a complete experience.
7. Britney Spears - Till the World Ends
Poruka je jasna - igraj do smaka sveta! Sa gotovo himničnom atmosferom svakako jedna od najmoćnijih dance pesama ove godine. / The message is clear - dance till the world ends! With almost anthemic atmosphere, this is easily one of the most powerful dance songs this year.
6. Florence + The Machine - What the Water Gave Me
Pomalo jeziva, ali u isto vreme prelepa pesma. Tekst govori o ljudima koji su izgubili život u vodi, a melodija i njena specifična interpretacija savršeno su dočarali atmosferu pesme. / Little creepy, but beautiful song in the same time. The lyrics are about people who lost their lives in water. A melody and her unique voice delivered the song's atmosphere perfectly.
5. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
Ova mlada pevačica osvojila je svet svojim moćnim, emotivnim glasom i prelepom ljubavnom pesmom sa snažnom porukom. Još jedan od dokaza da su ljudi ove godine zapravo i slušali muziku. Bilo je lepo videti povratak pravih balada na top-liste. / This young singer conquered the world with her strong, emotional vocal and beautiful song with a strong message. This is another proof that people actually have listened to a real music this year. It was nice to see real balads back on charts.
4. Adele - Someone Like You
Sve što ovu pesmu čini su klavir i glas. A ipak je mnoge dovela do suza, jer su se milioni pronašli u priči o bolnom raskidu. Još kada tome dodate perfektnu interpretaciju Adele... Definitivno najlepša balada ove godine. / This song is only consisted of voice and piano. Still, many were moved to teras, because millions could relate to lyrics about a painful break up. Plus when you add Adele's perfect interpretation to all that... Definitelly the most beautiful ballad this year.
3. Lana Del Rey - Video Games
Otkriće godine za mene. Verovatno nije ni sanjala koliku će popularnost dostići njen amaterski video koji je postavila na YouTube. Glas sexy i hopnotišući u isto vreme u kombinaciji sa mračnom melodijom i tekstom privukli su pažnju miliona ljudi. Siguran sam da će biti jedna od najvećihzvezda 2012. godine. / The best new artist this year for me. She probably couldn't imagine how popular her amateur video will become on YouTube. Sexy and hypnotizing voice combined with dark lyrics and melody got attention of millions. I'm sure she'll be one of the biggest stars of 2012.
2. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
Nezaobilazna pesma na žurkama širom sveta u ovoj godini. Jennider Lopez se vratila u velikom stilu - najvećim hitom u svojoj karijeri. Euforija počinje već kod prvih taktova, tako da je neizostavna pesma i za novogodišnje žurke. Jennifer je još jednom pokazala zašto je kraljica plesnih podijuma. / Unavoidable song on parties this year worldwide. Jennifer Lopez has had the most successful comeback this year - she returned with the biggest hit in her career. Euphoria starts with first tacts, so this song is must have for new year parites. Jennifer proved once again why she's the queen of dance floor.
1. Adele - Rolling In the Deep
Pesma koja je u svakom smislu obeležila 2011. godinu. I danas je možete čuti bukvalno svuda - od klubova do supermarketa. Plus, ovu pesmu obožavaju svi - i kritika i publika. Jedni nemaju dovoljno hvalospeva, dok podaci govore da je ovo ubedljivo najprodavanija pesma ove godine. Moćan glas, moćna pesma, tema u kojoj se svi lako pronađu. Čak se može reći da je ovo himna 2011. / The song that marked 2011. You can still hear it literally everywhere - from clubs to supermarkets. Plus, everyone loves this song - and critics and audience. One can't praise it enough, while sales data shows that this by far the biggest-selling single of 2011. Powerful voice, powerful tune and lyrics that everyone could relate to. You can even say that this is an anthem of 2011.
5. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
Ova mlada pevačica osvojila je svet svojim moćnim, emotivnim glasom i prelepom ljubavnom pesmom sa snažnom porukom. Još jedan od dokaza da su ljudi ove godine zapravo i slušali muziku. Bilo je lepo videti povratak pravih balada na top-liste. / This young singer conquered the world with her strong, emotional vocal and beautiful song with a strong message. This is another proof that people actually have listened to a real music this year. It was nice to see real balads back on charts.
4. Adele - Someone Like You
Sve što ovu pesmu čini su klavir i glas. A ipak je mnoge dovela do suza, jer su se milioni pronašli u priči o bolnom raskidu. Još kada tome dodate perfektnu interpretaciju Adele... Definitivno najlepša balada ove godine. / This song is only consisted of voice and piano. Still, many were moved to teras, because millions could relate to lyrics about a painful break up. Plus when you add Adele's perfect interpretation to all that... Definitelly the most beautiful ballad this year.
3. Lana Del Rey - Video Games
Otkriće godine za mene. Verovatno nije ni sanjala koliku će popularnost dostići njen amaterski video koji je postavila na YouTube. Glas sexy i hopnotišući u isto vreme u kombinaciji sa mračnom melodijom i tekstom privukli su pažnju miliona ljudi. Siguran sam da će biti jedna od najvećihzvezda 2012. godine. / The best new artist this year for me. She probably couldn't imagine how popular her amateur video will become on YouTube. Sexy and hypnotizing voice combined with dark lyrics and melody got attention of millions. I'm sure she'll be one of the biggest stars of 2012.
2. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
Nezaobilazna pesma na žurkama širom sveta u ovoj godini. Jennider Lopez se vratila u velikom stilu - najvećim hitom u svojoj karijeri. Euforija počinje već kod prvih taktova, tako da je neizostavna pesma i za novogodišnje žurke. Jennifer je još jednom pokazala zašto je kraljica plesnih podijuma. / Unavoidable song on parties this year worldwide. Jennifer Lopez has had the most successful comeback this year - she returned with the biggest hit in her career. Euphoria starts with first tacts, so this song is must have for new year parites. Jennifer proved once again why she's the queen of dance floor.
1. Adele - Rolling In the Deep
Pesma koja je u svakom smislu obeležila 2011. godinu. I danas je možete čuti bukvalno svuda - od klubova do supermarketa. Plus, ovu pesmu obožavaju svi - i kritika i publika. Jedni nemaju dovoljno hvalospeva, dok podaci govore da je ovo ubedljivo najprodavanija pesma ove godine. Moćan glas, moćna pesma, tema u kojoj se svi lako pronađu. Čak se može reći da je ovo himna 2011. / The song that marked 2011. You can still hear it literally everywhere - from clubs to supermarkets. Plus, everyone loves this song - and critics and audience. One can't praise it enough, while sales data shows that this by far the biggest-selling single of 2011. Powerful voice, powerful tune and lyrics that everyone could relate to. You can even say that this is an anthem of 2011.
Slazem se. "Rolling in the deep" je svakako hit godine.
ReplyDeleteTill The World Ends <3 <3 <3 <3 bi bio jos veci hit da su ljudi bili u stanju da priznaju da ju slusaju,znam toliko ljudi koji vole ovu pjesmu ali nikad to ne bi priznali....................plus bila b jos veci hit da ju je Brit bila u stanju ili htjela promoviisati............
ReplyDelete"Till the world Ends" je moja omiljena pesma iz 2011. godine. I svakako jedna od najboljih Britneynih pesama.