Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Oprah Show: Madonna, Beyonce i Usher u poslednjoj emisiji / Madonna, Beyonce and Usher in the final show

Više od 20 000 ljudi okupilo se u United Centru u Chicagu da prisustvuje snimanju poslednjih emisija Oprah Show. Domaćin u prvom satu bio je Tom Hanks, a zatim je stigao i prvi gost Tom Cruise za koga je Oprah rekla da je izgledao kao da ima 10 godina kada je prvi put, 1998. godine, gostovao kod nje.
Od muzičkih zvezda nastupili su Jackie Evancho iz America's Got Talent koja je sa Joshom Grobanom otpevala Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Zatim se kao gost iznenađenja pojavila Madonna koja je rekla da je Oprah inspirisala mnoge ljude uključujući i nju i da je Oprah i posle 25 godina i dalje na vrhu. Beyonce je izvela svoj novi single Run the World (Girls) (pogledajte ispod ovog posta), dok je show zatvorio Usher koji je pevao O.M.G. praćen simfonijskim orkestrom.
Naravno, gostovlo je još mnogo poznatih ličnosti, bilo je još mnogo iznenađenja i emotivnih momenata, a sve to možete videti 23. i 24. maja kada će biti prikazane poslednje emisije Oprah Show.
Hoće li vam Oprah nedostajati?


More than 20 000 people gathered today in Chicago's United Center to attend taping of last episodes of Oprah Show. Tom Hanks hosted the first hour and as the first guest appeared Tom Cruie for whom Oprah said: "You looked like you were 10 when you on my show in 1988".
As for music stars, Jackie Evancho (America's Got Talent) performed Somewhere Over the Rainbow with Josh Groban. Madonna showed up as a surprise guest who said: "It's no secret that millions of people are inspired by Oprah. I am one of them. She's a self-made woman who's been at the top of her game for over 25 years and she is still kicking ass".
Beyonce performed her new single Run the World (Girls) (watch below), while Usher closed the show singing O.M.G. with a full symphony behind.
Of course, there were many more celebrity guests, many more surprises and emotional moments and you can see all that on May 23 and 24 when the last episodes will be aired.
Will you miss Oprah?

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