Tuesday, May 3, 2011

LISTEN: Lady Antebellum - Just a Kiss (NEW SINGLE!)

Country bend Lady Antebellum. koji je postao poznat zahvaljujući hit singlu Need You Now sa istoimenog albuma i koji je pokupio najveći broj Grammy nagrada ove godine, objavio je novi single Just a Kiss. Ovo je prvi single sa njihovog novog albuma koji bi trebalo da bude objavljen ove godine. Bend će premijerno izvesti pesmu ovog četvrtka u emisiji American Idol. Još jedan veliki hit? Poslušajte i procenite sami :)


Country band Lady Antebellum, that rose to fame thanks to their hit single Need You Now from an album with a same name and that won most Grammys this year, has released a new single Just a Kiss. This is the first single from their upcoming album that should be released this year. The band will perform the song live this Thursday on American Idol. Another big hit for them? Listen below and judge yourself :) 


  1. Awsome you ROCK!!!!! Keep up the new music it's absolutley fabulous!!!!!! Listen to it everyday!

  2. Bas mi se svidja! Nisam cula do sad uopste.
    Super je blog,tek sad ga otkrih:)Pratim te!:)

  3. Sve pohvale za blog.
    Izlistala sam ga do kraja (prvog posta). :D

  4. Hvala mnogo :) Baš mi je drago da to čujem.
