"Smatrao sam da je to nepristojno, pa sam ih zamolio da prestanu. Razgovarao sam sa Rihannom i nadam se da me razume. Ja zaista ne znam ko je Rihanna, ali mislim da bi ona i njen tim trebalo bolje da se upoznaju sa religijom", rekao je farmer.
Pevačica nije samo uznemirila svog domaćina, već je tokom snimanja zaustavljen saobraćaj jer su mnogi zastali da vide o čemu se radi što je, naravno, razljutilo one koje to nije interesovalo.
Njen tim je prokomentarisao da je spot ekranizacija stihova koji su napisani tri godine pre nereda u Londonu i sa tim nemaju nikakve veze.
Both stars are shooting their new videos in the UK, and both faced problems with a local community. Alan Graham, a farmer in Bangor count in Northern Ireland, allowed Rihanna to shoot a video for "We Found Love" at his property. But, as soon as she stripped down, he asked her to get dress.
"I thought it was inappropriate. I requested them to stop. I had my conversation with Rihanna and I hope she understands where I'm coming from. I don't know who Rihanna is, but perhaps they could acquaint themselves with a greater God", the farmer explained.The singer didn't only upset the farmer, but she also stopped a traffic while shooting, because many people wanted to see what was all about. Of course, people who weren't interested weren't happy with this traffic jam.
In the other side, Britney Spears, who has shot a video for "Criminal" in London is also facing with certain protests. In one scene we can see the singer burgularazing a store. After pictures of the pop star packing a pistol as she flees a London-area building went online, East London's habitants claimed that the image of Brit gripping a gun glamorizes violence and, in the aftermath of the widespread riots that rattled the nation last month, the pop star should "apologize ... for the rudeness and damage that she's done to our community".
Her team responded that the video literally plays out the lyrics of a song written three years before the riots ever happened and that they're not connected with mentioned events in any way.
Zatucani :D