Nakon višednevnog dopisivanja na twitteru sa fanovima o tome kakav će biti njen novi album, Rihanna je otkrila ime prvog singla i deo teksta. Pesma će se zvati "We Found Love" i, sudeći po sajtu AllAccess, biće poslata radio-stanicama 11. oktobra kada će, pretpostavljam, biti objavljena i na iTunesu. Producent ove numere je poznati škotski muzičar Calvin Harris. Rihanna je tvitovala deo teksta i, između ostalog, rekla kako će album biti u gangsta fazonu. Takođe je potvrdila da će spot za pesmu snimiti u decembru. Sve ovo je, naravno, izazvalo ogromno oduševljenje fanova pevačice, posebno zbog toga jer nisu očekivali novi album tako brzo.
After many replies on twitter to her fans about a new album, Rihanna has revealed a name of the first single and a part of lyrics. The song's title is "We Found Love" and, according to AllAccess, will be sent to radios on Oct 11. The same day, I assume, the song will be released to iTunes too. A producer of this track is a famous Scotish musician Calvin Harrs. Rihanna also tweeted the part of the lyricis and, among other rhings, said that the new album will be in "gangsta" style. She has also confirmed that she'll shoot a video for this song in December. All this has got more than warm reactions from her fans, especially because they didn't expect the new album that soon.
rihanna Rihanna
Sometimes it feels like we find love in the most hopeless place
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