Rihanna je neumorna, to smo odavno zaključili. Iako ima samo 23 godine, ova mlada zvezda će uskoro objaviti svoj ŠESTI studijski album. Na pitanje fana na twitteru kada će novi album biti objavljen, ona je odgovorila: "Ove jeseni!"
Od kada je objavila svoj prvi album, "Music of the Sun", 2005. godine, Rihanna je svake godine, osim 2008, objavljivala po jedan album. S obzirom na to da je poslednji singl sa albuma "Loud", "Cheers (Drink to That)", i dalje aktuelan, pa fanovi neće morati dugo da čekaju pre nego što vide novu pesmu na top-listama.
Rihanna is tiredless, we have already concluded that. Although she's only 23, this young star will soon release her SIXTH studio album. She tweeted a response to one of her followers asking "When's the next album due?" with "THIS FALL!!!!!"
Since her debut, "Music of the Sun", in 2005 she has released albums every year, except in 2008. Her latest single, "Cheers (Drink to That)", from an album "Loud" is still a big hit, so fans won't wait long to see a new song on charts.
Since her debut, "Music of the Sun", in 2005 she has released albums every year, except in 2008. Her latest single, "Cheers (Drink to That)", from an album "Loud" is still a big hit, so fans won't wait long to see a new song on charts.
Aaaaaaaa! Jedva cekaaaaam! :)))