Thursday, September 15, 2011

No Doubt odlažu objavljivanje novog albuma / No Doubt delay new album release

Iako je prvobitno bilo planirano da povratnički album grupe No Doubt bude objavljen do kraja godine, to se neće dogoditi. Članovi benda su na svom zvaničnom sajtu napisali da album neće biti završen do naredne godine.
"U idealnim uslovima naš novi album bi bio objavljen ove godine, ali još nije spreman. Ne želimo da žurimo samo da bismo ga objavili. Ova kolekcija pesama nam znači sve i naš jedini prioritet u ovom trenutku jeste da napravimo najbolji mogući album. Za to je potrebno još vremena. Volimo naše fanove, ovo radimo zbog vas i vaša podrška i strpljenje nam mnogo znači", stoji u saopštenju.
Bend je poslednji studijski album, "Rock Steady", objavio 2001. godine. Ovaj album magazin Rolling Stones je uvrstio među 500 najboljih albuma svih vremena. 


Although it was originally planned that No Doubt's comeback album be released by the end of the year, that won't happen. Band members posted on their official website that the album won't be ready until the next year.
"Ideally our new record would be coming out this year but it's just not ready yet. We don't want to rush this album just to get it out. This collection of songs means everything to us and our only priority right now is to make sure that it's the best album we can possibly make. There is still more work for us to do. We love our fans and are doing this for your ears and want you to know how much we appreciate your patience and support", they stated.
The band released their last album, "Rock Steady", back in 2001. This album was included in Rolling Stones' "Top 500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list.

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