Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PJ Harvey osvojila Mercury nagradu! / PJ Harvey wins Mercury Prize

PJ Harvey won the Mercury prize for Let England Shake

Engleska pevačica PJ Harvey osvojila je Mercury nagradu za najbolji britanski album. Za ovu prestižnu nagradu, koju dodeljuju muzički stručnjaci, bilo je nominovano 11 izdanja, a PJ Harvey je nagrađena za njen osmi studijski album "Let England Shake". Ovo je drugi put da je PJ Harvey nagrađena. Isto priznanje dobila je i pre 10 godina, ali nije mogla da prisustvuje dodeli zbog toga što se nalazila u Vašingtonu, baš za vreme napada 11. septembra. 
"Drago mi je što sam ovde ovoga puta. Pre 10 godina sam gledala kroz prozor kako Pentagon gori", rekla je ona.
Svi nominovani izvođači nastupili su na ceremoniji, osim Adele koja ima bronhitis.


English singer PJ Harvey has won Mercury Prize for the best British album. For this prestigious prize, awarded by music experts, 11 releases were nominated and PJ Harvey has won it for her 8th studio album "Let England Shake". This is not the first time she's awarded. She won the same prize 10 years ago, but then she was in Washington D.C. during 9/11 events.
"I'm glad I can be here this time. 10 years ago I was looking out of my hotel window looking at the Pentagon burn", she said.
All nominated artists performed at the ceremony apart from Adele who's suffering from bronchitis.

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