Thursday, November 24, 2011

Elbow snimaju BBCjevu olimpijsku temu / Elbow to record BBC's Olympics theme

Photo: Photo: PA

Grupa Elbow odabrana je da snimi BBCjevu temu za predstojeće Olimpijske igre koje će se održati u Londonu sledeće godine. Oni su iskomponovali šestominutnu numeru koju će britanska nacionalna televizija koristiti tokom prenosa Olimpijade.
Frontmen benda Guy Garvey je za BBC News izjavio:
"Malo je reći da smo oduševljeni što smo deo ovoga, ovo je veliki izazov. Imamo osećaj velike odgovornosti, jer će slike ličnog žrtvovanja i napora sportista dok nacija navija i slavi sa našim timom biti praćena našom muzikom".


Elbow have been chosen to record BBC's theme for the London 2012 Olympic Games. They have composed a six-minute long track which will be used by the British national TV station as the theme for all their Olympic coverage.
The band's frontman Guy Garvey said in an interview for BBC News:
"We are knocked out to be involved and it's been quite a challenge. We have feelings of real responsibility as we will be the soundtrack to so many images of personal sacrifice and endeavour while the nation roots for and celebrates with Team GB."

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