Monday, November 7, 2011

RedOne sarađuje sa U2 / RedOne working with U2

Ako ste pomislili da U2 očajno žele veliki komercijalni uspeh - niste pogrešili. Producent nekoliko novih pesama na novom albumu biće RedOne - čovek koji stoji iza hitova Lady Gage, Jennifer Lopez i Pitbulla
"Uradili smo nekoliko fantastičnih pesama. Šokantne su! Pustio sam neke od njih Michaelu Stipeu (REM) i bio je u fazonu: 'Šta? Pa ovo uopšte ne zvuči kao U2!" (u šta uopšte ne sumnjam, prim. aut.), rekao je fronten benda, Bono.
Zbog novih pesama uzbuđen je i basista Adam Clayton koji je mislio da će novi album biti sličan prethodnom, "No Line On the Horizon", ali su se, kako kaže, odlučili za novi (isplativiji, prim. aut.) pravac.
Za sada nije poznato kada će novi album biti objavljen.


If you thought that U2 are desperate for a huge comercial success - you're not wrong. A producer of few songs from their upcoming album is RedOne - a man behind hits of Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull
"We've done some amazing work with RedOne. it's shocking. I just played the tracks to Michael Stipe (REM). He was like, 'What?!' It doesn't sound like U2,' (I have no doubts) Bono enthused.
Bassist Adam Clayton is also excited about the songs. He explained the band initially thought their new work would be like their previous album, "No Line On the Horizon", but they've now gone in another (read: more profitable) direction.
For now it's unknown when the band's new album will be released.

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