Ako ste mislili da je Katy Perry odustala od svog istorijskog šestog #1 singla, prevarili ste se. Pošto ni remix ni akustična verzija nisu pomogli pesmi "The One That Got Away" da stigne do prvog mesta američke liste singlova, pevačica se odlučila za uobičajenu pojavu u pop svetu - reizdanje. U slučaju da sa ovog izdanje (napokon) dobije taj #1 singl, računaće se kao da je sa originalnog albuma. Za neupućene, Michael Jackson i Katy Perry su trenutno izjednačeni po broju #1 singlova sa jednog albuma (pet), ali Katty već mesecima pokušava da taj rekord dobije samo za sebe.
Reizdanje albuma, nazvano "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection" naći će se u prodaji 13. marta, a Katty trenutno sa producentom Trickyjem Stewartom dorađuje pesme koje se nisu našle na originalnoj verziji albuma. Stewart posebno ističe pesmu "Dressing Up" za koju veruje da će biti veliki hit. Ipak, lista novih pesama koje će se naći na reizdanju za sada nije poznata.
If you thought that Katy Perry gave up from her historical #1 single, you thought it wrong. Because neither a remix nor acoustic version helped her tune "The One That Got Away" to reach #1 on Billboard Hot 100 chart, the singer decided to take an usual move in pop world - to re-release her album. In case that she (finally) scores #1 from this re-release, it will be counted as #1 from the regular edition. For those who are not informed, Michael Jackson and Katy Perry have the same number of #1 hits from a single album (five), but obviously Katy wants this record only for herself and she's been trying to get it for months.
The re-release, titled "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection", will be released on March 13, and Katy is in the studio at the moment with a producer Tricky Stewart working on songs that didn't make the original cut. Stewart shed light on one particular song, "Dressing Up", for which he believes it will be a big hit.
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