Thursday, January 5, 2012

OH NO SHE DIDN'T! Ke$ha oživljava rock 'n' roll / Ke$ha to revive rock 'n' roll

Ke$ha ili Autotunesh$a je u novu godinu ušla sa misijom da oživi rock 'n' roll (?). To planira da uradi njenim novim albumom u obliku pop muzike (???).
"Ja se ne slažem sa tim, ali ljudi kažu da je rock 'n' roll mrtav i moja misija je da ga oživim u obliku pop muziike. To mi je cilj. Videćemo šta će se desiti. To je veoma ambiciozan cilj, ali je moj cilj", rekla je ona (verovatno kroz autotune).
O novom albumu, koji će biti objavljen kasnije ove godine, dotična je rekla.
"Na novom albumu možda ćete čuti više ranjivosti u mom glasu. Kada sam obradila pesmu Boba Dylana, shvatila sam da ta ranjivost može predstavljati neverovatnu snagu i biti balans drugoj strani moje ličnosti. Tokom tri godine, koliko sam u poslu, naučila sam da ranjivost ne znači slabost. Veoma mi je stalo da me vide kao jaku ženu, ali sam shvatila da ranjivost može biti i snaga (shvatili smo, prim. aut.), tako da će biti malo više toga na sledećem albumu. Međutim, ne planiram da uradim akustični i tužan album".
Molim vas da je neko obavesti da to što je štrokava je ne čini rokerkom. Posebno ne sa pesmama poput ove u nastavku posta.


Ke$ha or Autotunesh$a entered a New Year with a mission to revive rock 'n' roll (?). She plans to do that with her new album in the form of pop music (???).
"I feel like I don't necessarily agree, but people say that rock and roll is dead, and it is my mission and my goal to resurrect it in the form of my pop music. That's the goal. We'll see what happens. That's a very ambitious and lofty goal, but that's my goal", she said (probably through autotune).
She also spoke about her new album, to be released later this year.
"You might hear a little bit more vulnerability on the next record 'cause I have realized just from this Dylan cover coming out that it can be such a strength and a nice balance to humanize the other side of my personality. I have learned over the past three years of doing this that being vulnerable doesn't mean you're weak. I very much want to be seen as a strong woman, but I realize that vulnerability can also be a strength (WE GOT IT!). So on my next record, you are going to hear probably a little more of that. I'm not going to make an acoustic, sad entire record."
Please, can someone inform her that dirty clothes don't make her a rocker. Especially, not with songs like the one you can hear below.

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