Amy Winehouse pronađena je mrtva jutros u svom stanu u Londonu. Policija za sada ne objavljuje uzrok smrti, ali se pretpostavlja da je u pitanju predoziranje.
Pevačica se godinama neuspešno borila sa zavisnošću od alkohola i droge, a takođe je imala i poremećaj ishrane.Njeni prijatelji kažu da je poslednjih nekoliko nedelja bila užasno depresivna, da se zatvorila u svoj stan i ni sa kim nije želela da razgovara. Komšije su je često čule kako priča sama sa sobom. U kakvom je stanju bila govori i njen poslednji koncert koji je održala u Beogradu.
Nažalost, Amy se pridružila neslavnom "Klubu 27" - grupi muzičara koji su preminuli u 27. godini (Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrisson, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix i gitarista grupe Rolling Stones, Brian Jones).
Iza sebe ima dva albuma "Frank" i "Back to Black" koji joj je doneo ogromnu popularnost, ali čini se, i veliki pritisak.
Ova dva albuma za mene ostaju remek-dela moderne muzičke produkcije, a za svet večni podsetnik na jednog velikog umetnika i jedan neverovatan talenat koji je zauvek ugašan.
Počivaj u miru...
Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her flat in London. The cause of death hasn't been given, but it's believed it's an overdose.
The singer had struggled for years with drink and drug addiction and with a nutrition disorder as well. Her friends say that she'd been very depressed lately, she'd been locked in her flat for weeks not talking to anyone. Neighbours could often haer her talking with herself. It was clear that she'd been in a very bad condition during her last concert in Belgrade.
Unfortunately, Amy has become a member of an infamous "Club 27" - a group of musicians who died aged 27 (Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrisson, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and a guitarist of Rolling Stones, Brian Jones).
She released two albums - "Frank" and "Back to Black" that brought her an enormous popularity, but it seems, a big preasure as well.
For me, these two albums will remain classics of modern music history and for the world an eternal reminder of the great artist and the great talent that vanished.
Rest in Peace...
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