Iako je trenutno u Americi gde promoviše svoj aktuelni album 21, Adele je i dalje neprikosnovena na top-listima u svojoj domovini. Ona je ove nedelje postala prvi ženski izvođač čiji albumi zauzimaju prvo i drugo mesto na britanskoj listi albuma. Album 21 već je petu nedelju na vrhu, dok se njen debi album 19 ove nedelje našao na drugom mestu.
Treću poziciju zadržala je Rihanna sa albumom Loud. Jedini novitet među top 10 albuma je muzika iz serije Glee - Season 1, Vol. 4 na četvrtom mestu. Prošlogodišnji album grupe Mumford & Sons - Sigh No More, pao je sa drugog na peto mesto. Aktuelni album Bruna Marsa - Doo Wops & Hooligans, nakon 6 nedelja ispao je iz top 5 i našao se na šestom mestu. Za po jednu poziciju pali su i dobitnici BRIT nagrada. Tinie Tempah sa albumom Disc-Overy našao se na sedmom, dok se Plan B našao na osmom mestu sa albumom The Defamation of Strickland Banks. Cee-Lo Green se zahvaljujući nastupu na dodeli BRIT nagrada vratio u top 10 sa albumom The Lady Killer - 9. mesto. Na desetom mestu našao se JLS sa albumom Outta This World.
Adele dominira i listom singlova. Pesma Someone Like You zadržala je prošlonedeljnu prvu poziciju, dok je prvi single sa albuma 21 - Rolling In The Deep zadržao četvrtu. Pesma Price Tag koju izvode Jessie J i B.o.B. i dalje je na drugom mestu, dok je Rihannin novi single napredovao 3 pozicije i zautavio se na trećem mestu. Peto mesto takođe nepromenjeno - Chipmunk feat Chris Brown i pesma Champion. Jedini novitet ove nedelje među top 10 singlova je pesma Good Girl koju izvodi Alexis Jordan. Grenade Bruna Marsa i dalje je na sedmom mestu, dok je aktuelni single Lady Gage - Born This Way pao za 5 pozicija i našao se na osmom mestu. Chris Brown sa Yeah 3X i ove nedelje je na devetom mestu, dok je Pink sa pesmom Fuckin Perfect napredovala sa 13. na 10. mesto.
Although she's in America at the moment where she's promoting her latest album 21, Adele is still a queen of UK charts. She became the first female solo artist who has #1 and #2 in the same week on album chart. 21 is on the top for the fifth week in a row, while her debut release 19 took #2 position.
Rihanna kept #3 spot with Loud. Glee - Season 1, Vol. 4 soundtrack is the only new release in top 10 at #4. Last year album Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons fell from #2 to #5. Bruno Mars' album Doo Wops & Hooligans fell from top 5 after 6 weeks - #5. BRIT awards winners also fell one position. Tinie Tempah with an album Disc-Overy is #7, while Plan B's The Defamation of Strickland Banks is #8. BRITS performance helped Cee Lo Green's album The Lady Killer to get back to top 10 at #9. JLS with an album Outta This World is #10 this week.
Adele dominates the singles chart as well. She kept last week #1 with Someone Like You, while 21's first single Rolling In the Deep kept #4. Price Tag by Jessie J and B.o.B. holds #2. Rihanna's new single S&M advanced three positions to #3. Unchanged position for Chipmunk feat Chris Brown and theor single Champion. Good Girl by Alexis Jordan is the only new single in top 10 this week - #6. Bruno Mars' Grenade kept #7, while Lady Gaga's Born This Way fell 5 positions and end up at #8. Chris Brown with Yeah 3X is #9 again. Pink with Fuckin Perfect raised 3 positions to #10.
Although she's in America at the moment where she's promoting her latest album 21, Adele is still a queen of UK charts. She became the first female solo artist who has #1 and #2 in the same week on album chart. 21 is on the top for the fifth week in a row, while her debut release 19 took #2 position.
Rihanna kept #3 spot with Loud. Glee - Season 1, Vol. 4 soundtrack is the only new release in top 10 at #4. Last year album Sigh No More by Mumford & Sons fell from #2 to #5. Bruno Mars' album Doo Wops & Hooligans fell from top 5 after 6 weeks - #5. BRIT awards winners also fell one position. Tinie Tempah with an album Disc-Overy is #7, while Plan B's The Defamation of Strickland Banks is #8. BRITS performance helped Cee Lo Green's album The Lady Killer to get back to top 10 at #9. JLS with an album Outta This World is #10 this week.
Adele dominates the singles chart as well. She kept last week #1 with Someone Like You, while 21's first single Rolling In the Deep kept #4. Price Tag by Jessie J and B.o.B. holds #2. Rihanna's new single S&M advanced three positions to #3. Unchanged position for Chipmunk feat Chris Brown and theor single Champion. Good Girl by Alexis Jordan is the only new single in top 10 this week - #6. Bruno Mars' Grenade kept #7, while Lady Gaga's Born This Way fell 5 positions and end up at #8. Chris Brown with Yeah 3X is #9 again. Pink with Fuckin Perfect raised 3 positions to #10.
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