Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lady Gaga poredi nove pesme sa heroinom / Lady Gaga compares new songs with heroin

Lady Gaga je, komentarišući svoj novi album za, u šali rekla da je prvi single Born This Way "kanabis" u poređenju sa nekim drugim pesmama na albumu koje su "kao heroin". Ona dodaje da je album raznolik, da se na njemu nalaze "svetle" pesme kao što je Born This Way, ali i da ima veoma mračnih i da bi svaka od njih mogla da postane veliki hit. 
Jedan od njenih favorita je poslednja pesma na albumu - Marry the Night koju je uradila sa Fernandom Garibayom. Ova pesma je prvobitno bila planirana kao prvi single i Gaga kaže da misli da je to zvuk budućnosti.
Album Born This Way naći će se u prodaji od 23. maja.


Lady Gaga, commenting her new album for, jokingly said that the first single Born This Way is "cannabis" compared to other songs on album which are like "heroin". She adds that her new album varies from "light" songs like Born This Way to darker tunes and each of them could be a big hit acording to her.
One of her favorites is a closing album track Marry the Night which she produced with Fernando Garibay. This song originally was planned as the first single and Gaga thinks that it embodies what she feels will be the sound of the future.
Album Born This Way is released on May 23.

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