Remix album kanadske pop senzacije Justina Biebera - Never Say Never: The Remixes debitovao je na prvom mestu Billboard Top 200 liste sa oko 160 hiljada prodatih primeraka. Zanimljivo je da je ovo tek drugi remix album u istoriji američke top-liste albuma koji se našao na prvom mestu. Prvi je bio remix album Jennfier Lopez J to tha L–O!: The Remixes, objavljen 2002. godine. Ovo je i drugi #1 album za Bibera nakon što je njegov album My World 2.0 takođe debitovao na prvom mestu u martu prošle godine. Izgleda da Biebermania ne jenjava...
I ove nedelje na drugom mestu su se zadržali Mumford & Sons sa albumom Sigh No More (133 000). Kompilacija Now 37, sa prošlonedeljne prve, pala je na treću poziciju (95 000), dok se na ostatku liste primećuje efekat Gremija. Tako se na četvrtom mestu našao prošlogodišnji album petostrukih dobitnika Gremija Lady Antebellum - Need You Now (85 000). Album Bruna Marsa - Doo-Wops & Hooligans napredovao je jednu poziciju i našao se na petom mestu (61 000). Šesto mesto rezervisano je za Eminemov Reckovery, dok je na sedmom mestu kompilacija Grammy 2011. U top 10 je i već pomenuti My World 2.0 Justina Biebera, na osmom mestu, debi album Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday, na devetom, i aktuelni Rihannin album Loud na desetom mestu.
A remix album by Canadian pop sensation Justin Beiber - Never Say Never: The Remixes debuted at #1 on Billboard Top 200 chart with around 160k copies sold. It's interesting that this is the second remix album in the history of American albums chart that reached #1. The first was J. Lo remix album J to tha L–O!: The Remixes, released in 2002. This is also the second #1 for Bieber after his studio album My World 2.0 also debuted at #1 in March last year. It seems that Biebermania doesn't slow down.
Mumford & Sons kept last week #2 position with their album Sigh No More (133k). Now 37 compilation fell from #1 to #3 (95k). The Grammy effect is visible on the rest of the chart. The last year album Need You Now by 5-time Grammy winners Lady Antebellum took the fourth place (85k). Bruno Mars' album Doo-Wops & Hooligans advanced one position and took #5 (61k). the sixth place this week is reserved for Eminem's Reckovery, while Grammy 2011 compilation is at #7. In top 10 is mentioned Bieber's My World 2.0 at #8, debut album by Nicki Minaj is at #9, while Rihanna's Loud is #10.
A remix album by Canadian pop sensation Justin Beiber - Never Say Never: The Remixes debuted at #1 on Billboard Top 200 chart with around 160k copies sold. It's interesting that this is the second remix album in the history of American albums chart that reached #1. The first was J. Lo remix album J to tha L–O!: The Remixes, released in 2002. This is also the second #1 for Bieber after his studio album My World 2.0 also debuted at #1 in March last year. It seems that Biebermania doesn't slow down.
Mumford & Sons kept last week #2 position with their album Sigh No More (133k). Now 37 compilation fell from #1 to #3 (95k). The Grammy effect is visible on the rest of the chart. The last year album Need You Now by 5-time Grammy winners Lady Antebellum took the fourth place (85k). Bruno Mars' album Doo-Wops & Hooligans advanced one position and took #5 (61k). the sixth place this week is reserved for Eminem's Reckovery, while Grammy 2011 compilation is at #7. In top 10 is mentioned Bieber's My World 2.0 at #8, debut album by Nicki Minaj is at #9, while Rihanna's Loud is #10.
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