Nakon što je Adele otkazala sve koncerte i nastupe do kraja godine zbog operacije grla, na twitteru su se pojavile glasine da pevačica ima rak grla, pa je juče jedan od trending tagova bio #prayforadele.
Njen tim nije potvrdio niti demantovao ovu informaciju. Rekli su samo da su joj doktori naredili da mora da odmara glas dok se potpuno ne oporavi, pa samim tim i otkaže sve predstojeće nastupe.
Ona je ranije na svom sajtu napisala da mora da otkaže ostatak američke turneje jer nema izbora. Mora u potpunosti da se oporavi ili rizikuje da trajno ošteti glas.
Ostaje samo da se nadamo da glasine koje su se pojavile nisu istinite i da ćemo je ponovo slušati od naredne godine. U međuvremenu uživajte u novom singlu sa hit albuma "21" - "Rumor Has It".
UPD: Njen publicista je je saopštio da Adele nema rak grla i da na operaciju ide zbog problema sa glasnim žicama!
UPD: Njen publicista je je saopštio da Adele nema rak grla i da na operaciju ide zbog problema sa glasnim žicama!
After Adele cancelled all her concerts and performances until the end of the year because of a throat surgery, a rumor has hit twitter that she did it due a throat cancer, so one of trending tags yesterday was #prayforadele.
Her team didn't confirm nor deny this. They just said that doctors had ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments.
She wrote on her website earlier that she had absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or she risks damaging her voice forever.
We can only hope that rumors aren't true and that we'll see her performing again next year. In the meantime enjoy in her new single, "Rumor Has It", from her hit album "21".
UPD: Her rep has just confirmed that Adele doesn't have throat cancer and that she'll undergo surgery because of a vocal chord problem.
Her team didn't confirm nor deny this. They just said that doctors had ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments.
She wrote on her website earlier that she had absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or she risks damaging her voice forever.
We can only hope that rumors aren't true and that we'll see her performing again next year. In the meantime enjoy in her new single, "Rumor Has It", from her hit album "21".
UPD: Her rep has just confirmed that Adele doesn't have throat cancer and that she'll undergo surgery because of a vocal chord problem.
Singl ima vrlo prikladan naziv. Stvarno se nadam da ce da bude ok. #adelerocks