Monday, January 30, 2012

UK Charts: Cover Drive dobili prvi #1 single, Ed Sheeran se vraća na vrh liste albuma / Cover Drive score first #1 single, Ed Sheeran tops albums chart again

I ove nedelje vodila se velika borba oko toga ko će zauzeti prvo mesto na britanskoj listi albuma. Pobednik je Ed SHeeran sa albumom "+" (20 607), a razlika između prvog i trećeg mesta samo je 1200 prodatih primeraka. Ovo je treća nedelja na vrhu za ovaj album, ali i najniža prodaja za #1 album u poslednjih 16 godina.
Zahvaljujući uspehu pesme "Mama Do the Hump", debi album Rizle Kicksa, "Stereo Typical", dospeo je do petog mesta (12 485), što je nova najbolja pozicija za ovaj album.
Najbolje plasirani novitet je album obrada Chrisa Isaaka, "Beyond the Sun", na šestom mestu (12 138). Ovo je njegov tek drugi top 10 album u 27-godišnjoj karijeri.
Što se liste singlova tiče, drugi singl benda Cover Drive"Twilight", debitovao je na prvom mestu (76 109) i ovo je njihov prvi #1.
Australijska pevačica Sia ove nedelje ima dva top 10 hita - "Titanium" sa Davidom Guettom (2. mesto, 66 043) i, kao novitet, "Wiled Ones" sa Flo Ridom (5. mesto, 42 584).
U top 10 su ove nedelje dospeli i aktuelni singlovi Gotyea - "Somebody That I Used to Know", sa Kimbrom, (7. mesto, 31 344), Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger" (8. mesto, 30 677) i novi singl Pitbulla, "International Love"sa Chrisom Brownom, na desetom mestu. 
Kompletne top 10 liste pogledajte ispod ovog posta. 


Tight battle for #1 on the albums chart have also occured this week. The winner is Ed Sheeran with his album "+" (20 607), and a difference between #1 and #3 was only 1200 copies sold. This is the third week on the top for this album, but it's also the lowest-selling #1 album in the last 16 years.
Thanks to a success of a single "Mama Do the Hump", Rizzle Kicks' debut album, "Stereo Typical", reaches a new peak (#5, 12 485).
The best positioned new entry this week is Chris Isaak's cover album, "Beyond the Sun", at #6 (12 138). This is his only second top 10 album in 27-year-long career.
As for the singles chart, Cover Drive's second single, "Twilight", debuts at #1 (76 109) and this is their first #1 hit.
Australian singer Sia is featured on two top 10 hits this week - "Titanium" with David Guetta (#2, 66 043) and, as a new entry, "Wild Ones" with Flo Rida (#5, 42 584).
There are also latest singles by Gotye - "Somebody That I Used to Know", featuring Kimbra, (#7, 31 344), Kelly Clarkson - "Stronger" (#8, 30 677) and Pitbull's new single, "International Love", featuring Chris Brown, at #10. 
Check out complete top 10 charts below.

Top 10 Albums:
  1. (2) Ed Sheeran - +
  2. (3) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  3. (1) Adele - 21
  4. (5) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  5. (9) Rizzle Kicks - Stereo Typical
  6. (NE) Chris Issak - Beyond the Sun
  7. (10) Jessie J - Who You Are
  8. (7) The Vaccines - What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?
  9. (12) Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds -  Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
  10. (8) Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials
Top 10 Singles:
  1. (NE) Cover Drive - Twilight
  2. (3) David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium
  3. (1) Jessie J - Domino
  4. (2) Rizzle Kicks - Mama Do the Hump
  5. (NE) Flo Rida feat. Sia - Wild Ones
  6. (4) Swedish House Mafia feat. Knife Party
  7. (21) Gotye feat. Kimbra - Somebody That I Used to Know
  8. (11) Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
  9. (5) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  10. (13) Pitbull feat. Chris Brown - International Love
new entry
new peak

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Madonnin novi album stiže 26. marta! / Madonna's new album to be released on March 26!

Madonnin 12. studijski album, "M.D.N.A.", biće objavljen 26. marta, potvrdila je njena nova izdavačka kuća Interscope Records. Album je sniman u Los Anđelesu i Njujorku, a Madonnini saradnici bili su: William Orbit, koji je već sarađivao sa njom na albumu "Ray of Light", Martin Solveig, The Demolition Crew, Marco "Benny" Benassi i Alessandro "Alle" Benassi, Hardy "Indiigo" Muanza i Michael Malih.
iTunes će imati ekskluzivnu ponudu za deluxe verziju albuma na kojoj će se naći čak 18 pesama + ekskluzivni remix, koji će biti dostupan samo između 3. i 6. februara.
Prvi singl, "Give Me All Your Luvin' (pogledajte omot iznad ovog posta), sa Nicki Minaj i M.I.A.-om, biće objavljen 3. februara - dva dana pred spektakularni nastup na Superbowlu. Autori pesme su Madonna, Martin Solveig, Michael Tordjman, Nicki Minaj i M.I.A. Deo spota biće ekskluzivno prikazan u emsiji "American Idol" 2. februara, dok če kompletan video biti postavljen na Madonnin YouTube kanal 3. februara u 15 sati. Spot su režirali Megaforce i u duhu je američkog fudbala i navijačica, u skladu sa predstojećim nastupom.
Na albumu će se naći i pesma "Masterpiece" (poslušajte ispod ovog posta), koju je Madonna napisala za svoj rediteljski film "W.E." i za koju je dobila Zlatni Globus. Kompletan soundtrack biće dostupan za download 30. januara, dok će CD verzija biti objavljena 14. februara. Muziku za ovaj soundtrack napisao je poljski kompozitor Abel Korzeniowski.
"M.D.N.A." je Madonnin prvi studijski album još od 2008. godine, kada je objavila "Hard Candy" - album koji je oborio sve rekorde kada je debitovao na prvom mestu u 37 zemalja. Takođe, ovo je njen prvi album koji neće biti objavljen za Warner Bros. sa kojim je pevačica prekinula ugovor 2008. godine nakon 25 godina saradnje.  


Madonna's 12th studio album, "M.D.N.A.", will be released on March 26, Interscope Records, her new record label confirms. The album was produced in Los Angeles and New York and Madonna's collaborators were: William Orbit, with whom she's already collaborated on "Ray of Light" album, Martin Solveig, The Demolition Crew, Marco "Benny" Benassi and Alessandro "Alle" Benassi, Hardy "Indiigo" Muanza and Michael Malih.
iTunes will have an exclusive deal for 18-track deluxe edition + an exclusive remix which will be available between Feb 3 and Feb 6.
The first single, "Give Me All Your Luvin' (check out an official cover above this post), featuring Nicki Minaj and M.I.A., will be released on february 3 - two days before a spectacular Superbowl performance. The song was written by Madonna, Martin Solveig, Michael Tordjman, Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. A special preview of a video will be aired on American Idol on February 2, while the video will be premired on Madonna's official YouTube channel on Febrary 3 at 3PM. The video is directed by Megaforce and it's inspired by american football and cheerleaders in accordance with the upcoming performance. 
The album will also feature "Masterpiece" (listen to it below), a song Madonna penned for her directorial movie "W.E." and for which she won the Golden Globe. The complete soundtrack will be available digitally on January 30, while a CD version will be available on Feb 14. The score is composed by a Polish musician Abel Korzeniowski.
"M.D.N.A."  is Madonna's first studio album since 2008 when she released "Hard Candy" - an album that broke all records when debuted at #1 in 37 countries. Also, this is her first album not to be released by Warner Bros., a company she ended a contract with in 2008 after 25 years.

I Adele umrla na twitteru / Adele dies on twitter too

Odavno je postalo jasno da je twitter više nego odlično mesto da se započne glasina o nečijoj smrti, pa je tokom jučerašnjeg dana na meti bila Adele. Tag "RIP Adele" bio je među trending topics nekoliko sati, ali su njeni fanovi uzvratili udarac, pa se među trending topics našao i tag "Really inspiring person" (veoma inspirativna osoba), umesto "Rest in peace" (počivaj u miru). Ovo nije prvi put da je Adele meta neslanih šala na twitteru. Pre nekoliko nedelja fanovi Lady Gage imali su organizovanu akciju postovanja što više viceva o Adele na račun njene težine.
Inače, osim što su ovakve šale prilično neslane, postaju i dosadne, jer je Adele otprilike milionita osoba koja je proglašena mrtvom na ovoj društvenoj mreži.


It's been clear for a long time that twitter is a great place for starting rumors about someone's death, and Adele was a target of such rumor yesterday. "RIP Adele" was among trending topics for a few hours, but her fans decided to fight back, so among trending topics could be seen "Really inspiring person" instead of "Rest in peace". This isn't the first time that Adele is the target of bad jokes. Fans of Lady Gaga had an organized action with a goal to post as many jokes as they can about Adele's weight.
Anyway, apart from being a bad joke, death hoax on twitter are getting boring too, because Adele il like the milionth person who was declared dead on this social network.

Christina Aguilera peva "At Last" na sahrani Ette James / Christina Aguilera sings "At Last" at Etta James' funeral

Christina Aguilera, koja Ettu James često pominje kao najveću inspiraciju i izvodi njene hitove, otpevala je na sahrani legendarne pevačice veoma dirljivu verziju njenog velikog hita, "At Last".
"Za mene je neverovatna čast što sam pozvana ovde danas da odam poštu velikoj Etti James. Kada sam dobila priliku da idem na turneje prošla bih ceo svet i svima rekla da je Etta James moja omiljena pevačica. Ovo je za mene veoma emotivan trenutak i mnogo mi znači što ću pevati ovde danas. Celog svog života želela sam da budem kao Etta James, da pevam kao ona. Od svih pevača koje sam čula, ona je bila ta koja je direktno pogodila moju dušu," izjavila je Aguilera tokom službe.
Etta James preminula je 20. januara, u 74. godini, nakon duge borbe za leukemijom. Iza sebe je ostavila veliki broj soul klasika, a "At Last" je samo jedan od njih.
Kako zvuči Christina, poslušajte ispod ovog posta.


Christina Aguilera, who often cites Etta James as her ultimate inspiration and covers her hits, sang a very moving version of James' big hit, "At Last", at the legendary singer's funeral.
"It is an amazing honour for me to have been welcomed here today, invited here to pay tribute to the great Miss Etta James. I've since I've been able to tour, I've gone round the whole wide world and I would tell people that Miss Etta James was my favourite singer. It's very emotional for me to sing today, as this has meant so much to me. All my life, I've aspired to sing like Etta James, to be like her, of all the singers I've ever heard, she was the one who cut right to my soul," Aguilera said during the ceremonial.
Etta James dies on January 20, aged 74, after a long battle with leukemia. She left many soul clasics behind her and "At Last" is just one of them.
Listen to Christina's version below this post.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Watch: Florence + The Machine - Lover to Lover (NEW VIDEO!)

Nakon mističnog i teatralnog spota za "No Light, No Light"Florence + The Machine su objavili novi video za "Lover to Lover" - treći singl sa njihovog aktuelnog albuma "Ceremonials". Ovoga puta odlučili su se za live akustični performans kako bi, kako kažu, preneli sirovu emociju pesme.
Spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


After a mystical and theatrical video for "No Light, No Light"Florence + The Machine released a new clip for  "Lover to Lover" - the third single from their latest album "Ceremonials". This time they presented the track as a stripped down performance in order to, acording to them, deliever a raw emotion of the song.
You can check out the video below this post.

Beyonce kao predmet na američkom univerzitetu / University Offers Beyonce Politics Class

Departman za studije roda Rutgers univerziteta u New Jersey-u nudi studentima mogućnost da odaberu kurs "Politizacija Beyonce". Na kursu, čiji je cilj da prouči kulturni i politički uticaj Beyonce, biće proučavani njena slika u javnosti, spotovi, tekstovi, ali i njen alter ego Sasha Fierce kao elemente mainstream feminističke kulture.
Student doktorskih studija, Kevin Allred, koji vodi ovaj kurs, kaže:
"Ovo nije kurs o političkom angažmanu Beyonce, niti koliko je puta pevala tokom inauguracije predsednika Obame. Ona definitivno pomera grancie. Dok drugi izvođači samo objavljuju muziku, ona kreira veliku priču oko svog života, karijere i lika kojim se predstavlja u javnosti". 


The Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the Rutgers University in New Jersey is offering students an opportunity to take a class entitled "Politicising Beyonce". The course, which will center around Beyonce's political and cultural impact, promises to look at her videos, her lyrics and her alter ego Sasha Fierce - and these elements are related to mainstream feminist figures.
PhD student, Kevin Allred, who'll teach this course, spoke about it:
"This isn't a course about Beyoncé's political engagement or how many times she performed during President Obama's inauguration weekend. She certainly pushes boundaries. While other artists are simply releasing music, she's creating a grand narrative around her life, her career, and her persona."

Cher (nije) mrtva / Cher is (not) dead

Cher je najnovija žrtva neslanih šala na twitter-u, jer su pre nekoliko dana masovno počeli da kruže tvitovi da je pevačica umrla, a među trending topics se ubrzo našao i tag "RIP Cher". Ipak ispostavilo se da je ona živa i zdrava, ali su se pojedine slavne ličnosti, poput Kim Kardashian, zabrinule. Starleta je na twitter-u napisala:
"Da li sam ja to upravo čula da je Cher umrla? Da li je to istina? O, Bože!" da bi potom dodala:
"Nadam se da je ovo twitter šala i da nije istina. Nema ničega na vestima o tome. Molim se da to nije istina". (Bravo, Kim).
Žrtve ove neslane šale bile su mnoge muzičke legende, uključujući Micka Jaggera, Davida Bowiea Jona Bon Jovia.


Cher has been the newsest victim of twitter bad jokes, because rumours about her death started circulating few days ago, while "RIP Cher" tag become a trending topic soon afterwards. It turned out that the singer was safe and sound, but the news was disturbing for some celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, who tweeted:
"Did I just hear that Cher has passed away? Is this real? OMG.", while shortly after she wrote:
"I hope this is a twitter joke and not true. I don't see it on the news anywhere. I'm praying its not true." (Good job, Kim).
Victims of this kind of joke were many music legends, including Mick Jagger, David Bowie Jon Bon Jovi.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lana Del Rey ponovo objavljuje "Lizzy Grant" album / Lana Del Rey to re-release "Lizzy Grant" album

Na radost mnogih fanova mlade pevačice, Lana Del Rey je u intervjuu za BBC News potvrdila da će ove godine, najverovatnije krajem leta, objaviti reizdanje njenog prvog albuma, "Lizzy Grant", što je i njeno pravo ime. Album je tokom dva meseca u 2010. godini bio dostupan na iTunesu, ali je potom misteriozno nestao. Ipak, album se već neko vreme može ilegalno "skinuti" sa neta (jednu od pesama možete čuti ispod ovog posta). Produkcija albuma koštala je 10 000 dolara, a producent je David Kahne, koji je sarađivao sa Reginom SpektorLana, koja je slavu stekla zahvaljujući viralnom hitu "Video Games", o ovom albumu je rekla sledeće:
"Ljudi taj album doživljavaju kao neku veliku misteriju, 'zaboravljeni, užasni album'. Međutim, svih 13 pesama nalazi se na YouTube-u svi su pregledani nekoliko miliona puta, tako da nije tačno da ih niko nije čuo. Svi smo ponosni na njega. To je prilično dobar album".
Lana je danas objavila i svoj prvi zvanični album, "Born to Die", za Interscope Records.


Many fans of the young singer will be happy to hear that Lana Del Rey confirmed for BBC News that she will re-release her debut album, "Lizzy Grant", which is her real name, later this year, most probably in late summer. The album was available for two months on iTunes in 2010 but mysteriously disapperad afterwards. Still, the album has been availabe for illegal downloading for some time now (you can hear one of the songs below this post). The album cost $10,000 to record and was produced by David Kahne (Regina Spektor). Lana, who rose to fame thanks to a viral hit "Video Games", spoke about this album:
"People act like it's so shrouded in mystery, the 'forgotten terrible album'. But if you look on YouTube, all 13 tracks are available with millions of views, so it's not like no-one's heard them. We were all proud of it. It's pretty good".
Lana has released today her official debut album, "Born to Die", through Interscope Records.

Rihanna priprema modni reality show / Rihanna prepares fashion reality show

Pošto je najavila da ove godine neće objaviti novi album, Rihanna će se posvetiti modi! Ona sa koleginicim Nicolom Roberts priprema modni reality show koji će se ovog leta prikazivati na kanalu Sky Living HD. One će u Velikoj Britaniji pokušati da pronađu mlade i talentovane dizajnere koji će svake nedelje kreirati garderobu za poznate ličnosti, a pobednik će imati priliku da dizajnira odeću za Rihannu koju će ona nositi na nastupu u Hyde Parku! Show će imati oko 10 epizoda, a ime za sada nije poznato.


As she announced that she won't release new music this year, Rihanna will focus on fashion! She and Nicola Roberts are working on a fashion reality that will air this summer on Sky Living HD. These two will try to find young and talented designers in the UK who'll create outifits for celebrities every week, while the winner will create will design an outfit for Rihanna, who'll wear the winning ensemble for a performance in Hyde Park this July. The yet untitled show will have around 10 episodes.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Billboard Charts: Adele na vrhu glavnih lista / Adele tops main charts

Adele je sa albumom "21" oborila mnoge rekorde, pa ni ova nedelja nije izuzetak. Njen aktuelni album nalazi se po 17. put na vrhu liste albuma (95 000 prodatih primeraka prošle nedelje), što je najviše nedelja na prvom mestu u poslednjih 20 godina! Ona ove nedelje ima i #1 singl, njen treći, i prvi je izvođač u istoriji čija su se prva tri singla sa jednog albuma nalazila na prvom mestu kad i sam album.
Kompilacija trenutno najvećih hitova u izvođenju dece, "Kidz Bop 21" debitovala je na drugom mestu (59 000), dok se na sedmom mestu nalazi novi album gospel grupe James Fortune & FIYA, "Identity" (18 000). Ovo su za njih najbolja pozcija i najbolja nedeljna prodaja u karijeri.
Zahvaljujući popustu u Target prodavnicama, u top 10 se vraća aktuelni album country muzičara Tobya Keitha, "Clancy's Tavern" (8. mesto, 17 000).
Što se liste singlova tiče, Adele je dobila svoj treći #1 hit, kao što sam već pomenuo, zahvaljujući pesmi "Set Fire to the Rain". Ovo je bila druga najprodavanija pesma prošle nedelje (185 000), dok se po slušanosti na radio-stanicama nalazi na petom mestu.
U top 10 je ove nedelje dospeo aktuelni singl Kelly Clarkson, "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)", koji se nalazi na osmom mestu. Ova numera nalazi se na trećem mestu po prodaji (175 000), dok po slušanosti na radio-stanicama zauzima 44. mesto. Ovo je njen deseti top 10 hit.
Jessie J je dobila prvi top 10 singl u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama zahvaljujući pesmi "Domino", koja se nalazi na desetom mestu ove nedelje.
Kompletne top 10 liste pogledajte ispod ovog posta.  


Adele has broken many records with her smash album "21", so this week isn't an exception either. Her latest album tops Albums chart for the 17th time (95 000 copies sold last week), and it's the album with most weeks at #1 in the last 20 years! She also has #1 single this week, her third, so she has become the first artist in the chart history whose first three singles were #1 in the same time as a parent album.
"Kidz Bop 21" compilation debuts at #2 this week (59 000), while James Fortune & FIYA's new album, "Idenity", bows at #7 (18 000) - the best position and weekly sales for the gospel act.
Thanks to a discount in Target stores, Toby Keith's latest album, "Clancy's Tavern", returns to top 10 (#8, 17 000).
As for the Singles chart, Adele scores her third #1 hit, as I mentioned before, thanks to a single "Set Fire to the Rain". This was the second best selling single last week (185 000), while it holds #5 on Radio Songs chart.
Kelly Clarkson's latest single, "Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)", enters top 10 this week at #8. This tracks moves to #3 on Digital Songs chart (175 000) and to #44 on Radio Songs. This is her tenth top 10 hit.
Jessie J scores her first US top 10 single as her track "Domino" settles at #10 this week.
Check out complete top 10 charts below.

  1. (1) Adele - 21
  2. (NE) Kidz Bop 21
  3. (3) The Black Keys - El Camino
  4. (4) Drake - Take Care
  5. (7) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
  6. (6) Young Jeezy - TM103: Hustlerz Ambition
  7. (NE) James Fortune & FIYA - Idenity
  8. (22) Toby Keith - Clancy's Tavern
  9. (8) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  10. (9) Nickelback - Here and Now
  1. (2) Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
  2. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  3. (3) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  4. (10) David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj - Turn Me On
  5. (6) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  6. (4) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  7. (5) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  8. (21) Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You)
  9. (7) Jay-Z and Kanye West - Ni**as In Paris
  10. (15) Jessie J - Domino
new entry
new peak

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Norah Jones objavljuje novi album / Norah Jones to release new album

Pop jazz pevačica Norah Jones, čije je debi izdanje, "Come Away With Me", najprodavaniji album u 21. veku, ovog proleća objaviće peti studijski album pod nazivom "Little Broken Hearts". Norah je na ovom izdanju radila sa producentom Danger Mousom i kaže da je ovaj album sledeći korak u njenoj umetničkoj evoluciji. Njih dvoje su već sarađivali na njegovom albumu "ROME", koji je objavljen prošle godine, kada su i odlučili da nastave saradnju.
Definitivno zanimljiva kombinacija. Jedva čekam da čujem rezultat ove saradnje :)
Norah je poslednji album, "The Fall", objavila 2009. godine i ovaj album je prodat u preko 2 miliona primeraka širom sveta.


Pop jazz singer Norah Jones, whose debut release, "Come Away With Me", is the best-selling album of the 21st century, will release her fifth studio album this spring, titled "Little Broken Hearts". Norah has been working with a producer Danger Mouse on this release and she says it's the next step in her artistic evolution. These two artists have already collaborated on his album "ROME", released last year, when they decided to extend their collaboration to her record as well.
Definitely an interesting combination. Can't wait to hear results of their collaboration :)
Norah released her last studio album, "The Fall", in 2009 and this set has been sold in over 2 million copies to date.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Watch: The Cranberries - Tomorrow (NEW VIDEO!)

Grupa The Cranberries predstavila je spot za prvi singl sa njihovog povratničkog albuma "Roses" - "Tomorrow". Pesma je dostupna u svim digitalnim prodavnicama, dok će se album u prodaji naći na dan zaljubljenih 14. februara. Pesma obećava - The Cranberries kakav znamo i volimo :) 
Obavezno pogledajte spot ispod ovog posta! 


The Cranberries have premiered a video for the first single from their comeback album "Rosses" - "Tomorrow". The song is available on all digital retailers and the album will be released on the Valentine's Day, Feb 14. This track is really promising - The Cranberries that we all know and love :)
Check out the video below!

Oscar 2012: Samo dve numere nominovane za najbolju originalnu pesmu / Only two songs get Best Original Song nod

Iako se na listi potencijalnih numera za nominaciju u kategoriji "Najbolja originalna pesma" nalazilo skoro 40 pesama, Akademija je procenila da samo dve zaslužuju nominaciju ove godine. To su: "Man or Muppet" iz filma "The Muppets" (Bret McKnezie) i "Real In Rio" iz filma "Rio" (Sergio Mendes, Carlinhos Brown i Siedah Garrett). Ova kategorija je oduvek bila specifična, jer nema standardan broj nominacija, već da bi pesma uopšte bila razmatrana za nominaciju mora u prvom glasanju da osvoji određeni broj poena. Uglavnom je u konkurenciji pet pesama, nekad četiri, retko tri, a nikada se do sada nije desilo da budu nominovane samo dve pesme. Možda je vreme da Akademija promeni politiku po pitanju ove nagrade?
Što se tiče nagrada za najbolju originalnu muziku, u konkurenciji su: John Williams za "The Adventures of Tin Tin"Ludovic Bource za "The Artist" (glavni favorit), Howard Shore za "Hugo"Alberto Iglesias za "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" John Williams for "Wild Horse".  


Although almost 40 songs were on a long-list for Best Original Song nod, Academy has decided that only two of them are worthy for the Oscar nod this year. These are: "Man or Muppet" from "The Muppets" (Bret McKnezie) and "Real In Rio" from "Rio" (Sergio MendesCarlinhos Brown i Siedah Garrett). This category has always been unique, because it doesn't have the standard number of nominations. A song need to get a certain amount of points in original voting in order to be considered for the nomination. Five songs are usually nominated, in some cases four, rarely three, but it has never happened until now that only two songs get the nod. Maybe it's time that Academy change their policy for this award?
As for the Best Original Score nominees, there are: John Williams for "The Adventures of Tin Tin", Ludovic Bource for "The Artist" (main favorite), Howard Shore for "Hugo"Alberto Iglesias for "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" and John Williams for "Wild Horse".  

Listen: Ladyhawke - Black White & Blue (NEW SINGLE!)

Moja muzička preporuka za 2012. godinu (osim novih albuma Dido, Madonne, Lane Del Rey i Nelly Furtado, naravno) je i novi album Ladyhawke, koja je pre više od tri godine objavila sjajan electro-pop album nazvan po njoj (verovatno ste čuli "Paris Is Burning" sa tog izdanja). Sudeći po novom singlu, ovoga puta nam donosi malo "tvrđi" zvuk, ali je muzika i dalje odlična! Album se zove "Anxiety" i biće objavljen 19. marta. Prvi singl sa ovog izdanja zove se "Black White & Blue" i možete ga poslušati ispod ovog posta! Pesma će se naći u prodaji 20. februara.  


My music recommendation for 2012 (along with new albums by Dido, Madonna, Lana Del Rey and Nelly Furtado, of course) is a new album by Ladyhawke, who released an amazing self-titled electro-pop album more than three years ago (you've probably heard already a gem "Paris Is Burning" from this release). Anyway, based on her new single, it seems we'll get a more rockish sound this time, but never mind, music is still great! The album is titled "Anxiety" and will hit shelves on March 19. The first single from this release is "Black White & Blue" and you can listen to it below this post! The track will be released on Feb 20.

Očajna Katy Perry objavljuje reizdanje albuma "Teenage Dream" / Desperate Katy Perry to re-release "Teenage Dream"

Ako ste mislili da je Katy Perry odustala od svog istorijskog šestog #1 singla, prevarili ste se. Pošto ni remix ni akustična verzija nisu pomogli pesmi "The One That Got Away" da stigne do prvog mesta američke liste singlova, pevačica se odlučila za uobičajenu pojavu u pop svetu - reizdanje. U slučaju da sa ovog izdanje (napokon) dobije taj #1 singl, računaće se kao da je sa originalnog albuma. Za neupućene, Michael Jackson i Katy Perry su trenutno izjednačeni po broju #1 singlova sa jednog albuma (pet), ali Katty već mesecima pokušava da taj rekord dobije samo za sebe. 
Reizdanje albuma, nazvano "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection" naći će se u prodaji 13. marta, a Katty trenutno sa producentom Trickyjem Stewartom dorađuje pesme koje se nisu našle na originalnoj verziji albuma. Stewart posebno ističe pesmu "Dressing Up" za koju veruje da će biti veliki hit. Ipak, lista novih pesama koje će se naći na reizdanju za sada nije poznata.


If you thought that Katy Perry gave up from her historical #1 single, you thought it wrong. Because neither a remix nor acoustic version helped her tune "The One That Got Away" to reach #1 on Billboard Hot 100 chart, the singer decided to take an usual move in pop world - to re-release her album. In case that she (finally) scores #1 from this re-release, it will be counted as #1 from the regular edition. For those who are not informed, Michael Jackson and Katy Perry have the same number of #1 hits from a single album (five), but obviously Katy wants this record only for herself and she's been trying to get it for months.
The re-release, titled "Teenage Dream: The Complete Confection", will be released on March 13, and Katy is in the studio at the moment with a producer Tricky Stewart working on songs that didn't make the original cut. Stewart shed light on one particular song, "Dressing Up", for which he believes it will be a big hit.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

UK Charts: Adele se vraća na vrh liste albuma / Adele tops Albums chart again

Tradicionalna slaba januarska prodaja i to što nema velikih novih izdanja i dalje su glavni uzroočnici što je potreban relativno mali broj prodatih primeraka da bi se album našao u top 10. Tako se Adele po dvadeseti put nalazi na vrhu liste albuma, ali ovoga puta sa samo 20 978 prodatih primeraka, što je najmanji broj prodatih primeraka za #1 album u 21. veku. Ipak, sa vedrije strane treba napomenuti da album "21" danas slavi svoj prvi rođendan, pa je veliki uspeh što se i posle godinu dana od objavljivanja nalazi na vrhu ove liste.
Jedini novitet u top 10 dolazi od metal benda Enter Shikari koji se sa albumom "A Flash Flood of Colour" nalazi na četvrtom mestu (19 451) i ovo je njihov drugi top 5 album.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Jessie J nalazi se na prvom mestu sa pesmom "Domino" drugu nedelju zaredom (64 255).
Top 10 novitet je pesma "Antidote" koju izvode Swedish House Mafia i Knife Party (4. mesto, 46 757). Ovo je četvrti uzastopni top 10 singl za SHM i prvi za Knife Party.
Nakon dve nedelje u top 10 je dospeo i aktuelni singl Pixie Lott - "Kiss the Stars" (8. mesto, 26 983). Ovo je za nju peti top 10 singl.
Pogledajte kompletne top 10 liste ispod ovog posta.   


Traditionally week January sales and that there weren't big new releases are still main reasons for albums to enter top 10 with relatively small number of sold copies. Adele tops Albums chart for the 20th time, but this time with only 20 978 copies sold, which is the smallest number for any #1 album in the 21st century. Still, on a bright side, today is the first birthday of the album "21", so it's a great success that it can still top charts one year after its release.
The only new top 10 entry comes from a metal band Enter Shikari that bow to #4 with their new album, "A Flash Flood of Colour" (19 451) and this is their second top 5 album.
As for the singles chart, Jessie J is on the top with "Domino" for the second consecutive week (64 255).
New entry inside top 10 is "Antidote" performed by Swedish House Mafia and Knife Party (#4, 46 757). This is the fourth consecutive top 10 single for SHM and first for Knife Party.
After two weeks, top ten enters Pixie Lott's latest single, "Kiss the Stars" (#8, 26 983). This is her fifth top 10 single.
Check out complete top 10 charts below.

  1. (2) Adele - 21
  2. (3) Ed Sheeran - +
  3. (7) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  4. (NE) Enter Shikari - A Flash Flood of Colour
  5. (1) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  6. (5) Beyonce - 4
  7. (6)  The Vaccines - What Did You Expect From the Vaccines? 
  8. (21) Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials
  9. (14) Rizzle Kicks - Stereo Typical
  10. (12) Jessie J - Who You Are
  1. (1) Jessie J - Domino
  2. (3) Rizzle Kicks - Mama Do the Hump
  3. (8) David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium
  4. (NE) Swedih House Mafia feat. Knife Party - Antidote
  5. (2) Flo Rida - Good Feling
  6. (5) Lloyd feat. Andre 3000 & Lil Wayne - Dedication to My Ex
  7. (4) Avicii - Levels
  8. (14) Pixie Lott - Kiss the Stars  
  9. (6) Taio Cruz - Troublemaker
  10. (7) Coldplay - Paradise
new entry
new peak

Rihanna postavila rekord na VEVO servisu / Rihanna sets record on VEVO


Rihanna je postavila rekord na popularnom video servisu VEVO, jer je postala prvi ženski izvođač čiji spotovi imaju preko dve milijarde pregleda! Pevačica se putem twittera zahvalila svojim fanovima zbog ovog dostignuća i dodala da oni vladaju svetom. 
Ispred Rihanne je jedino Justin Bieber (-.-) po broju pregleda (2.3 milijardi), dok je na trećem mestu Lady Gaga sa 1.8 milijardi pregleda. 
Ispod ovog posta pogledajte Rihannin najgledaniji spot na ovom servisu - "What's My Name" (230 miliona pregleda).


Rihanna set record on VEVO as she became the first female artist to reach two billion views on this popular video service! The singer thanked her fans for this accomplishment adding that they "run dis world".
Ahead of Rihanna is only Justin Bieber (-.-) with 2.3 billion views, while #3 is Lady Gaga (1.8 billion).
Check out below this post Rihanna's most viewed video on this service - "What's My Name" (230 million).

Seal i Heidi Klum se razvode / Seal and Heidu Klum confirm divorce

Seal and Heidi Klum confirm that they are to divorce

Popularni pevač Seal i manekenka Heidi Klum potvrdili su da se razvode posle sedam godina braka. Glasine o njihovom razvodu pojavile su se tokom vikenda na internetu, a par ih je potvrdio zajedničkim saopštenjem u kome se kaže da su im se putevi jednostavno razdvojili.
"Nakon sedam divnih godina koje smo proveli u braku i nakon što smo preispitali sami sebe, odlučili smo da se razvedemo. Veoma poštujemo i volimo jedno drugo, ali naši putevi su se jednostavno razdvojili. Razvodimo se u prijateljskoj atmosferi i dobrobit naše dece nam je jedini prioritet, posebno u ovom periodu. Zahvaljujemo se porodici, prijateljima i fanovima na lepim rečima i podršci. Zbog naše dece zahvaljujemo što poštujete našu privatnost", kaže se u saopštenju.
Seal i Heidi u vezi su od 2003. godine i imaju četvoro dece. 


Popular singer Seal and a model Heidi Klum have confirmed that they are about to divorce after seven years of marraige. Rumors about their split appeard online over the weekend and the couple has confirmed them through a statement in which they said they simply "grown apart".
"While we have enjoyed seven very loving, loyal and happy years of marriage, after much soul-searching we have decided to separate. We have had the deepest respect for one another throughout our relationship and continue to love each other very much, but we have grown apart. This is an amicable process and protecting the well-being of our children remains our top priority, especially during this time of transition. We thank our family, friends, and fans for their kind words of support. And for our children's sake, we appreciate you respecting our privacy", it was said in the statement.
Seal and Heidi began dating in 2003 and they have four children together.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Watch: Ed Sheeran - Drunk (NEW VIDEO!)

YouTube senzacija Ed Sheeran, poznat po hitu "The A Team" i koji je prošle godine objavio uspešan album, "+", predstavio je novi spot za pesmu "Drunk" - četvrti singl sa pomenutog albuma. Video, koji izgleda amaterski, sličan je njegovim prethodnim klipovima i prati Eda kroz njegove dnevne aktivnosti.
Uživajte :)


Youtube sensation Ed Sheeran, known for a hit "The A Team" and a successful debi album, "+", he released last year, has premiered a new video for "Drunk" - the fourth single from the mentioned album. The video, that looks like the amateur one, is similar to her previous clips and it follows Ed through his daily activities.
Enjoy :)


Friday, January 20, 2012

Preminula Etta James / Etta James passed away

Legendarna soul pevačica Etta James preminula je danas, u 73. godini, nakon duge borbe za leukemijom. Iza sebe je ostavila 30 sjajnih albuma, a ostaće upamćena po neverovatnom glasu, muzičkim sposobnostima i hitovima poput "At Last" i "I'd Rather Go Blind" koji se ubrajaju u klasike. Tokom svoje 55-godišnje karijere osvojila je veliki broj nagrada, uključujući šest Grammya, a časopis Rolling Stone uvrstio je je u svoju listu "100 najboljih pevača svih vremena".
Počivaj u miru, Etta :( 


Legendary soul singer Etta James has died today, aged 73, after a long battle with leukemia. She left 30 amazing albums behind her and will be remembered as a great singer, musician, performer and by classics such as "At Last" "I'd Rather Go Blind". During her 55-year-long career, she won many awards, including six Grammys, and magazine Rolling Stone included her to their list of the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time.
Rest in peace, Etta :(

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Watch: Emeli Sande - Next to Me (NEW VIDEO!)

emeli next to me New Video: Emeli Sande   Next To Me

Britanska soul pop senzacija Emeli Sande, koju je BBC u svom godišnjem izboru proglasio za umetnika koji najviše obećava i koja će biti nagrađena nagradom kritike na predstojećim BRIT nagradama, objavila je spot za pesmu "Next to Me". Ovo je treći singl sa njenog debi albuma, "Our Version of Events", koji će biti objavljen 13. febrara. Ova devojka je sjajna, te vam preporučujem da je obavezno poslušate! Ako je suditi po ovome i njenom punom imenu (Adele Emeli Sande :D ), siguran sam da ćemo u 2012. čuti još sjajnih pesama od nje!


British soul pop sensation Emeli Sande, who was voted as the most promising act in BBC Sound of 2012 poll and who'll receive critics choice award at the upcoming BRIT awards, has premiered a video for a song "Next to Me". This is the third single from her upcoming debut album, "Our Version of Events", to be released on Feb 13. This girl is briliant, you have to listen to her! Judging by this song and her full name (Adele Emeli Sande :D ), I'm sure we can expect a lot of amazing songs from her in 2012!


Billboard Charts: Adele i Rihanna i dalje vladaju glavnim listama / Adele and Rihanna still rule main charts

File:21Adele.jpgAdele se sa albumom "21" po 16. put našla na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 104 000 primeraka, a postao je i prvi album još od 1998. godine sa ovolikim brojem nedelja na prvom mestu kada je 16 nedelja na vrhu proveo soundtrack iz filma "Titanic".
Na drugom mestu nalazi se novi album hrišćanskog benda Daniel Crowder Band, "Give Us Rest" (50 000), dok je novi album grupe Snow Patrol, "Fallen Empires", debitovao na petom mestu (31 000), što je najbolja pozicija u njihovoj karijeri.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna ostaje na vrhu sa "We Found Love" i ovo je deseta nedelja koju ova pesma provodi na prvom mestu. Iako se po prodaji nalazi na šestom mestu (140 000), "We Found Love" ostaje na vrhu zahvaljujući jakoj podršci radio-stanica.
Mladi reper Tyga dobio je prvi top 10 hit, jer je njegov aktuelni singl, "Rack City", napredovao sa 23. na osmo mesto. Ova pesma nalazi se na trećem mestu po prodaji (160 000), dok po slušanosti na radio stanicama zauzima 47. poziciju.
U top 10 se vraća pesma "Young, Wild & Free", koju izvode Snopp Dogg, Wiz Khalifa i Bruno Mars. Ovo je prvi singl sa soundtracka još neobjavljene komedije "Mac and Devin Go to High School". Pesma je napredovala sa 11. na deveto mesto, što je najbolja pozicija za sada.
Top 10 zatvara još jedan novitet. To je pesma "Turn Me On" koju izvode David Guetta i Nicki Minaj. Ova numera nalazi se na sedmom mestu po prodaji (137 000) i 31. mestu po slušanosti na radio-stanicama. Ovo je četvrti top 10 za Guettu i šesti za Minaj.
Pogledajte kompletne top 10 liste ispod ovog posta.


Adele's "21" spends its 16th week at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 chart (104 000). Its reign is the longest since the "Titanic" soundtrack also earned 16 weeks at #1 in 1998.
At #2 this week is a new album by the Christian act Daniel Crowder Band, "Give Us Rest" (50 000), while Snow Patrol's new album, "Fallen Empires" debuts at #5 (31 000), which is the best position in their career.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna stays at the top with "We Found Love" for the 10th time. Although it's only #6 on Digital Songs chart (140 000), "We Found Love" still has a huge radio support that keeps it at the top.
Young rapper Tyga scores his first top 10 hit as his latest single, "Rack City", blasts 23-8. This song sits at #3 on Digital Songs chart (160 000), while it's #47 on Radio Songs.
Song "Young, Wild & Free" performed by Snopp DoggWiz Khalifa and Bruno Mars re-enters top 10. It's the first single from a soundtrack of the yet unreleased comedy  "Mac and Devin Go to High School". The track advances 11-9 and its new peak.
Top 10 closes another new entry. It's David Guetta's "Turn Me On" featuring Nicki Minaj. This song is at #7 on Digital Songs chart (137 000) and at #31 on Radio Songs chart. This is the fourth top 10 for Guetta and sixth for Minaj.
Check out complete top 10 charts below.

  1. (1) Adele - 21
  2. (NE) David Crowder Band - Give Us Rest
  3. (3) The Black Keys - El Camino
  4. (2) Drake - Take Care
  5. (NE) Snow Patrol - Fallen Empires
  6. (4) Younf Jeezy - T M: 103 Hustlerz Ambition
  7. (6) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
  8. (5) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  9. (11) Nickelback - Here and Now
  10. (9) Now 40
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (4) Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
  3. (5) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  4. (3) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  5. (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  6. (6) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  7. (7) Jay-Z and Kanye West - Ni**as in Paris
  8. (23) Tyga - Rack City
  9. (11) Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa feat. Bruno Mars - Young, Wild & Free
  10. (25) David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj - Turn Me On
new entry
new peak

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

LL Cool J voditelj dodele Grammy nagrada / LL Cool J to host Grammy Awards

LL Cool J announced to host 2012 Grammy Awards

Reper LL Cool J biće voditelj ovogodišnjih Grammy nagrada koje će biti dodeljene 12. februara u Nokia teatru u Los Anđelesu. Ovo će biti prvi put posle sedam godina da ceremonija ima zvaničnog voditelja. LL Cool J od 2008. vodi ceremoniju nominacija, tako da verujem da će se snaći i na samoj dodeli. Povodom ove odluke reper je izjavio:
"Drago mi je što ću biti deo najveće muzičke noći. Nosim najlepše uspomene sa moje prve dodele i voditeljski posao je ostvarenje sna za mene".
Najveći broj nominacija za najprestižniju muzičku nagradu ove godine ima Kanye West (7), a prate ga Foo Fighters i Adele sa po šest. 
Za sada je potvrđeno da će na ceremoniji nastupiti Jason Aldean, Kelly Clarcson, Foo Fighters, Bruno Mars, Nicki Minaj i Taylor Swift.


Rapper LL Cool J will host this year's Grammy awards scheduled for February 12 in Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. He'll also be the first official host in seven years. LL Cool J has fronted the nominations for the Grammys since 2008, so I don't think he'll have problems with hosting the main event. The rapper spoke about this desicion:
"I'm thrilled to be part of music's biggest night. I will always have fond memories of my first Grammy Awards and to now be hosting the Grammy show is a dream come true."
Kanye West leads this year’s nominations for the most prestigious music award, with seven nods, while Foo Fighters and Adele are just behind him with six each.
The ceremony will also include performances by Jason AldeanKelly ClarcsonFoo FightersBruno MarsNicki Minaj and Taylor Swift, while the rest will be announced soon. 

Katy Perry kreira igricu Sims / Katy Perry creates Sims games

Kompanija Electronic Arts, najpoznatiji po franšizi Sims igrica, objavila je da sa Katy Perry sarađuje na seriji igara u kojima će se pojaviti i njen lik. Prve rezultate saradnje igrači će moći da vide već u martu kada će biti objavljen The Sims 3: Showtime (Collector's Edition).  
"Uvek volim da mislim o sebi kao da sam u crtanom filmu, a sada sam Sim," izjavila je pevačica.
Ona vredno radi u Sims studiju na kreiranju odeće, frizure, nameštaja i drugih sitnica za likove iz popularne igrice.
Jedan od predstavnika kompanije Electronic Arts, Steve Schuner, izjavio je da je ovo najveća i najuzbudljivija saradnja sa nekim izvođačem u istoiji Simsa, kao i da nijedan drugi izvođač ne može bolje da predstavi humor i zabavu Sims brenda.  
Dok čekamo rezultat ove saradnje, podsetimo se kako hit Katy Perry"Hot n Cold", zvuči na simlish jeziku.


Company Electronic Arts, best known by its The Sims games franchise, announced that they are collaborating with Katy Perry on a series of games that will feature the singer within the Sims franchise, including a collector’s edition of the upcoming The Sims 3: Showtime (out in March).
"I always like to think of myself as a cartoon, and now I’m a Sim," said the singer.
She's working hard in The Sims studios to create accessories, clothing, hairstyles, furniture and props for characters of the popular game.
One of the Electronic Arts representatives, Steve Schuner, said this is the most integrated and exciting collaboration with any artist in the history of The Sims and he also added that no performer could better represent the humour and fun of The Sims brand.
While we wait results of this collab, let's hear how Katy's hit, "Hot n Cold", sounds in simlish!

Brandy i Monica snimaju novi duet / Brandy & Monica record new duet

Jedan od najpoznatijih dueta devedesetih svakako je "The Boy Is Mine", koji izvode Brandy Monica. One su posle 14 godina rešile da ponovo udruže snage i na radost fanova obe pevačice ponovo snime duet. Pesma se zove "It All Belongs to Me" i biće objavljena 6. februara. Numera će se naći i na novim albumima obe pevačice koji će biti biti objavljeni u martu. Producent ovog singla, Rico Love, kaže da je to soul R&B numera sa pop uticajem i melodijom prihvatljivom za sve žanrove. Dok se novi duet ne pojavi, možete se podsetiti klasika "The Boy Is Mine" ispod ovog posta.


One of the best known duets of the 1990s certainly is "The Boy Is Mine"  by Brandy & Monica. Fans od both singers were happy to hear that they decided to hit the studio together again after 14 years to record a new duet. The song's title is "It All Belongs to Me"  and will be released on Feb 6. The track will also be featured on new albums of both singers, to be released in March. The single's producer, Rico Love, says it's a very soulful R&B song with pop sensibilities and a melody big enough for all genres. While we wait for this duet to primere, let's check out "The Boy Is Mine" again below this post.

Paris Hilton snima pesmu sa LMFAO / Paris Hilton records single with LMFAO

Starleta Paris Hilton otkrila je da vredno radi na svom drugom, dugo očekivanom albumu. Producent njenog narednog muzičkog izdanje je AfroJack, poznat po saradnji sa duom LMFAO u hitu "Party Rock Anthem". Upravo sa ovim duom, Paris radi na novom singlu. Iako datum objavljivanja singla i albuma još nije poznat, povremena pevačica je rekla da će se ovaj album u potpunosti razlikovati od njenog debi izdanja, "Paris". Doduše, "Stars Are Blind" nije loša pesma, pa se možda prijatno iznenadimo... 


Starlet Paris Hilton revealed that she works hard on her new, long-awaited album. Producer of her next music release will be AfroJack, known for his collaboration with a duo LMFAO in a smash hit  "Party Rock Anthem". This duo will be featured on a upcoming Paris' single as well! Although she didn't confirm release dates for the single and the album, occasional singer promised that her new album will be completily different from her debut release, "Paris". TBH,  "Stars Are Blind" wasn't a bad song, so we may be pleasently surprised...   

Monday, January 16, 2012

UK Charts: Bruno Mars se vraća na vrh liste albuma, Jessie J dobila drugi #1 singl / Bruno Mars tops Albums chart again, Jessie J gets second #1 single

The silhouette of a rocket is shown flying away through a yellow background, leaving behind a trail on which the silhouette of a fedora-wearing man is walking. The words "Bruno Mars", in beige capital font, and "Doo-Wops & Hooligans", in lower case black font, are printed to the right.U tradicionalno tihoj januarskoj nedelji kada je reč o prodaji, veliki broj poznatih izdanja se vraća u top 10 zahvaljujući popustima i time što nije teško dospeti u top 10 zbog generalno slabe prodaje. Tako je ovonedeljni #1 album prodat u samo 24 509 primeraka. To je debi albuma Bruna Marsa, "Doo Wops & Hooligans", koji se na ovu poziciju vraća posle godinu dana. 
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, "21", od Adele, pao je na drugo mesto (23 831).
Jedini novitet dolazi od indie benda The Maccabees. Njihov novi album, "Given to the Wild", debitovao je na četvrtom mestu (22 453), što je najbolja pozicija i nedeljna prodaja u njihovoj karijeri.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Jessie J je dobila drugi #1 hit, jer je njen aktuelni singl, "Domino" napredovao sa osmog na prvog mesto (57 369).
U top 10 je dospeo i aktuelni singl Davida Guette, "Titanium", u kome gostuje australijska muzičarka Sia (8. mesto, 26 045). Ovo je 13. top 10 hit za Guettu i drugi za Siu.
Kompletne top 10 liste pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


In a traditionally quiet January week when it comes to sales, many well-known releases returns to top 10 thanks to discounts and overall lowsales so it's not hard to crack top 10. So, this week's #1 album sold only 24 509 copies. It's Bruno Mars' debut set, "Doo Wops & Hooligans", which returns to the pole position after a year.
Last week's #1 album, "21" by Adele, moves to #2 (23 831).
The only new entry comes from an indie band The Maccabees. Their new album, "Given to the Wild", debuts at #4 (22 453), which is the best position and weekly sales in their career. 
As for the singles chart, Jessie J scores her second #1 hit as her latest single, "Domino" advances 8-1 (57 369).
Top 10 this week reaches the latest David Guetta's single, "Titanium" (featuring Sia) (#8, 26 045). This is the 13th top 10 hit for Guetta and the second for Sia.
Check out complete top 10 charts below.

  1. (2) Bruno Maes - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  2. (1) Adele - 21
  3. (3) Ed Sheeran - +
  4. (NE) The Maccabees - Given to the Wild
  5. (6) Beyonce - 4
  6. (16) The Vaccines - What Did You Expect from the Vaccines?
  7. (4) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  8. (15) Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
  9. (17) Kasabian - Velociraptor!
  10. (5) Amy Winehouse - Lioness: Hidden Treasures
  1. (8) Jessie J - Domino
  2. (1) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  3. (5) Rizzle Kicks - Mama Do the Hump
  4. (4) Avicii - Levels
  5. (10) Lloyd feat. Andre 3000 & Lil Wayne - Dedication to My Ex
  6. (3) Taio Cruz - Troublemaker
  7. (2) Coldplay - Paradise
  8. (61) David Guetta feat. Sia - Titanium
  9. (6) Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
  10. (7) Labrinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake    
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