Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Justin Bieber najtraženija osoba na internetu / Justin Bieber is the most searched person on Internet


Internet je zaista opasno mesto i roditelji bi svakako trebalo da povedu više računa o tome šta njihova deca rade dok su na netu. Da su to radili u 2011, Justin Bieber ne bi bio najtraženija osoba na internetu ove godine. 
Što se ostatka top 10 tiče, tu su i Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus i Lady Gaga. Najveće iznenađenje je Jennifer Lopez, koja je na petom mestu, jer prošle godine nije bila ni u prvih 50.


Internet is a really dangerous place and parents shoud certainly pay more attention to what their children look for while surfing the net. If they had done that in 2011, Justin Bieber wouldn't have been the most searched person on the internet this year. 
As for the rest of top 10, there are Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga. The biggest surprise is Jennifer Lopez at #5, because she wasn't even top 50 last year.

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