Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lady Gaga pokreće "Born This Way" fondaciju / Lady Gaga to launch "Born This Way" fondation


Lady Gaga je najavila da će sledeće godine otvoriti "Born This Way" fondaciju kako bi pomogla žrtvama maltretiranja. Da podsetim, ona je pokrenula niz akcija posle samoubistva 14-godišnjeg Jamia Rodermeyera koji nije mogao da podnese maltretiranje u školi kome je bio izložen kada se saznalo da je gej. Ona se povodom toga susrela i sa predsednikom Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Barackom Obamom. Povodom otvaranja fondacije, pevačica je rekla:
"Moja majka i ja smo pokrenule veoma važan projekat. Zove se "Born This Way" fondacija. Nadamo se da ćemo uspostaviti standarde hrabrosti i dobrote kao i da ćemo pokrenuti zajednicu da štiti ljude od maltretiranja i napuštanja".


Lady Gaga has announced that she'll launch "Born This Way" fondation next year whith a goal to protect people from bullying. To remind you, she started various actions after a suicide of 14-year-old Jamie Rodermeyer who couldn't stand bullying at school when kids found out he was gay. She also had a meeting with a president of the USABarack Obama, because of that. About this fondation the singer said:
"My mother and I have initiated a passion project. We call it the Born This Way Foundation. Together we hope to establish a standard of Bravery and Kindness, as well as a community worldwide that protects and nurtures others in the face of bullying and abandonment.”

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