Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mariah Yeater (Justin Bieber je otac moje bebe) odustala od tužbe / Mariah Yeater (Justin Bieber is a father of my baby) dropped lawsuit

Nakon nekoliko nedelja slave, izgleda da više nećemo čuti ime Mariah Yeater (kad bi to isto važilo i za Biebera...). Kao što verovatno znate, ona je tvrdila da je Justin Bieber otac njene bebe i protiv njega je podnela tužbu. Međutim, nakon što je mlada starleta rešila da uradi DNK test, gospođica Yeater je odustala od tužbe. I to vam je otprilike to.
Navodno će njeni advokati problem pokušati da reše van suda, ali to neću pratiti jer je ovom slučaju ionako posvećeno previše pažnje (aka DNK test je mogao da se uradi odmah). Međutim, izgleda da ovde pažnju javnosti traži više od jedne osobe...


After few weeks of fame, it seems that we won't hear Mariah Yeater's name again (when would same apply for Bieber...). As you probably know, she claimed that Justin Bieber is a father of her baby and she filed a lawsuit against him. But, after the young starlet decided to do a DNA test, miss Yeater dropped the lawsuit and that would be it.
Apparently, her lawyers will try to solve this problem out of a court, but I won't follow that because this case has already got too much attention (aka DNA test could be done right away). However, it seems that there's more than one person who wants to be in a spotlight...

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