Božić je, naravno, i ove godine bio uzrok povećane prodaje albuma i singlova. Praznični album
Michaela Bublea,
"Christmas", ostao je na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama petu nedelju zaredom sa 467 000 prodatih primeraka prošle nedelje. Osim što je ovo najbolja nedeljna prodaja za ovaj album do sada,
"Christmas" je postao i drugi najprodavaniji album u Americi sa 2.43 miliona prodatih kopija do sada.
Ubedljivo najprodavaniji album ove godine ima Adele. "21" je prošle nedelje prodat u 399 000 primeraka, što je najbolja nedeljna prodaja u njenoj karijeri - 44 nedelje nakon objavljivanja albuma! "21" je do sada prodat u 5.68 miliona primeraka, što je najveća prodaja u kalendarskoj godini od 2004. godine i Usherovog albuma "Confessions".
Reper Young Jeezy našao se na trećem mestu sa albumom "TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition" (233 000), što je njegov peti uzastopni top 5 album.
U top 10 se vraća Rihannin album, "Talk That Talk", nakon popusta u AmazonMP3 online prodavnici (7. mesto, 99 000).

Što se liste singlova tiče,
LMFAO su napokon stigli do vrha sa
"Sexy and I Know It" nakon sedam nedelja provedenih na drugom mestu. Njihov drugi uzastopni #1 singl prošle nedelje je prodat u 395 000 primeraka, dok je i dalje na trećem mestu po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
Top 10 novitet ove nedelje dolazi od
Adele. Njen aktuelni singl u Americi,
"Set Fire to the Rain", dospeo je do sedmog mesta ove nedelje, čime je postao njen treći uzastopni top 10 singl. Ova pesma nalazi se na sedmom mestu po prodaji (217 000) i 17. mestu po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
U top 10 je dospeo i novi singl
Big Seana sa
Nicki Minaj,
"Dance (A$$)" (10. mesto). Ovo je prvi top 10 hit za
Big Seana i četvrti za
Nicki Minaj.
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
Christmas, of course, was the reason for an increased sales of albums and singles this year too. Michael Buble's holiday album, "Christmas", remains at the top of the US albums chart for the fifth consecutive week with 467 000 copies sold. Apart from being his biggest weekly sales, last week brought his total to 2.43 million copies making this album the second biggest release of 2011.
The best-selling album this year undoubtedly belongs to Adele. "21" was sold in 399 000 copies last week which is the biggest weekly sales in her career - 44 weeks after the release! "21" has been sold in 5.68 million copies, which is the best-selling album in a calendar year since Usher's "Confessions" in 2004.
Rapper Young Jeezy bows at #3 with "TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition" (233 000), his fifth consecutive top 5 album.
Rihanna returns to top 10 this week with "Talk That Talk", thanks to a price slash in AmazonMP3 store (#7, 99 000).
As for the singles chart, LMFAO finally reach the top with "Sexy and I Know It" after seven weeks at #2. Their second consecutive #1 hit was sold in 395 000 downloads last week, while it holds #3 on Radio Songs chart.
Top 10 new entry this week comes from Adele. Her latest US single, "Set Fire to the Rain", reaches #7 this week. This song is #7 on Digital Songs chart (217 000) and #17 on Radio Songs.
Big Sean scores his first top 10 single thanks to "Dance (A$$)" featuring Nicki Minaj (#10). This is the fourth top 10 hit for Minaj.
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.
Top 10 Albums:
- (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
- (2) Adele - 21
- (NE) Young Jeezy -
TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition
- (3) Justin Bieber - Under the Mistletoe
- (7) Drake - Take Care
- (5) Lady Antebellum - Own the Night
- (14) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
- (6) Nickelback - Here and Now
- (4) The Black Keys - El Camino
- (11) Now 40
Top 10 Singles:
- (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
- (1) Rihanna feat. calvin Harris - We Found Love
- (5) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
- (3) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
- (6) Jay-Z feat. Kanye West - Ni**as In Paris
- (4) Flo Rida - Good Felling
- (13) Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
- (7) Adele - Someone Like You
- (15) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
- (12) Big Sean feat. Nicki Minaj - Dance (A$$)
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