Iako je poslednjih meseci bilo mnogo glasina ko će pevati na venčanju princa Williama i Kate Middleton, konačno je objavljeno da će to biti mlada pevačica Ellie Goulding.
Princ William i Kate su veliki fanovi ove pevačice i smatraju da je njena muzika prigodna za sve generacije. Ellie će nastupiti na prijemu posle večere za 300 odabranih zvanica, a domačin prijema biće mladoženjin otac princ Charles.
Ellie će najverovatnije prijem otvoriti obradom pesme Eltona Johna "Your Song" koja je omiljena zvanicama.
Inače, obrada ove pesme je za sada najveći hit za Ellie u Velikoj Britaniji i spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.
After many rummors that have been ongoing in the last few months about who'll perform at the Royal Wedding reception, it's finally revealed that it will be young singer Ellie Goulding.
Apparently, Prince William and Kate Middleton are huge fans of this singer and they think her music is appropriate for all generations. Ellie will perform at the post-dinner reception for 300 people and the reception will be hosted by the groom's father Prince Charles.
Ellie will most probably open the reception with a cover of Elton John's classic Your Song which is a favorite of the royal couple.
Anyway, this song is the biggest hit to date in the UK for this singer. Check out the song and the video below this post.
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