Britney Spears, Ke$ha i Nicki Minaj snimile su remix pesme Till the World Ends sa aktuelnog albuma Britney Spears "Femme Fatale". Pesma će u utorak biti objavljena na iTunes-u, a na zvaničnim sajtovima sve tri pevačice postavljeno je odbrojavanje. Dobra vest je da je pesma već "procurela" na net i možete je poslušati ispod ovog posta!
Da li će i ovaj remix, poput onog za Rihannin "S&M" sa Britney, uspeti da dođe do prvog mesta na Billboard Hot 100 listi, ostaje da se vidi. Ali, jedno je sigurno, sve tri pevačice su definitivno među najpopularnijim trenutno, što čini ovu saradnju itekako zanimljivom.
Britney Spears, Ke$ha and Nicki Minaj recorded a remix for Till the World Ends, the second single from the latest Britney Spears' album Femme Fatale. The song will be released to iTunes on Tuesday and you can see a counting on official websites of all three singers. The good news is that the song has already leaked and you can listen to it below this post!
We'll see if this remix can score #1 on Billboard Hot 100 like the one by Rihanna and Britney for S&M, but one thing is sure - all three performers are among the most popular celebrities at the moment which makes this collaboration very interesting!
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