Aktuelna turneja grupe U2 "360" će u nedelju, 10. aprila, postati najuspešnija turneja svih vremena. Bend će tada nastupiti u Sao Paolu, nakon čega će ukupna zarada iznositi preko 558 miliona dolora. Ovim će biti oboren rekord grupe Rolling Stones i njihove A Bigger Band turneje.
U2 su turneju započeli 2009. godine i posetili su preko 30 zemalja. Magazin Billboard predviđa da će do kraja turneje ukupna zarada iznositi preko 700 miliona dolara.
A current tour by U2 "360" is set to become the highest-grossing tour ever this Sunday (April 10). The band will play in Sao Paolo that night and following the performance their tour will have grossed over $558 million. This surpasses the record set by The Rolling Stones for their A Bigger Bang tour.
U2 started their tour in 2009 and they've visited over 30 countries since. According to Billboard magazine the tour will have grossed more than $700 million when it finishes.
U2 started their tour in 2009 and they've visited over 30 countries since. According to Billboard magazine the tour will have grossed more than $700 million when it finishes.
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