Legendarna pevačica Kate Bush objavila je spot za novu verziju pesme Deeper Understanding - prvi single sa albuma Director's Cut koji će biti objavljen 16. maja. O ovom albumu smo već pisali ovde.
Pesmu možete kupiti na iTunesu, a više nego zanimljiv spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. Jedina mana mu je to što se Kate ne pojavljuje :( ali fanovi Harryja Pottera će se obradovati jer glavnu ulogu u spotu tumači Robbie Coltrane koji je u filmovima o čarobnjaku igrao Hagrida.
Spot je režirala sama Kate. Uživajte :)
A legendary singer Kate Bush has released a video for a new version of her old song Deeper Understanding - the first single from her upcoming album Director's Cut (to be released on May 16). We have already written about this album and more info you can find here.
The song is available on iTunes and more than interesting video you can watch below. The only con is that Kate doesn't show up :( but fans of Harry Potter will be happy to see Robbie Coltrane who portrayed Hagrid in movies about the young wizard.
The video is directed by Kate. Enjoy :)
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