Saturday, December 31, 2011


Dragi moji,

Želim vam mnogo sreće u Novoj godini! Nadam se da ćete ostvariti sve želje! Hvala što čitate ovaj blog u tolikom broju. Nadam se da će nam 2012. godina doneti mnogo dobre muzike i da će vas do kraja sledeće godine biti mnogo više!

Lep provod večeras! :)


Dear readers,

I wish very Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you'll acomplish everything you imagined! Thank you for reading this blog in such a high number. I hope that 2012 will bring a lot of great music and that there will be a lot more readers till the end of 2012!

Have fun tonight! :)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Katy Perry se razvodi / Katy Perry is getting divorced

Nakon mnogobrojnih spekulacija, potvrđeno je da se Katy Perry razvodi od glumca Rusella Branda nakon godinu dana braka. Zahtev za razvod braka podneo je Rusell zbog "nepremostivih razlika" i tim povodom je rekao:
"Nažalost, Katy i ja se razvodimo. Uvek ću je obožavati i znam da ćemo ostati prijatelji".
Glasine da se razvode počele su da kruže internetom prošlog meseca, ali je ovaj par tada to odlučno demantovao.


After many speculations it's now confirmed that Katy Perry is getting divorced from an actor Rusell Brand with whom she's been in marriage for a year. Rusell has filed for divorce citing "irreconcilable differences". He has released a statement saying:
"Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage. I will always adore her and I know we'll remain friends".
Rumors about their divorce started spreading over internet last month, but the couple denied them determinately then.

Editor's Choice: Top 10 Singles of 2011

Ako mislite da ja lista top 10 albuma previše alternativna i indie i željni ste više pop zvuka, onda je ovo prava lista za vas - 10 najboljih singlova 2011. godine po mišljenju autora bloga (prodaja i slušanost na radio-stanicama nisu faktori od značaja na ovoj listi).
Dakle.../ If you think that albums list is too indie or alternative, then this is the right list for you - top 10 singles of 2011 (IMO, of course - sales and airplay do not affect this chart). So...

10. Jessie J feat. B.o.B. - Price Tag

Nešto kao Zaz, ali mnogo manje iritantnije. Jessie J je pevačica koja se ove godine izdvojila svojim raskošnim talentom i specifičnim stilom. Poruka ove pesme je jasna - nije sve u novcu, ima nešto i u zabavi, a mi se super zabavljali uz ritmove ovog hita. Najlepše stvari su zaista besplatne / This is something like Zaz, just not that iritating. Jessie J got under a spotlight thanks to her huge talent and an unique style. The song's message is clear - it's not everything about money, there's something in partying too and we were partying so good thanks to a rhythm of this hit. The best things in life are indeed free.

9. Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E.T.

Katy Perry je svojim hitovima ove godine okupirala top-liste svojim hitovima. Izdvojio sam ovu kao nešto potpuno drugačije od svega što je Katy do sada uradila. Nadam se da će i u budućnosti imati ovako zanimljivih eksperimenata. / Katy Perry has occupied charts with her hits. I selected this one because it's totally different than anything Katy recorded in the past. I hope we'll get more experiments like this from her in the future.

8. Jennifer Lopez - Papi

Spoj latino zvuka sa modernom dance muzikom uvek je bila odlična kombinacija za Jennifer Lopez. Kada tome dodate besprekornu produkciju i savršen spot, doživljaj je potpun! / A compond of latino sounds and modern dance music has always been a winning combination for Jennifer Lopez. When you add a flawless production and a perfect video to all that, you get a complete experience.

7. Britney Spears - Till the World Ends

Poruka je jasna - igraj do smaka sveta! Sa gotovo himničnom atmosferom svakako jedna od najmoćnijih dance pesama ove godine. / The message is clear - dance till the world ends! With almost anthemic atmosphere, this is easily one of the most powerful dance songs this year.

6. Florence + The Machine - What the Water Gave Me

Pomalo jeziva, ali u isto vreme prelepa pesma. Tekst govori o ljudima koji su izgubili život u vodi, a melodija i njena specifična interpretacija savršeno su dočarali atmosferu pesme. / Little creepy, but beautiful song in the same time. The lyrics are about people who lost their lives in water. A melody and her unique voice delivered the song's atmosphere perfectly.

5. Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts

Ova mlada pevačica osvojila je svet svojim moćnim, emotivnim glasom i prelepom ljubavnom pesmom sa snažnom porukom. Još jedan od dokaza da su ljudi ove godine zapravo i slušali muziku. Bilo je lepo videti povratak pravih balada na top-liste. / This young singer conquered the world with her strong, emotional vocal and beautiful song with a strong message. This is another proof that people actually have listened to a real music this year. It was nice to see real balads back on charts.

4. Adele - Someone Like You

Sve što ovu pesmu čini su klavir i glas. A ipak je mnoge dovela do suza, jer su se milioni pronašli u priči o bolnom raskidu. Još kada tome dodate perfektnu interpretaciju Adele... Definitivno najlepša balada ove godine. / This song is only consisted of voice and piano. Still, many were moved to teras, because millions could relate to lyrics about a painful break up. Plus when you add Adele's perfect interpretation to all that... Definitelly the most beautiful ballad this year.

3. Lana Del Rey - Video Games

Otkriće godine za mene. Verovatno nije ni sanjala koliku će popularnost dostići njen amaterski video koji je postavila na YouTube. Glas sexy i hopnotišući u isto vreme u kombinaciji sa mračnom melodijom i tekstom privukli su pažnju miliona ljudi. Siguran sam da će biti jedna od najvećihzvezda 2012. godine. / The best new artist this year for me. She probably couldn't imagine how popular her amateur video will become on YouTube. Sexy and hypnotizing voice combined with dark lyrics and melody got attention of millions. I'm sure she'll be one of the biggest stars of 2012.

2. Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor

Nezaobilazna pesma na žurkama širom sveta u ovoj godini. Jennider Lopez se vratila u velikom stilu - najvećim hitom u svojoj karijeri. Euforija počinje već kod prvih taktova, tako da je neizostavna pesma i za novogodišnje žurke. Jennifer je još jednom pokazala zašto je kraljica plesnih podijuma. / Unavoidable song on parties this year worldwide. Jennifer Lopez has had the most successful comeback this year - she returned with the biggest hit in her career. Euphoria starts with first tacts, so this song is must have for new year parites. Jennifer proved once again why she's the queen of dance floor.

1. Adele - Rolling In the Deep

Pesma koja je u svakom smislu obeležila 2011. godinu. I danas je možete čuti bukvalno svuda - od klubova do supermarketa. Plus, ovu pesmu obožavaju svi - i kritika i publika. Jedni nemaju dovoljno hvalospeva, dok podaci govore da je ovo ubedljivo najprodavanija pesma ove godine. Moćan glas, moćna pesma, tema u kojoj se svi lako pronađu. Čak se može reći da je ovo himna 2011. / The song that marked 2011. You can still hear it literally everywhere - from clubs to supermarkets. Plus, everyone loves this song - and critics and audience. One can't praise it enough, while sales data shows that this by far the biggest-selling single of 2011. Powerful voice, powerful tune and lyrics that everyone could relate to. You can even say that this is an anthem of 2011. 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Billboard Charts: Najbolja nedeljna prodaja u karijeri za Adele, LMFAO dobili drugi uzastopni #1 singl / Adele gets career's best weekly sales, LMFAO score second consecutive #1 single

Božić je, naravno, i ove godine bio uzrok povećane prodaje albuma i singlova. Praznični album Michaela Bublea, "Christmas", ostao je na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama petu nedelju zaredom sa 467 000 prodatih primeraka prošle nedelje. Osim što je ovo najbolja nedeljna prodaja za ovaj album do sada, "Christmas" je postao i drugi najprodavaniji album u Americi sa 2.43 miliona prodatih kopija do sada.
Ubedljivo najprodavaniji album ove godine ima Adele. "21" je prošle nedelje prodat u 399 000 primeraka, što je najbolja nedeljna prodaja u njenoj karijeri - 44 nedelje nakon objavljivanja albuma! "21" je do sada prodat u 5.68 miliona primeraka, što je najveća prodaja u kalendarskoj godini od 2004. godine i Usherovog albuma "Confessions".
Reper Young Jeezy našao se na trećem mestu sa albumom "TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition" (233 000), što je njegov peti uzastopni top 5 album.
U top 10 se vraća Rihannin album, "Talk That Talk", nakon popusta u AmazonMP3 online prodavnici (7. mesto, 99 000).
Što se liste singlova tiče, LMFAO su napokon stigli do vrha sa "Sexy and I Know It" nakon sedam nedelja provedenih na drugom mestu. Njihov drugi uzastopni #1 singl prošle nedelje je prodat u 395 000 primeraka, dok je i dalje na trećem mestu po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
Katy Perry nije uspela da dobije šesti #1 singl sa jednog albuma, jer joj je remix pesme "The Girl That Got Away" sa B.oBom, pomogao da stigne samo do trećeg mesta.
Top 10 novitet ove nedelje dolazi od Adele. Njen aktuelni singl u Americi, "Set Fire to the Rain", dospeo je do sedmog mesta ove nedelje, čime je postao njen treći uzastopni top 10 singl. Ova pesma nalazi se na sedmom mestu po prodaji (217 000) i 17. mestu po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
U top 10 je dospeo i novi singl Big Seana sa Nicki Minaj, "Dance (A$$)" (10. mesto). Ovo je prvi top 10 hit za Big Seana i četvrti za Nicki Minaj.
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Christmas, of course, was the reason for an increased sales of albums and singles this year too. Michael Buble's holiday album, "Christmas", remains at the top of the US albums chart for the fifth consecutive week with 467 000 copies sold. Apart from being his biggest weekly sales, last week brought his total to 2.43 million copies making this album the second biggest release of 2011.
The best-selling album this year undoubtedly belongs to Adele. "21" was sold in 399 000 copies last week which is the biggest weekly sales in her career - 44 weeks after the release! "21" has been sold in 5.68 million copies, which is the best-selling album in a calendar year since Usher's "Confessions" in 2004.
Rapper Young Jeezy bows at #3 with "TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition" (233 000), his fifth consecutive top 5 album.
Rihanna returns to top 10 this week with "Talk That Talk", thanks to a price slash in AmazonMP3 store (#7, 99 000).
As for the singles chart, LMFAO finally reach the top with "Sexy and I Know It" after seven weeks at #2. Their second consecutive #1 hit was sold in 395 000 downloads last week, while it holds #3 on Radio Songs chart.
Katy Perry fails to score sixth #1 single from a single album as a remix of "The One That Got Away", featuring B.oB., helped her to peak at #3 only.
Top 10 new entry this week comes from Adele. Her latest US single, "Set Fire to the Rain", reaches #7 this week. This song is #7 on Digital Songs chart (217 000) and #17 on Radio Songs.
Big Sean scores his first top 10 single thanks to "Dance (A$$)" featuring Nicki Minaj (#10). This is the fourth top 10 hit for Minaj.
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.

Top 10 Albums:
  1. (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
  2. (2) Adele - 21
  3. (NE) Young Jeezy -  TM 103: Hustlerz Ambition
  4. (3) Justin Bieber - Under the Mistletoe
  5. (7) Drake - Take Care
  6. (5) Lady Antebellum - Own the Night
  7. (14) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
  8. (6) Nickelback - Here and Now
  9. (4) The Black Keys - El Camino
  10. (11) Now 40
Top 10 Singles:
  1. (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  2. (1) Rihanna feat. calvin Harris - We Found Love
  3. (5) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  4. (3) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  5. (6) Jay-Z feat. Kanye West - Ni**as In Paris
  6. (4) Flo Rida - Good Felling
  7. (13) Adele - Set Fire to the Rain
  8. (7) Adele - Someone Like You
  9. (15) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem
  10. (12) Big Sean feat. Nicki Minaj - Dance (A$$)
new entry
new peak

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Editor's Choice: Top 10 Albums of 2011

2011. godina se bliži kraju, a s obzirom na to da ovaj blog postoji skoro godinu dana, vreme je da se napravi retrospektiva albuma i singlova koji su obeležili ovu godinu. Zapravo, ovo nije lista albuma i singlova koji su bili najbolji po prodaji, već lista onih izdanja koja su mi privukla najveću pažnju kao muzičkom novinaru i autoru ovog bloga. Takođe, ovde neće biti samo pop izdanja, pa može otkrijete nekog zanimljivog izvođača. Naravno, možete i vi da postavljate svoje liste kao komentar na ovaj post.
Krećemo sa listom albuma, dok ću listu singlova postaviti za nekoliko dana :) /We are at the and of 2011 and considering that this blog is almost a year old, it's time make a retrospective of albums and singles that marked the year that is almost behind us. Actually, this isn't the list of best-selling albums and singles, but the list of releases that got most of my attention as a music journslist and an author of this blog. Also, you won't see only pop releases here, so you may discover interesting artists from other genres. Of course, you can also post your lists as a comment.
Let's go with the albums list first, while the singles list will be posted in a few days :)

Top 10 Albums:

10. Moby - Destroyed

Moby je svoj deseti studijski album opisao kao "melodična elektronska muzika za prazni grad u 2 ujutru" i, zaista, on je još jednom pokazao da je majstor elektronske muzike. Za razliku od mnogih producenata ovog žanra, Moby veliku pažnju posvećuje i melodičnosti, pa ovaj album odiše setom, usamljenošću, ponekad i besom. Odličan album za one koji od elektronske muzike očekuju nešto više. / Moby described his tenth studio album as "melodic electronic music for empty cities at 2 am". and he really showed once again that he's on top of the game in electro genre. Unlike many other producers from this genre, a melody plays an important part in his work, so this album reflects feelings of distance, loneliness, even anger. Great album for those who expect something more from an electronic music.

9. Britney Spears - Femme Fatale

Iako Britney poslednjih godina nije u baš najboljoj formi i njeni nastupi nisu ni približno dobri kao na početku njene karijere, to je nije sprečilo da vremenom njene pesme postanu sve bolje. "Femme Fatale" je za mene njen najbolji album u karijeri - produkcija besprekorna i nema takozvanih fillera. Sve pesme su skoro podjednako dobre i svaka je spremna za klubove. Nema pretencioznih tekstova, samo Britney koja  se dobro zabavlja i to je ono što radi najbolje. Najbolji album za žurke ove godine. / Although Britney hasn't been in the best shape during last few years and her performances aren't even close to what she could do in the beginning of her career, it didn't stopped her songs to get better with time. For me, "Femme Fatale" is her best album to date - with a flawless production and without fillers. All songs are almost equally good and all are ready for clubs! There aren't pretentious lyrics, just Britney having fun and that's what she does the best. The best party album this year.

8. Jennifer Lopez - LOVE?

Najbolji povratak na scenu ove godine svakako je imala Jennifer Lopez. Nakon što je njena muzička karijera zamalo zamrla nakon komercijalnog kraha singla "Louboutins", Jennifer se vratila albumom "LOVE?", na kome je radila dve godine i na kome se nalazi jedan od najvećih hitova godine "On the Floor". Jennifer je ovim albumom pokazala da je sazrela kao pevač, što se videlo i na mnogobrojnim live nastupima. S obzirom na to da je snimala i tokom trudnoće, na albumu ima ličnih i ozbiljnijih pesama, ali nije zapostavila ni fanove njenih dance klasika. / The best comeback this year undoubtly belongs to Jennifer Lopez. After her music career almost died after a commercial failure of her single "Louboutins", Jennifer returned with her new album "LOVE?", which she worked on for two years and which features one of the biggest hits this year "On the Floor". Jennifer proved with album that she has matured as a singer which she also showed during many live performances. Considering that she was recording this album during a pregnancy as well, it resulted with some more serious and personal songs, but she didn't forget fans of her dance classics.  

7. Feist - Metals

Feist svakako spada među najtalentovanije muzičare novije generacije. Nakon komercijalnog uspeha njenog prethodnog albuma "The Reminder" i hita "1234"Feist se povukla sa scene kako bi se posvetila stvaranju novih, neobičnih pesama. "Metals" je album koji će vas sigurno naterati da se naježite. Ljubitelji dark pop zvuka će ga obožavati. Feist je ekperimentisala zvukovima raznih instrumenata kako bi dobila specifičnu atmosferu i besprekorne aranžmane, savršeno uklopljene uz njen milozvučan glas. /  Feist is certainly one of the most talented singers/songwriters in a new generation. After a big success of her album "The Reminder" and a hit "1234" from 2007, she took some time off to create new and unusual songs. "Metals" will give you goosebumps for sure. Dark pop fans will LOVE it. feist experimented a lot with sounds of various instruments in order to create a specific atmosphere and flawless arrangements that suit perfectly to her mellow voice.

6. Bjork - Biophilia

Ako bi nekom trebalo dodeliti nagradu za konstantnu muzičku inovativnost, onda je to Bjork. Kraljica ektravagance se vratila nakon četvorogodišnje pauze izuzetno zanimljivim i neobičnim projektom - "Biophilia". Ovoga puta spojila je nauku i muziku. Kompletan album govori o nastanku života, tajnama univerzuma, zakonima fizike. Sve ovo je postigla upotrebom najneobičnijih instrumenata, čak je i uređaje koje koristimo u svakodnevnom životu pretvarala u instrumente. Čak je kreirala i iPad aplikacije kako bi slušaoci mogli da učestvuju u ovom projektu. Još jednom je pokazala da opravdano nosi titulu muzičkog čarobnjaka. / If someone should be awarded for a contast inovation in music that should be Bjork. The queen of extravaganza came back after 4-year-long break with a very interesting and extremely unusual project"Biophilia". This time she combined science with music. The complete album is about creation of life, secrets of universe, physics laws... She managed to this with a use of the most unusual instruments, including some of the machines we use in an everyday life. She even created iPad apps, so the listeners could interact with the entire project. She showed once again why she is called a music wizard. 

5. Bon Iver - Bon Iver

Iako je bend Bon Iver nominovan u katogiriji za najboljeg novog izvođača na Grammy nagradama, ovaj bend je već četiri godine dobro poznat u indie krugovima. Njihov prvi album, "For Emma Forver Ago", jedan je od najboljih albuma iz 2008. godine po mišljenju kritičara. Ono što karakteriše njihovu muziku su "sirove" emocije prenesene na muziku uz minimalnu upotrebu instrumenata, metaforičkim tekstovima i specifičnim glasom frontmena Justina Vemona. Njihov drugi album, nazvan po njima, zadržao je sve to, ali ovoga puta uz značajan napredak kada je reč o produkciji pesama. Ovoga puta pokušali su muzikom da dočaraju gradove koji su im značajni zbog nečega, a sudeći po reakcijama kritike i publike, to su uradili veoma uspešno. / Although Bon Iver are nominated in Best New Artist category for next year's Grammys, this band has been well-known in indie circles for four years. Their first album, "For Emma Forver Ago", is one of the best albums in 2008, according to critics. In their music you can hear raw emotions transfered into songs with a minimal usage of instrumentas and with a metaphoric lyrics delivered with a spesific voice of the band's frontman Justin Vemon. Their second, self-titled, album kept all those things, but this time  with a much better production. With this album they tried to musically describe cities that mean something to them and, according to critics and an audience, they did a great job.  

4. Tori Amos - Night of Hunters

Tori Amos je svakako jedan od najkreativnijih umetnika na muzičkoj sceni. Svaki njen album predstavlja jednu priču, jedan koncept, a ona u svakoj priči ima različitu ulogu. Svoje priče ona priča kroz muziku, uglavnom samo uz pomoć klavira i glasa. "Night of Hunters" je odličan spoj pop i klasične muzike. Kako Tori kaže, album je inspirisan razvojem klasične muzike rokom 400 godina. Poslušajte obavezno! Prelepe melodije, ponekad zastrašujuće, odvešće vas na neverovatno muzičko putovanje. / Tori Amos is certainly one of the most creative artist in the music scene. Each of her album represents a story, a concept and she alway plays a different part in them. She tells her stories through music, mostly using just voice and piano. "Night of Hunters" is a great compound between pop and classical music. As Tory says, the album is inspired by classical music themes spanning over 400 years. You must listen to this! Beautiful melodies, sometimes frightening, will take you to an incredible music journey.

3. Kate Bush - 50 Words of Snow

Neki ljudi jednostavno ne mogu da pogreše kada je muzika u pitanju. Legendarna Kate Bush vratila se novim albumom posle petogodišnje pauze. Album "50 Words for Snow" samo je još jedan od dokaza zašto je Kate Bush jedan od najcenjenijih umetnika svih vremena i velika inspiracija mnogim muzičarima. Kada bi zima bila muzički album, zvučala bi baš ovako. Njen specifičan glas, odabrani efekti, savršena produkcija i talenat koji joj omugćava da sve što želi pretvori u predivnu muziku doveli su ovaj album do savršenstva. Možda najbolji "zimski" album svih vremena. / Some people can't make mistake when it comes to music. Legendary Kate Bush returned with a new album after 5-year-long break. "50 Words for Snow" proves once again why Kate Bush is one of the most acclaimed artists and a big inspiration to many musicians. Her unique voice, chosen effects, flawless production and a talent that gives her an ability to turn everything into a beautiful music, brought this album to perfection. Maybe the best "winter" album ever.

2. Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials

Talentovana, ekscentrična, pomalo morbidna Florence Welsch (Florence + The Machine) vratila se bolja nego ikad. Na drugom albumu "Ceremonials" zadržala je sve ono što je bilo dobro sa prethodnog albuma, ali je ovoga puta bila smelija, više je eksperimentisala sa različitim instrumentima, zvučnim efektima, tekstovi su mračniji, a njen glas izražajniji. Mračne teme i ovoga puta su bile glavna inspiracija - smrt, propale veze, crne misli, te ovaj album svakako nije preporučljivo slušati ako ste depresivni. Međutim, ovaj album bi definitivno trebalo da posedujete jer je zaista muzičko remek-delo koje vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim. Pogotovo ako volite mračnu muziku. / Talented, eccentric, and a bit morbid Florence Welsch (Florence + The Machine) returned better than ever. On her second album "Ceremonials" she kept all good things from a previous record, but this time she was more secure in herself, she experimented more with various instruments, sound effects, her lyrics are darker and her voice is more expressive. Dark topics were main inspiration for this album too - death, broken relationships, dark thoughts, so it's not recommended to listen to this album if you're depressed. Anyway, you should certainly have it, because it's a real music masterpiece which won't leave you indifferent.

1. Adele - 21

Ovo je album koji je definitivno obeležio ovu godinu. Pokazao je da ljudi ipak umeju da cene pravu muziku - bez golotinje, eksplicitnih tekstova, vulgarnih spotova i ekscentričnih outfita. Sve što je ova 23-godišnja devojka uradila jeste da je pretvorila u muziku sve što joj leži na srcu. Ispalo je da je to pun pogodak u kombinaciji sa njenim moćnim glasom. Ovaj album može da posluži i kao uputstvo onima koji više pažnje posvećuju vizuelnom predstavljanju nego muzici. Adele je uradila ono što godinama mnogima nije polazilo sa rukom godinama - naterala je ljude da je slušaju i siguran sam da je ovaj album na putu da postane klasik svog vremena. / This album definitely marked this year. It proved that people can appreciate a real music - without nudity, explicit lyrics, vulgar videos and weird outfits. Everything that this 23-year-old girl did was to pour everything that lies on her heart into a music. It turned out to be a hit formula in a combination with her powerful voice. This album can also serve as a direction to those who pay more attention to their visual presentation than to their mssic. Adele managed to do what many have been trying for years - she made people to actually listen to her and I'm sure this album will become a classic of its time.

Scissor Sisters najavili novi album / Scissor Sisters announce new album

Scissor Sisters blue

Popularni pop dance bend Scissor Sisters najavio je novi, četvrti po redu, studijski album i novi singl na zvaničnoj facebook stranici benda.
"Proveli smo 2011. godinu radeći na albumu na koji smo veoma ponosni i jedva čekamo da ga podelimo sa vama. Zato što ste bili tako dobri dečaci i devojčice, počećemo 2012. godinu novom pesmom kao najavu za ono što dolazi", napisali su članovi benda.
Naziv nove numere je "Shady Love" i biće predstavljena 2. januara na BBC One radiju. 


Popular pop dance band Scissor Sisters has announced new, their fourth, studio album and a new single on the band's official facebook page.
"We’ve spent 2011 making an album that we’re really proud of and can’t wait to share with you. Because you’ve been such good boys and girls, we’ll be kicking off 2012 with a sneak peek of a brand new song to whet your appetite for what’s to come.”
The new song is titled "Shady Love" and will be premiered on January 2 on BBC Radio One

Monday, December 26, 2011

Bivša lična asistentkinja tuži Lady Gagu / Lady Gaga sued by former personal assistant

Bivša lična asistentkinja Lady Gage, Jennifer O'Neil, tužila je pevačicu zbog, kako tvrdi, duga od 380 000 dolara za 7 168 sati prekovremenog rada. O'Neil je tim povodom izjavila:
"Bila sam zadužena da obezbedim peškire posle njenog tuširanja i služila sam joj kao budilnik. Zahtevala je da počnem sa radom u najranijim jutarnjim časovima, kao i da obavljam zaduženja na stadionima, u privatnim avionima, hotelima, jahtama, vozovima, autobusima... Nisam imala pauze, a nekada nisam ni spavala".
Tim pevačice je odgovorio da su ove optužbe potpuno neosnovane. 


Former Lady Gaga's personal assistent, Jennifer O'Neil, filed a lawsuit against the singer because O'Neil claims that she is owned payment of over 380 000$ for 7 168 hours of overtime. O'neil spoke about the case:
"I was responsible for "ensuring the promptness of a towel following a shower and serving as a personal alarm clock. I was expected to be at her service from earliest waking hour and she expected my duties to be extend to stadiums, private jets, fine hotel suites, yachts, ferries, trains and tour buses. I was unable to take breaks or even at times sleep".
The singer's team has refuted allegations and insisted they are "completely without merit". 

Watch: Jessie J - Domino (NEW VIDEO!)

Jessie J predstavila je spot za pesmu "Domino" - prvi singl sa reizdanja njenog debi albuma "Who You Are". Spot nema neku posebnu priču, ali ima mnogo promena kostima i Jessie ovoga puta pokazuje svoju sexy stranu u skladu sa pesmom jer je drugačija od svega što je do sada radila. Neki kažu da pesma podseća na Katy Perry, ali procenite sami.


Jessie J has premiered a video for "Domino" - the first single from a re-release of her debut album "Who You Are". The video doesn't have a storyline, but there are a lot costume changes and this time Jessie shows her sexy side, because the song is different from everything she's done before. Some even say that it remindes them of Katy Perry. Well, judge yourself.

UK Charts: Military Wives dobile božićni #1 singl / Military Wives score Christmas #1 single

U božićnoj nedelji, očekivano, mnogo božićnih izdanja u top 10 i, tradicionalno, ovo je doba kada ljudi najviše kupuju albume i singlove. Prvu poziciju na listi albuma zadržao je Michael Buble sa prazničnim albumom "Christmas". Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 317 114 kopija, što je najbolja nedeljna prodaja ove godine za bilo koji album. Što se ostatatka top 10 tiče, ove nedelje nema noviteta, ali je čak devet albuma prodato u preko 100 hiljada primeraka.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Božićni #1 pripao je grupi Military Wives, grupi od 90 žena sastavljenoj od žena i partnera vojnika britanske vojske. Njihov singl, "Wherever You Are", prodat je u 555 622 primerka, što je najbolja nedeljna prodaja u prethodne tri godine. Sav prihod od prodaje biće uplaćen u dobrotvorne svrhe organizacijama The Royal British Legion i SSAFA Forces Help
Prošlonedeljni #1, "Cannonball" grupe Little Mix", pao je na drugo mesto (116 578). 
Kao i obično, organizovane su internet kampanje kako bi se pobednik X-Factora sprečio da dobije Božićni #1. Najuspešnija je bila ona koja je lobirala za klasik Loua Montea "Dominick the Donkey (The Italian Xmas Donkey)" (3. mesto, 92 731). Facebook kampanja da se Nirvanin klasik "Smells Like Teen Spirit" nađe na prvom mestu rezultirala je time da ova pesma stigne do 11. mesta ove nedelje (30 345).
Prvi singl YouTube zvezde Alexa Daya, "Forever Yours", debitovao je na četvrtom mestu (52 881).
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.  


In a Christmas week, as expected, there are many Christmas releases inside top 10 and, traditionally, this is a time when people buy albums and singles most. Michael Buble holds #1 spot on Albums chart with a holiday album "Christmas". This album was sold in 317 114 copies last week, which is the biggest weekly sales for any album this year. As for the rest of top 10, there aren't new entries, but nine albums sold over 100k copies.
As for the Singles chart, Christmas #1 belongs to Military Wives, a group of 90 women, wives and partners od serving British servicemen. Their single, "Wherever You Are", was sold in 555 622 copies, which is the biggest weekly sales for any single in the last three years. All royalties are going to The Royal British Legion and SSAFA Forces Help.
Last week's #1, Little Mix's "Cannonball", slips to #2 (116 578).
As usual, there were various online campaigns in order to stop X-Factor winner reaching Christmas #1. The most successful was the one lobbying for Lou Monte's classic "Dominick the Donkey (The Italian Xmas Donkey)" (#3, 92 731). Facebook campaign lobbying for Nirvana classic "Smells Like Teen Spirit" brought the song to #11 (30 345).
Debut single by a YouTube star Alex Dey, "Forever Yours", debuts at #4 (52 881).
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.


  1. (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
  2. (2) Amy Winehouse - Lioness: Hidden Treasures
  3. (4) Olly Murs - In Case You Didn't Know
  4. (3) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  5. (5) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
  6. (6) Adele - 21
  7. (7) Rebecca Ferguson - Heaven
  8. (9) Westlife - Greatest Hits
  9. (8) Ed Sheeran - +
  10. (10) One Direction - Up All Night
  1. (NE) Military Wives with Gareth Malone - Wherever You Are
  2. (1) Little Mix - Cannonball
  3. (NE) Lou Monte - Dominick the Donkey (The Italian Xmas Donkey)
  4. (NE) Alex Day - Forever Yours
  5. (2) Coldplay - Paradise
  6. (3) Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
  7. (6) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  8. (4) Lloyd feat. Andre 3000 & Lil Wayne - Dedication to My Ex
  9. (7) Avicii - Levels
  10. (5) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
new entry
new peak

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Neobičan poklon Lady Gage fanovima za Božić / Lady Gaga gives unusual gift to her fans for Christmas


Kao što je obećala, Lady Gaga je na YouTube postavila neobjavljenu pesmu pisanu za album "Born This Way", kao poklon fanovima za Božić. Ipak, pesma po imenu "Stuck On Fucking You" verovatno se neće najbolje uklopiti uz božićni ručak, ali verujem da to fanovima nije ni bitno, jer su čuli nešto novo od Mother Monster
Pevačica je o pesmi, koja pomalo podseća na evergreen "I Love Rock N Roll" napisala:
"Napisala sam je u Minesoti, posle koncerta, u autobusu. Snimili smo je iz prve. Fernando na gitari, Paul na bubnjevima. Ja sam je napisala, otpevala uz malo imrpvizacije na kraju i tokom polovine pesme..."
Pesmu možete poslušati ispod ovog posta.


As she promised, Lady Gaga posted to YouTube an unreleased track from "Born This Way" sessions, as a gift to her fans for Christmas. Still, the song titled "Stuck On Fucking You" may not be the most appropriate one for a Christmas meal, but I think it doesn't matter to her fans because they've heard something new from Mother Monster.
The singer wrote about a song, that reminds a bit of evergreen "I Love Rock N Roll":
"I wrote it in Minnesota after the Monster Ball on the tour bus. We recorded it in one shot. Fernando on guitar, Paul on Drum Machine. I wrote, sang it, and freestyled the last minute + a half of the song".
You can check out the song below.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dido postala majka / Dido becomes a mother

Low-key: Singer Dido quietly gave birth to her first child in July

Britanska pop pevačica Dido postala je majka još pre nekoliko meseci, ali je to krila od javnosti. Ipak, britanski tabloid Daily Mail otkrio je da je pevačica rodila dečaka i nazvala ga Stanley. Ime je malo bizarno s obzirom da je to ime lika iz njenog dueta sa Eminemom koji u pesmi ubija svoju devojku i nerođeno dete i izvršava samoubistvo jer ne dobija povratno pismo od svog idola.
Ovo je njeno prve dete, rođeno u braku sa piscem Rohanom Gavinom
Čestitke roditeljima!
Pevačica će sutra, 25. decembra, proslaviti svoj 40. rođendan, dok je novi album, četvrti po redu, najavila za sledeću godinu. 


British pop singer Dido became a mother few months ago, but she has successflly hidden it from a public eye untill now. British tabloid Daily Mail revealed that the singer gave birth to a son and named him Stanley. It's a bizzare name choice, because that's the name of a character from her duet with Eminem who kills his girlfriend and unborn child and then commits suicide after he fails to receive a reply from his idol.
This is her first child, born in a marriage with a writer Rohan Gavin.
Congrats to parrents!
The singer will celebrate her 40th birthday tomorrow, on Dec 25th, while she announced her fourth album to be released next year. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Diani Ross Grammy nagrada za životno delo / Diana Ross to receive Grammy for lifetime achievement

Diana Ross među dobitnicima Grammy nagrade za životno delo

Verovali ili ne, Diana Ross do sada nije osvojila nijednu Grammy nagradu uprkos ogromnom uspehu koji je postigla tokom pedesetogodišnje muzičke karijere. Ipak, to će se promeniti sledeće godine, jer se Diana nalazi na spisku izvođača kojima će biti dodeljena nagrada za životno delo. Na listi su i Allman Brothers Band, Glen Campbell, Antonio Carlos Jobim, George Jones, the Memphis Horns i Gil Scott-Heron, koji je preminuo ranije ove godine. 
54. dodela Grammy nagrada biće održana 12. februara 2012. godine u Staples centru u Los Angelesu.   


Believe it or not, Diana Ross hasn't received a single Grammy so far, despite a very successful 50-year-long music career. Still, it will change next year, because Diana is on the list of artists who will be awarded with a special lifetime achivement award. The list also includes Allman Brothers BandGlen CampbellAntonio Carlos JobimGeorge Jonesthe Memphis Horns and Gil Scott-Heron, who died earlier this year.
The 54th Annual Grammy Awards will be held on February 12, 2012, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

Watch: Rihanna - You Da One (NEW VIDEO!)

Rihanna,  You Da One

Rihanna je predstavila svoj novi spot! U pitanju je pesma "You Da One" - drugi singl sa njenog aktuelnog albuma "Talk That Talk". Izgleda da Rihanna baš voli da u spotovima ima "mračnu" atmosferu, pa je i ovaj klip režirala Melina Matsoukas koja je radila spotove za "S&M" i "We Found Love". Spot je crno-beli (uglavnom) i vidimo Rihannu sa ekscentričnim outfitom i perikama inspirisani modom 60-ih i 70-ih godina prošlog veka.


Rihanna has premiered a new video! It's for "You Da One" - the second single from her latest "Talk That Talk" album. It seems that Rihanna really likes a dark atmosphere in her videos, so she hired Melina Matsoukas, who previously worked on "S&M" and "We Found Love" videos, as a director once again. The video is shot in black and white technique (mostly) and we can see Rihanna with eccentric outfits and wigs inspired by a fashion of 1960s and 70s.

Cliff Richard: Želim duet sa Rihannom i Lady Gagom / I want to duet with Rihanna and Lady Gaga

Sir Cliff Richard has revealed he would like to duet with Rihanna

Muzička legenda, 71-godinišnji Cliff Richard, izjavio je za Press Association da bi voleo da snimi duete sa Rihannom i Lady Gagom i uputio je veliki broj pohvala na račun obe pevačice.
"Ko ne bi želeo da snimi duet sa Rihannom? Izgleda fantastično i ima sjajan glas, ali malo je nezahvalno pričati o duetima, jer sve zavisi od toga kakva je pesma. Važno je da oboje volimo pesmu. Ne mogu samo da kažem 'dolazim' i onda snimim neku dance pesmu koja mi se ne dopada". 
U intervjuu je pomenuo i Lady Gagu:
"Gaga ima sjajan glas. Obe su sjajne pevačice. Sve zavisi i od toga da li bi one želele da sarađuju sa mnom".
Definitivno jedna od zanimljivih kombinacija za duet, zar ne? :)


Music legend, 71-year-old Cliff Richard, said for Press Association that he would like to duet Rihanna and Lady Gaga and praised both singers.
"Who wouldn't like to duet with Rihanna? She looks fantastic, she's got a great voice, but in the case of duets, if it's feasible, it's always a matter of what the song is. If we both like the song, that's the best way to do a duet. I couldn't just say, 'Yes, I'll come' and then sing some dance thing I don't like." 
He also mentioned Gaga:
"Well, Gaga's got a great voice. These people are great singers. It would be dependent on whether they wanted to sing with someone like me."
Definitely interesting duet combinations, don't you think? :)

Watch: Lana Del Rey - Off to the Races (NEW VIDEO!)

Iako je sada u velikoj izdavačkoj kući, a nedavno je objavila i visokobudžetni spot za pesmu "Born to Die", izgleda da Lana Del Rey više voli self-made klipove po kojima je i postala poznata. Ona je na svoj zvanični YouTube kanal postavila klip koji bi trebalo da predstavlja spot za pesmu "Off to the Races" - besplatni singl nedelje na britanskom iTunesu. Video je zapravo kompilacija scena nasilja, u kojima žene ubijaju muškarce, iz filmova B-produkcije osamdesetih godina.
Pesma je, u svakom slučaju, mnogo dobra i možete je besplatno preuzeti ovde.


Although she's signed to a major label now and she has recently premiered a high-budget video for her "Born to Die" single, it seems that Lana Del Rey enjoys self-made videos, which made her famous, more. She posted to her official YouTube channel a clip that should be a video for her song "Off to the Races" - a free single of the week on UK iTunes. The video is actually a compilation of violence scenes, in which women kill men, from 80s' B-movies.
The song is really great though and you can get it here for free! 

Steve Jobs posthumno dobija Grammy nagradu / Steve Jobs to receive posthumous Grammy

Iako nikada nije napisao ni objavio pesmu, Steve Jobs, osnivač kompanije Apple, bio je jedna od ključnih ličnosti moderne muzičke industrije. Zbog toga će mu posthumno biti dodeljena najprestižnija muzička nagrada, Grammy, na ceremoniji 12. februara 2012. godine.
U saopštenju Akademije navodi se da će Jobs ostati upamćen kao čovek koji je učestvovao u kreiranju proizvoda i tehnologija koji su promenili način na koji slušamo muziku, gledamo TV i filmove i čitamo knjige. Nagrada takođe priznaje njegove zasluge za uvođenje iPod uređaja i iTunes online muzičke prodavnice koja predstavlja revoluciju za muzički industriju i koja je uticala na smanjenje piraterije.
Da podsetim, Jobs je umro u oktobru ove godine nakon sedmogodišnje brobe sa rakom pankreasa.


Although he never wrote or released a song, Steve Jobs, Apple's co-founder, was one if the key persons for a modern music industry. That's why he'll be awarded with a most prestigious music award, Grammy, during a ceremony on February 12 2012.
In the Academy's official statement it's said that Jobs will be remembered as having helped "create products and technology that transformed the way we consume music, TV, movies, and books". The award will also recognize "Jobs' innovations such as the iPod and its counterpart, the online iTunes store, which revolutionized the industry in an era where music piracy and illegal downloading was rampant.
To remind you, Jobs died this October after losing a seven-year battle with pancreatic cancer. 

Lady Gaga poklanja fanovima pesmu za Božić / Lady Gaga to give away new song to her fans for Christmas

Lady Gaga će svoje fanove za Božić obradovati super poklonom - novom pesmom. Ona je na twitteru napisala da će 25. decembra postaviti neobjavljenu pesmu sa albuma "Born This Way" kao poklon fanovima. Pevačica je o pesmi rekla da je snimljena iz prve u tour busu i da je necenzurisana.
Sada ostaje samo da čekamo... 


Lady Gaga will bring joy to her fans with a cool present for Christmas - a new song. She tweeted that she'll leak an unreleased track from her "Born This Way" album as a personal gift to her fans on December 25. The singer said about the song that it was recorded live, in one take in a tour bus and that it's uncensored.
Now we can only wait...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Uhapšen čovek koji je postavio Madonnin demo na internet / Man responsible for leaking Madonna’s demo arrested


Ukoliko želite da čujete novi Madonnin album, trebalo bi da budete strpljivi. Najozbiljnije vam kažem. 31-godišnji Španac, koji kaže da je Madonnin veliki fan, uhapšen je jer je na internet bez dozvole postavio demo verziju njenog novog singla, "Gimme All Your Luvin'", koji će biti objavljen sledećeg meseca.
Kako navodi agencija Reuters, Madonna je bila veoma uznemirena zbog "curenja" pesme, pa je njen tim vredno radio na tome da otkrije krivca. Cela istraga dobila je i naziv - "Madonnaleaks".
Dakle, ako u kompjuteru čuvate Madonnine pesme koje ne bi trebalo da imate, znate šta vam je činiti :D
Demo pomenutog singla možete poslušati ispod ovog posta. Ipak, potvrđeno je da ću u konačnoj verziji gostovati Nicki Minaj i M.I.A. Njih tri su nedavno snimile spot, a pesma će biti objavljena  30. januara 2012. - nedelju dana pre Madonninog nastupa u polufinalu Super Bowla.


If you want to hear Madonna's new album, you should be really patient. Seriously. A 31-year-old Spanish man, described as being a big Madonna fan, was arrested for leaking a demo of her new single, "Gimme All Your Luvin'", which will be released next month.
According to Reuters, The investigation named “Madonnaleaks” began after lawyers for the singer — who said that she was very upset over the leak — traced the posting to Spain.
So, if you have Madonna's songs in your computer that you shouldn't have, you know what to do :D
You can listen to the mentioned demo below. Still, it's confirmed that the final version will feature Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. These three have shot a video recently and the song will be released on January 30 2012, a week prior Madonna's Super Bowl half-time performance.

Billboard Charts: Michael Buble i dalje na vrhu liste albuma, Rihanna oborila lični rekord / Michael Buble still tops Albums chart, Rihanna breakes personal record

File:MichaelBuble-Christmas(2011)-Cover.pngMichael Buble je i dalje na vrhu liste najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama sa njegovim prazničnim albumom, "Christmas". Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 448 000 primeraka, odnosno u 1.96 miliona ukupno od objavljivanja.
Country trio Lady Antebellum vraća se u top 10 sa albumom "Own the Night" zahvaljujući nastupu u emisiji Good Morning America na ABC-u (5. mesto, 81 000).
Ove nedelje nema noviteta u top 10. Najviše plasirano novo izdanje je album Anthonya Hamiltona, "Back to Love", na dvanaestom mestu (63 000).
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je oborila lični rekord po broju nedelja na prvom mestu. Njen aktuelni hit, "We Found Love", nalazi se osmu nedelju zaredom na vrhu Hot 100 liste, što je najviše u ovoj godini, ali i u njenoj karijeri. Ovo je i dalje najslušanija pesma na radio-stanicama u zemlji, dok je po prodaji na drugom mestu četvrtu nedelju zaredom (149 000).
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Michael Buble still tops US Albums chart with his holiday release, "Christmas". This album was sold in 448 000 last week, making a total of 1.96 million copies sold since the release.
Country trio Lady Antebellum returns to top 10 with "Own the Night" after a performance in ABC's Good Morning America (#5, 81 000).
There are no new entries inside top 10 this week. The best-placed new release is Anthony Hamilton's album, "Back to Love", at #12 (63 000).
As for the singles chart, Rihanna breakes her personal record for longest-leading #1. Her latest hit, "We Found Love", tops Hot 100 chart for the eighth consecutive week - the most this year and in her career as well. This is still #1 on Radio Songs chart, while it stays at #2 on Digital Songs chart for the fourth consecutive week (149 000).
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.

  1. (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
  2. (2) Adele - 21
  3. (4) Justin Bieber - Under the Mistletoe
  4. (2) The Black Keys - El Camino
  5. (15) Lady Antebellum - Own the Night
  6. (8) Nickelback - Here and Now
  7. (7) Drake - Take Care
  8. (6) Andrea Bocelli - Concerto: One Night In Central Park
  9. (13) Scotty McCreery - Clear as Day
  10. (5) Amy Winehouse - Lioness: Hidden Treasures
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  3. (3) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  4. (5) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  5. (4) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
  6. (6) Jay-Z & Kanye West - Ni**as In Paris
  7. (7) Adele - Someone Like You
  8. (9) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  9. (8) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  10. (10) T. Pain feat. Wiz Khalifa & Lily Allen - 5 O'clock
new entry
new peak

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Watch: Rihanna - You Da One (Behind the Scenes video)

rihanna you da one

Novi Rihannin spot, za pesmu "You Da One" - drugi singl sa njenog aktuelnog albuma "Talk That Talk", biće objavljen za nekoliko dana. Do tada, fanovi mogu pogledati kako je proteklo snimanje spota. Ono što znamo jeste da ćemo Rihannu videti u potpuno drugačijem izdanju - sa ekscentričnim outfitom i zanimljivim perkiama. Za više detalja pogledajte klip ispod.


Rihanna's new video, for "You Da One" - the second single from her latest album "Talk That Talk", will be premiered in a few days. Until then, fans can check out behind the scenes video. What we know from this clip is that we'll see Rihanna totally reinvented - with an eccentric outfit and funky wigs. Check out the video below for more details.

Oscar 2012: 39 pesama u trci za najbolju originalnu pesmu (i nema Madonne!) / 39 Songs vying for Best Original Song (and there's no Madonna!)

Madonna W.E. premiere Masterpiece

Akademija je objavila listu od 39 pesama koje će biti razmatrane za nominaciju za prestižnu nagradu Oskar u kategoriji za najbolju originalnu pesmu. Ono što je privuklo najviše pažnje jeste da na listi nema Madonnine pesme "Masterpiece" koju je pevačica napisala za svoj rediteljski film "W.E." i koja je nominovana za "Zlatni Globus" u istoj kategoriji.
Naime, pesma se navodno ne nalazi na listi jer se čuje tek na kraju filma, što je u suprotnosti sa pravilima da se pesma mora čuti tokom filma. 
Ipak, na listi se nalaze neka dobro poznata imena kao što su Elton John, Lady Gaga i Mary J. Blige koji su takođe nominovani za "Zlatni Globus".
Glasanje počinje 5. januara, dok će nominacije biti objavljene 24. januara 2012. godine.
Kompletnu listu možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


Academy has announced a longlist of 39 contenders for Best Original Song Oscar award nomination. The biggest attention got an absence of Madonna's "Masterpiece", a song she wrote for her directorial movie "W.E." and which scored a Golden Globe nomination in the same category.
Apparently, the song is ineligible because of a rule that elements of a song must be used in a body of a film, while "Masterpiece" plays for the first time during the end credits.
Still, the list features some big names who also scored Golden Globe nod such as Elton JohnLady Gaga and Mary J. Blige.
A voting procedure starts on January 5, while nominations will be revealed on January 24 2012.
Check out the complete longlist below this post.

  • "The World I Knew" from African Cats
  • "Lay Your Head Down" from Albert Nobbs
  • "Star Spangled Man" from Captain America: The First Avenger
  • "Collision of Worlds" from Cars 2
  • "Dakkanaga Dugu Dugu" from DAM999
  • "DAM999 Theme Song" from DAM999
  • "Mujhe Chod Ke" from DAM999
  • "Rainbird" from Dirty Girl
  • "Keep On Walking" from The First Grader
  • "Where the River Goes" from Footloose
  • "Hello Hello" from Gnomeo & Juliet
  • "Love Builds a Garden" from Gnomeo & Juliet
  • "Bridge of Light" from Happy Feet Two
  • "The Mighty Sven" from Happy Feet Two
  • "Never Be Daunted" from happythankyoumoreplease
  • "Hell and Back" from Hell and Back Again
  • "The Living Proof" from The Help
  • "Coeur Volant" from Hugo
  • "It's How We Play" from I Don't Know How She Does It
  • "When the Heart Dies" from In the Land of Blood and Honey
  • "Ja Nao Estar" from José and Pilar
  • "The Keeper" from Machine Gun Preacher
  • "Life's a Happy Song" from The Muppets
  • "Man or Muppet" from The Muppets
  • "Pictures in My Head" from The Muppets
  • "Summer Song" from The Music Never Stopped
  • "Imaginary Friends" from Olive
  • "Sparkling Day" from One Day
  • "Taking You with Me" from Our Idiot Brother
  • "The Greatest Song I Ever Heard" from POM Wonderful Presents The Greatest Movie Ever Sold
  • "Hot Wings" from Rio
  • "Let Me Take You to Rio" from Rio
  • "Real in Rio" from Rio
  • "Shelter" from Take Shelter
  • "Gathering Stories" from We Bought a Zoo
  • "Pop" from White Irish Drinkers
  • "Think You Can Wait" from Win Win
  • "The Backson Song" from Winnie the Pooh
  • "So Long" from Winnie the Pooh