Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Amy Winehouse nije umrla od predoziranja / Amy Winehouse didn't die because of an overdose

Toksikološke analize pokazuju da u organizmu pevačice nije bilo "ilegalnih supstanci", čime je potvrđeno da predoziranje nije bilo uzrok smrti Amy Winehouse. Međutim, šta je - još se ne zna. Pronađena je prekomerna količina alkohola, ali nije potvrđeno da je to uzrok. Konačni rezultati biće objavljeni u oktobru kada sve analize budu gotove.


Toxigology report show that there were no "illegal substance" in the singer's system, which is a confirmation that she didn't die because of an overdose. But, the cause still remains unknown. The report does say that alcohol was present, but stresses that "it cannot be determined as yet if it played a role in her death".  Final results will be revealed in October after a conclusion of all tests.

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