Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kings of Leon pred raspadom? / Kings of Leon to disband?

Popularna grupa Kings of Leon otkazala je ostatak svoje američke turneje, što je pojačalo glasine o raspadu benda. Zvanično, turneja je otkazana zbog toga što pevač, Caleb Followill, ima probleme sa glasom, ali je njegov brat, Jared, bio iskreniji sa fanovima, te je na twitter-u napisao:
"Znam da niste glupi. Ne mogu da lažem. U našem bendu ima većih problema od nedovoljnog konzumiranja Gatoradea (sportsko piće, prim. aut.)."
Spekuliše se da je jedan od razloga prekida turneje i taj što Caleb previše pije, pa njegova porodica i prijatelji pokušavaju da ga ubede da ode na rehabilitaciju. Tokom poslednjeg koncerta u Dalasu Caleb je napustio scenu na nekoliko minuta rekavši da ide da povraća, ali ne zato što previše pije, nego zato što mu je vruće.
Njihova turneja trebalo bi da se nastavi 28. septembra u Kanadi, a da li će se to desiti ostaje da vidimo. Nadam se samo da neće biti "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said 'no, no, no" situacija.


Kings of Leon cancelled the rest of their US tour which increased rumors about disbanding. Officially, the tour is cancelled becase a singer, Caleb Followill, is suffering from vocal issues, but his brother, Jared, has been a little more honest with fans.
"I know you guys aren't stupid. I can't lie. There are problems in our band bigger than not drinking enough Gatorade," he tweeted. 
It's also being speculated that one of the reason for cancelling the tour were Caleb's drinking problems and that his friends and family are trying to convince him to go to rehab. During their last concert in Dallas, Caleb left the stage for few minutes saying that he had to vomit because it was hot in a hall and not because he's drinking too much.
Their tour should continue on Sep 28th in Canada, but only time will tell if that will happen. 
I just hope this won't turn out into "They tried to make me go to rehab, I said 'no, no, no" sutuation.

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