Rihanna je dobila treći #1 album u Velikoj Britaniji zahvaljujući njenom šestom albumu
"Talk That Talk". Ovo izdanje prodato je u 163 819 primeraka prošle nedelje što je peta najbolja nedeljna prodaja ove godine i najbolja nedeljna prodaja u njenoj karijeri.
Na drugom mestu je X-Factor bend One Direction sa debi albumom "Up All Night" (138 631) i ovo je najbolja prodaja ove godine u konkurenciji X-Factor izvođača.
U top 10 su još tri noviteta. Kompilacija najvećih hitova grupe Westlife, koja je nedavno prestala sa radom, debitovala je na četvrtom mestu i ovo je njihov 12. uzastopni top 10 album (95 475).
Iako legendarna pevačica Kate Bush ne objavljuje često albume, ove godine je objavila dva - "Director's Cut", sa novim verzijama pesama sa albuma "The Sensual World" i "Red Shoes", a prošle nedelje je objavila i album sa novim pesmama, "50 Words for Snow", koji se nalazi na petom mestu i ovo je njen 13. uzastopni top 10 album (49 812).
Poslednji top 10 novitet dolazi od grupe Nickelback. Njihov novi album, "Here and Now", nalazi se na desetom mestu (34 754) i ovo je njihov peti uzastopni top 10.

Što se liste singlova tiče,
Rihanna je sa
"We Found Love" šestu nedelju na vrhu (79 804), što je najveći broj nedelja na prvom mestu još od 2007. godine.
Iako je novi singl
X-Factor zvezde
Ollya Mursa,
"Dance With Me Tonight", bio na prvom mestu gotovo cele nedelje, na kraju je završio na drugoj poziciji (74 475) i ovo je njegov četvrti top 5 singl.
Na četvrtom mestu je
Avicii sa
dance hitom
"Levels" (48 342)
i ovo je njegov prvi top 10 hit.
Novi singl
Kelly Rowland,
"Down for Whatever", stigao je do šestog mesta (42 413) i ovo je deveti top 10 hit za nju.
Rihanna ima još jedan top 10 hit ove nedelje. To je duet sa
"Take Care", koji je napredovao sa 12. na deveto mesto (29 815). Ovo je za
Drakea drugi top 10 (obe pesme su dueti sa
Rihannom), dok je za
Rihannu ovo jubilarni 20. top 10 hit.
Poslednji top 10 novitet dolazi od drugoplasirane takmičarke prošlogodišnjeg
X-Factora Rebecce Ferguson. Njen prvi singl,
"Nothing's Real But Love", debitovao je na desetom mestu (29 263).
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.
Rihanna scores her third UK #1 album thanks to her sixth studio album "Talk That Talk". This set was sold in 163 819 last week and it's the fifth biggest weekly sales this year and the best weekly sales in her career.
At the runner-up position settles X-Factor band One Direction with their debut album "Up All Night" (138 631) and this is the best weekly sales for any X-Factor act this year.
There are three more new entries inside top 10 this week. New greatest hits compilation by Westlife, which has split-up recently, bows at #4 and this is their 12th consecutive top 10 album (95 475).
Legendary singer Kate Bush doesn't release album often, but this year she has released two - "Director's Cut", with new versions of songs from "The Sensual World" and "Red Shoes", and last week she released an album "50 Words for Snow" with brand-new songs. This set reaches #5 and this is her 13th consecutive top 10 (49 812).
The last top 10 new entry comes from Nickelback. Their new album, "Here and Now", debuts at #10 (34 754) and this is the fifth consecutive top 10 for them.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna holds #1 with "We Found Love" for the sixth week (79 804) - the most week on top since 2007.
Although a new single by X-Factor star Olly Murs, "Dance With Me Tonight", has been #1 for almost whole week, it finally ends at #2 (74 415) and this is his fourth top 5 hit.
Dance act Avicii arrives at #4 with "Levels" (48 342) which is the first top 10 hit for him.
Rihanna has another top 10 hit this week. It's a duet with Drake, "Take Care", which moves 12-9 (29 815). This is the second top 10 hit for Drake (both songs feature Rihanna), while Rihanna scores her astonishing 20th top 10 single.
The last top 10 new entry comes from a runner-up from the last X-Factor season Rebecca Ferguson. Her first single, "Nothing's Real But Love", debuts at #10 (29 263).
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.
- (NE) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
- (NE) One Direction - Up All Night
- (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
- (NE) Westlife - Greatest Hits
- (NE) Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
- (2) JLS - Jukebox
- (4) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
- (7) Ed Sheeran - +
- (8) Adele - 21
- (NE) Nickelback - Here and Now
- (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
- (NE) Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
- (2) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
- (NE) Avicii - Levels
- (4) Labirinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
- (NE) Kelly Rowland - Down for Whatever
- (5) Ed Sheeran - Lego House
- (7) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
- (12) Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
- (NE) Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing's Real But Love
new entry
new peak position