Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jennifer Lopez najavila kompilaciju najvećih hitova / Jennifer Lopez announces greatest hits collection

Jennifer Lopez je za narednu godinu najavila kompilaciju svojih najvećih hitova. Bilo je krajnje vreme, jer je posle 12-godišnje muzičke karijere lepo imati sve njene hitove na jednom mestu. Ovu vest potvrdio je njen producent Kuk Harrell. On je dodao da će se na kompilaciji naći i nove pesme koje će producirati Tricky Stewart i The-Dream. Izbor saradnika je čudan, pošto je ovaj duo producirao njen neslavni singl "Louboutins" koji je doživeo ogroman komercijalni nesuspeh i koji je umalo uništio njenu pevačku karijeru (poslušajte ispod). Lista pesama za sada nije poznata, ali materijala svakako ima na pretek :)


Jennifer Lopez has announced her greatest hits collection for the next year. It's a high time, because it would be nice to have all biggest hits from her 12-year long music career. This news was confirmed by her producer Kuk Harrell. He added that this compilation would also feature new songs produced by Tricky Stewart and The-Dream. The choice of collaborators is a bit strange because this duo produced her infamous single "Louboutins" which flopped hard and almost killed her singing career (listen to it below). Tracklist hasn't been confirmed yet, but there is certainly a lot of worth material :)

Justin Bieber najtraženija osoba na internetu / Justin Bieber is the most searched person on Internet


Internet je zaista opasno mesto i roditelji bi svakako trebalo da povedu više računa o tome šta njihova deca rade dok su na netu. Da su to radili u 2011, Justin Bieber ne bi bio najtraženija osoba na internetu ove godine. 
Što se ostatka top 10 tiče, tu su i Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus i Lady Gaga. Najveće iznenađenje je Jennifer Lopez, koja je na petom mestu, jer prošle godine nije bila ni u prvih 50.


Internet is a really dangerous place and parents shoud certainly pay more attention to what their children look for while surfing the net. If they had done that in 2011, Justin Bieber wouldn't have been the most searched person on the internet this year. 
As for the rest of top 10, there are Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga. The biggest surprise is Jennifer Lopez at #5, because she wasn't even top 50 last year.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Watch: Cee Lo Green - Anyway (NEW VIDEO!)


Cee Lo Green je objavio reizdanje svog uspešnog albuma "The Lady Killer", pod nazivom "The Lady Killer: The Platinum Edition", na kome su se našle i neke nove pesme. Među njima je i "Anyway", koja je prvi singl sa ovog reizdanja i za koju je Cee Lo snimio spot. Oni koji vole njegov rad, voleće i ovu pesmu i spot - šareno, pozitivno i vrlo simpatično :)


Cee Lo Green has re-released his smah album "The Lady Killer", titled "The Lady Killer: The Platinum Edition", which features several new songs. Among them is "Anyway", the first single from the re-release and Cee Lo has premiered a video for it. Those who like his previous work will like this too. It's colorful, fun and it sets you in a good mood :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

UK Charts: Rihanna na vrhu lista albuma i singlova / Rihanna tops albums and singles charts

Rihanna je dobila treći #1 album u Velikoj Britaniji zahvaljujući njenom šestom albumu "Talk That Talk". Ovo izdanje prodato je u 163 819 primeraka prošle nedelje što je peta najbolja nedeljna prodaja ove godine i najbolja nedeljna prodaja u njenoj karijeri.
Na drugom mestu je X-Factor bend One Direction sa debi albumom "Up All Night" (138 631) i ovo je najbolja prodaja ove godine u konkurenciji X-Factor izvođača.
U top 10 su još tri noviteta. Kompilacija najvećih hitova grupe Westlife, koja je nedavno prestala sa radom, debitovala je na četvrtom mestu i ovo je njihov 12. uzastopni top 10 album (95 475).
Iako legendarna pevačica Kate Bush ne objavljuje često albume, ove godine je objavila dva - "Director's Cut", sa novim verzijama pesama sa albuma "The Sensual World" i "Red Shoes", a prošle nedelje je objavila i album sa novim pesmama, "50 Words for Snow", koji se nalazi na petom mestu i ovo je njen 13. uzastopni top 10 album (49 812).
Poslednji top 10 novitet dolazi od grupe Nickelback. Njihov novi album, "Here and Now", nalazi se na desetom mestu (34 754) i ovo je njihov peti uzastopni top 10.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je sa "We Found Love" šestu nedelju na vrhu (79 804), što je najveći broj nedelja na prvom mestu još od 2007. godine.
Iako je novi singl X-Factor zvezde Ollya Mursa, "Dance With Me Tonight", bio na prvom mestu gotovo cele nedelje, na kraju je završio na drugoj poziciji (74 475) i ovo je njegov četvrti top 5 singl.
Na četvrtom mestu je Avicii sa dance hitom "Levels" (48 342) i ovo je njegov prvi top 10 hit.
Novi singl Kelly Rowland, "Down for Whatever", stigao je do šestog mesta (42 413) i ovo je deveti top 10 hit za nju.
Rihanna ima još jedan top 10 hit ove nedelje. To je duet sa Drakeom, "Take Care", koji je napredovao sa 12. na deveto mesto (29 815). Ovo je za Drakea drugi top 10 (obe pesme su dueti sa Rihannom), dok je za Rihannu ovo jubilarni 20. top 10 hit.
Poslednji top 10 novitet dolazi od drugoplasirane takmičarke prošlogodišnjeg X-Factora Rebecce Ferguson. Njen prvi singl, "Nothing's Real But Love", debitovao je na desetom mestu (29 263).
Kompletnu listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Rihanna scores her third UK #1 album thanks to her sixth studio album "Talk That Talk". This set was sold in 163 819 last week and it's the fifth biggest weekly sales this year and the best weekly sales in her career. 
At the runner-up position settles X-Factor band One Direction with their debut album "Up All Night" (138 631) and this is the best weekly sales for any X-Factor act this year.
There are three more new entries inside top 10 this week. New greatest hits compilation by Westlife, which has split-up recently, bows at #4 and this is their 12th consecutive top 10 album (95 475).
Legendary singer Kate Bush doesn't release album often, but this year she has released two - "Director's Cut", with new versions of songs from "The Sensual World" and "Red Shoes", and last week she released an album "50 Words for Snow" with brand-new songs. This set reaches #5 and this is her 13th consecutive top 10 (49 812).
The last top 10 new entry comes from Nickelback. Their new album, "Here and Now", debuts at #10 (34 754) and this is the fifth consecutive top 10 for them.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna holds #1 with "We Found Love" for the sixth week (79 804) - the most week on top since 2007. 
Although a new single by X-Factor star Olly Murs, "Dance With Me Tonight", has been #1 for almost whole week, it finally ends at #2 (74 415) and this is his fourth top 5 hit.
Dance act Avicii arrives at #4 with "Levels" (48 342) which is the first top 10 hit for him.
Kelly Rowland's new single, "Down for Whatever", reaches #6 (42 413) - her ninth top 10 hit.
Rihanna has another top 10 hit this week. It's a duet with Drake"Take Care", which moves 12-9 (29 815). This is the second top 10 hit for Drake (both songs feature Rihanna), while Rihanna scores her astonishing 20th top 10 single.
The last top 10 new entry comes from a runner-up from the last X-Factor season Rebecca Ferguson. Her first single, "Nothing's Real But Love", debuts at #10 (29 263).
Check out complete top 10 albums and singles below.

  1. (NE) Rihanna - Talk That Talk
  2. (NE) One Direction - Up All Night
  3. (1) Michael Buble - Christmas
  4. (NE) Westlife - Greatest Hits
  5. (NE) Kate Bush - 50 Words for Snow
  6. (2) JLS - Jukebox
  7. (4) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  8. (7) Ed Sheeran - +
  9. (8) Adele - 21
  10. (NE) Nickelback - Here and Now
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (NE) Olly Murs - Dance With Me Tonight
  3. (2) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  4. (NE) Avicii - Levels
  5. (4) Labirinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
  6. (NE) Kelly Rowland - Down for Whatever
  7. (5) Ed Sheeran - Lego House
  8. (7) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  9. (12) Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
  10. (NE) Rebecca Ferguson - Nothing's Real But Love
new entry
new peak position

Lana Del Rey najavila debi album / Lana Del Rey announces debut album

Lana Del Rey names debut album 'Born To Die' - video

YouTube senzacija Lana Del Rey, koja je slavu stekla zahvaljujući fantastičnoj baladi "Video Games", najavila je svoj prvi album. Album će se zvati "Born to Die", isto kao i njen naredni singl, i biće objavljen 23. januara naredne godine u Velikoj Britaniji. Novi singl, za koji je Lana nedavno snimila spot, u prodaji će se naći nedelju dana ranije.
Pevačica je dodala da će novi spot biti skuplji i interesantniji od prvog i da je za potrebe snimanja iznajmila pravog tigra.
Ako je suditi po prvom singlu, biće ovo više nego odličan album. Ukoliko niste do sada čuli "Video Games", pogledajte video ispod ovog posta.


YouTube sensation Lana Del Rey, who rose to fame thanks to an amazing ballad "Video Games", has announced her debut album. The album's title is "Born to Die", same as a title of her next single, and will be released on Jan 23 2012 in the UK. The new single, for which Lana's has shot a video recently, will debut one week earlier.
The singer says that she got more money for the new video and that it will be much more interesting than the first one. She also hired a tiger for the shooting.
According to the first single, this will be a really great album. Check out below a video for "Video Games", if you haven't by now. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lauren Bennett nova Pussycat Doll / Lauren Bennett is new Pussycat Doll

Mlada pevačica Lauren Bennett, poznata po saradnji sa grupom LMFAO u pesmu "Party Rock Anthem", pridružila se grupi Pussycat Dolls. Još ranije je najavljeno da će se poznata ženska grupa reformisati, a Bennettova je sada prvi poznati član. Ovo nije prvi put da je u bendu, jer je već bila članica kratkotrajne ženske grupe Paradiso Girls.
Dok čekamo nove pesme, poslušajmo kako Lauren zvuči u pesmi "Party Rock Anthem".


Young singer Lauren Bennett, known for a collab with LMFAO in their big hit "Party Rock Anthem", has joined Pussycat Dolls. Earlier it was announced that the famous girl bend would be reformed, and Bennett is the first known member now. This isn't the first time for her to be in a bend, because she was a part of a short-lived girl group Paradiso Girls.
While we wait new songs, let's listen Lauren in "Party Rock Anthem".

Watch: Beyonce - Dance for You (NEW VIDEO!)

Beyoncé lansirala "Dance For You" video

To da je Beyonce objavila novi spot više i nije novost. Ostaje nam samo da kažemo koja je pesma u pitanju. Ovoga puta to je "Dance for You", numera koja se nalazi na deluxe izdanju njenog albuma "4". Ipak, napominje se da ovo nije zvanični single sa albuma što, verujem, ne predstavlja veliki problem fanovima njene videografije.


It's not news anymore that Beyonce has released a new video. We only need to know a song's title. This time it's "Dance for You", a track that it's featured on a deluxe version of her album "4". Still, it's mentioned that this song isn't an official single which, I believe, isn't a big problem to fans of her videography.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Billboard Charts: Drake na vrhu liste albuma / Drake Tops Albums Chart

Za treću najbolju nedeljnu prodaju albuma ove godine u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama zadužen je kanadski reper Drake. Njegov drugi album "Take Care" našao se na vrhu Billboard Top 200 liste sa 631 000 prodatih primeraka. Ova je za njega drugi uzastopni #1, ali i najbolja nedeljna prodaja u karijeri.
Andrea Bocelli debitovao je na četvrtom mestu sa svojim live albumom, "Concerto: One Night in Central Park", (87 000) i ovo je šesti top 10 album za čuvenog tenora.
Božićni album iz serije Glee, "Glee, the Music: The Christmas Album, Volume 2", stigao je do šestog mesta (71 000).
Zanimljivo je da se klasik Mariah Carey "All I Want for Christmas Is You" nalazi na tri top 10 izdanja ove nedelje: U izvođenju Michaela Bublea na albumu "Christmas" (2. mesto, 165 000), kao duet sa Justinom Bieberom na albumu "Under the Mistletoe" (5. mesto, 84 000) i na gorepomenutom Glee albumu.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je i dalje na vrhu sa "We Found Love". Ovo je trenutno najprodavanija (211 000) i najslušanija pesma na radio-stanicama u zemlji. Rihanna ove nedelje ima još jedan top 10 hit jer je njen duet sa Drakeom, "Take Care", debitovao je 9. mestu. 
Katy Perry dobila je šesti top 10 hit sa albuma "Teenage Dream", i deveti generalno, zahvaljujući pesmi "The One That Got Away" koja se nalazi na desetom mestu ove nedelje. Ukoliko ova pesma stigne do prvog mesta, ona će postati jedini izvođač u istoriji sa šest #1 hitova sa jednog albuma.
Top 10 listu albuma i singlova možete videti ispod ovog posta.


Canadian rapper Drake is responsible for the third biggest weekly sales this year in the USA. His second album tops Billboard Top 200 chart this week with 631 000 copies sold. This is the second consecutive #1 for him, but it's also the best weekly sales in his career.
Andrea Bocelli debuts at #4 with his live album, "Concerto: One Night in Central Park", (87 000) and this is the sixth top 10 album for the famous tenor.
Glee Christmas album, "Glee, the Music: The Christmas Album, Volume 2", bows at #6 (71 000).
It's interesting that Mariah Carey's classic "All I Want for Christmas Is You" is featured on three top 10 releases this week. Michael Buble covered it for his album "Christmas" (#2, 165 000), as a duet with Justin Bieber on "Under the Mistletoe" (#5, 84 000) and above mentioned Glee album.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna is still on top with "We Found Love". This is the best-selling single at the moment (211 000) and it's also #1 on Radio Songs chart. Rihanna also has another top 10 hit this week as her duet with Drake, "Take Care", debuts at #9.
Katy Perry gets sixth top 10 album from "Teenage Dream" album, and ninth overall, thanks to a song "The One That Got Away" which is at #10 this week. If this song reached #1, she would be the only artist with six #1 hits from a single album.
Check out top 10 albums and singles below.

  1. (NE) Drake - Take Care
  2. (2) Michael Buble - Christmas
  3. (5) Adele - 21
  4. (NE) Andrea Bocelli - Concerto: One Night in Central Park
  5. (6) Justin Bieber - Under the Mistletoe
  6. (NE) Glee, the Music: The Christmas Album, Volume 2
  7. (3) Now 40
  8. (4) Twilight Saga: Breaking Down: Part 1
  9. (8) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  10. (7) Susan Boyle - Someone to Watch Over Me
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  3. (3) Adele - Someone Like You
  4. (4) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  5. (9) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  6. (5) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  7. (8) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  8. (6) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
  9. (NE) Drake feat. Rihanna - Take Care
  10. (15) Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
new entry
new peak position

Elbow snimaju BBCjevu olimpijsku temu / Elbow to record BBC's Olympics theme

Photo: Photo: PA

Grupa Elbow odabrana je da snimi BBCjevu temu za predstojeće Olimpijske igre koje će se održati u Londonu sledeće godine. Oni su iskomponovali šestominutnu numeru koju će britanska nacionalna televizija koristiti tokom prenosa Olimpijade.
Frontmen benda Guy Garvey je za BBC News izjavio:
"Malo je reći da smo oduševljeni što smo deo ovoga, ovo je veliki izazov. Imamo osećaj velike odgovornosti, jer će slike ličnog žrtvovanja i napora sportista dok nacija navija i slavi sa našim timom biti praćena našom muzikom".


Elbow have been chosen to record BBC's theme for the London 2012 Olympic Games. They have composed a six-minute long track which will be used by the British national TV station as the theme for all their Olympic coverage.
The band's frontman Guy Garvey said in an interview for BBC News:
"We are knocked out to be involved and it's been quite a challenge. We have feelings of real responsibility as we will be the soundtrack to so many images of personal sacrifice and endeavour while the nation roots for and celebrates with Team GB."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Watch: Robin Thicke - Love After War (NEW VIDEO!)

Popularni pevač Robin Thicke je za 5. decembar najavio svoj peti studijski album, "Love After War". Naslovna numera je prvi singl za koji je snimio i spot koji možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. Spot je režirao čuveni Hype Williams i urađen je kao stari francuski film sa pevačevom suprogom Paulom Patton u glavnoj ženskoj ulozi. 


Popular singer Robin Thicke has announced his fifth studio album, "Love After War", for December 5th. A title track is the first single from this release and a video has been shot for it, which you can watch below. The video is directed by a famous Hype Williams and it's done like an old French movie with the singer's wife Paula Patton in a main female role.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lady Gaga najavila "Thanksgiving Speacial" / Lady Gaga announces "Thanksgiving Speacial"

Gaga najavla "Thanksgiving Special"

"A Very Gaga Thanksgiving" je emisija koja će biti emitovana u četvrtak, 24. novembra, povodom velikog američkog praznika - Dan zahvalnosti. U devedesetominutnom specijalu, koji će biti emitovan na televiziji ABC, gledaoci će moći da vide izvođenja pesama sa albuma "Born This Way", a jedan od gostiju biće i Tony Bennett sa kojim je Gaga snimila duet "Lady Is a Tramp". Naravno, očekuju nas i mnoga druga iznenađenja, a mali deo ove emisije možete pogledati u trejleru ispod ovog posta.


"A Very Gaga Thanksgiving" is a TV show which will be aired this Thursday, on Nov 24, as a celebration of Thanksgiving Day. In 90-minute long special, which will be broadcasted on ABC, viewers will see performances of "Born This Way" songs and one of guests will also be Tony Bennett with whom Gaga recorded a duet "Lady Is a Tramp". Of course, there'll be a lot more surprises, and a little part of this show you can check out in a trailer below.

Monday, November 21, 2011

UK Charts: Michael Buble na vrhu liste albuma / Michael Buble Tops Albums Chart

File:MichaelBuble-Christmas(2011)-Cover.pngBliži se Božić, pa raste i potražnja za božićnim albumima. Tako se aktuelni album Michaela Bublea, "Christmas", našao na prvom mestu četiri nedelje nakon objavljivanja (85 787). Ovo je njegov drugi uzastopni #1 album, ali je borba za prvo mesto ove nedelje bila više nego zanimljiva.
Na drugom mestu je grupa JLS čiji je album "Jukebox" prodat u samo 569 primeraka manje (85 218). Ipak, ovo je njihov treći uzastopni top 3 album.
Iako su na početku nedelje bili na prvom mestu, Snow Patrol su završili na trećoj poziciji sa albumom "Fallen Empires" (80 072), što je četvrti uzastopni top 3 album za njih.
Kanadski reper Drake debitovao je na petom mestu sa njegovim drugim albumom, "Take Care" (36 980), što je napredak u odnosu na njegov debi album, "Thank Me Later", koji je stigao do 15. mesta.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, Susan Boyle - "Someone to Watch Over Me", pao je na šesto mesto (35 782).
File:We Found Love - Single.jpgŠto se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je i ove nedelje na prvom mestu sa "We Found Love" i to po peti put iako su ispod nje dva noviteta (66 941). 
Novi singl Flo Ride, "Good Feeling", stigao je do drugog mesta i ovo je deseti top 10 hit za njega (61 905).
Drugi singl boy banda One Direction, "Gotta Be You", nalazi se na trećem mestu (59 461). Njihov prvi singl. "What Makes You Beautiful", stigao je do prvog mesta pre dva meseca.
Zahvaljujući nastupu u emisiji Strictly Come Dancing, veliki hit Christine Perri, "Jar of Hearts", vratio se u top 10 (10. mesto, 30 441).
Listu top 10 albuma i singlova možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. 


Christmas is coming, which means an increased sales of holiday albums. So, Michael Buble's latest set, "Christmas", rockets to #1 four weeks after its release (85 787). This is his second #1 album, but a battle for #1 spot was more than interesting. 
Runner-up spot this week belongs to JLS with their album "Jukebox" that was sold in only 569 copies less (85 218). Still, this is the third consecutive top 3 album for them.
Although Snow Patrol were #1 in the beginning of the week with "Fallen Empires", they finished third (80  072), which is the fourth consecutive top 3 for them.
Canadian rapper Drake debuts at #5 with his second album, "Take Care" (36 980). It's a better start compared to his debut release, "Thank Me Later", which stopped at #15.
Last week's #1 album, Susan Boyle's "Someone to Watch Over Me", slips to #6 (35 782).
As for the singles chart, Rihanna holds #1 spot with "We Found Love" for the fifth time although there are two new entries below her (66 941).
Flo Rida's new single, "Good Feeling", bows at #2 and this is his 10th top 10 hit (61 905).
One Direction's second single, "Gotta Be You", arrives at #3 (59 461). Their first single, "What Makes You Beautiful", reached #1 two months ago.
Thanks to Strictly Come Dancing performance, Christina Perri's big hit, "Jar of Hearts", returns to top 10 (#10, 30 441).
Check out top 10 albums and singles below.

  1. (2) Michael Buble - Christmas
  2. (NE) JLS - Jukebox
  3. (NE) Snow Patrol - Fallen Empires
  4. (6) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  5. (NE) Drake - Take Care
  6. (1) Susan Boyle - Someone to Watch Over Me
  7. (10) Ed Sheeran - +
  8. (9) Adele - 21
  9. (3) Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials
  10. (7) Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra - And the Waltz Goes On
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (NE) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  3. (NE) One Direction - Gotta Be You
  4. (3) Labirinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
  5. (5) Ed Sheeran - Lego House
  6. (7) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  7. (9) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  8. (2) JLS - Take a Chance On Me
  9. (4) Professor Green feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It
  10. (17) Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
new entry
new peak position

American Music Awards 2011: Najviše nagrada za Adele i Taylor Swift / Adele and Taylor Swift win most awards

Adele i Taylor Swift su najveći pobednici na ovogodišnjim American Music Awards, jer je svaka ponela po tri nagrade. Adele za najboljeg ženskog pop-rok izvođača, za najbolji pop-rok album ("21") i za najboljeg adult contemporary izvođača. Country zvezda, Taylor Swift, proglašena je za najboljeg izvođača godine, a dobila je nagrade i za najboljeg ženskog country izvođača, kao i za najbolji country album ("Speak Now").
Iza njih je Nicki Minaj koja je pokupila glavne nagrade u rap/hip-hop kategoriji - najbolji rap/hip-hop izvođač i najbolji rap/hip-hop album ("Pink Friday").
Nicki je bila veoma simpatična jer je osim čudnog outfita (blago rečeno), nosila i štikle u kojima je jedva mogla da hoda (neki kažu da je bila pijana :D). Ipak, to je nije sprečilo da otvori dodelu zanimljivim nastupom.
Prošle večeri videli smo mnogo nastupa, ali najveći utisak (sudeći po pozicijama na itunesu) ostavio je medley Jennifer Lopez, "Until It Beats No More/Papi/On the Floor". Vizuelno perfektan nastup i neverovatna energija ove 42-godišnjakinje doneli su joj stajaće ovacije.

Kompletnu litu dobitnika pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Adele and Taylor Swift are big winners of this year's American Music Awards, each with three wins. Adele got awards for favorite pop/rock female artist, adult contemporary artist and pop/rock album for "21". Taylor Swift picked artist of the year award, along with favorite country female artist and favorite country album for "Speak Now".
Behind them is Nicki Minaj who won main trophies in rap/hip-hop category - best rap/hip-hop artist and best rap/hip-hop album ("Pink Friday").
Nicki was really cute. Beside weird outfit (to say at least) she wore heels she could barely walk in (some say she was drunk :D). Still, it didn't stop her to open the ceremony with a top performance.
We saw many performances last night, but the biggest impression (according to itunes chart positions) left Jennifer Lopez's medley of "Until It Beats No More/Papi/On the Floor". Visually perfect performance and incredible energy of this 42-year-old woman the crowd awarded with a standing ovation.
Check out the complete list of winners below this post.

Artist of the Year
Taylor Swift

Favourite Male Artist In Pop/Rock
Bruno Mars

Favourite Female Artist in Pop/Rock

Favourite Band, Duo or Group in Pop/Rock
Maroon 5

Favourite Album in Pop/Rock
Adele - 21

Favourite Country Male Artist
Blake Shelton

Favourite Country Female Artist
Taylor Swift

Favourite Band, Duo or Group in Country
Lady Antebellum

Favourite Country Album
Taylor Swift - Speak Now

Favourite Rap/Hip-Hop Artist
Nicki Minaj

Favourite Rap/Hip-Hop Album
Nicki Minaj - Pink Friday

Favourite Male Artist in Soul/Rhythm/Blues

Favourite Female Artist in Soul/Rhythm/Blues

Favourite Album in Soul/Rhythm/Blues
Rihanna - Loud

Favourite Alternative/Rock Artist
Foo Fighters

Favourite Artist in Adult Contemporary

Favourite Artist in Latin Music
Jennifer Lopez

Favourite Contemporary Inspirational Artist
Casting Crowns

Sprint New Artist of the Year in Pop/Rock
Hot Chelle Rae

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Watch: Kate Bush - Wild Man (NEW VIDEO!)

Bush describes 50 Words for Snow as seven songs "set against a backdrop of falling snow."

Legendarna pevačica Kate Bush će u ponedeljak, 21. novembra, objaviti svoj deseti studijski album, "50 Words for Snow". Kao prvi singl sa ovog izdanja izabrana je pesma "Wild Man" za koju je urađena i animacija koja predstavlja zvanični spot. Ovu zanimljivu animaciju koja oslikava deo pesme možete pogledati ispod ovog posta, dok je celokupan album dostupan za preslušavanje ovde.


Legendary singer Kate Bush will release her 10th studio album, "50 Words for Snow", this Monday, on Nov 21. As the first single was picked a track "Wild Man" accompanied by an animation which serves as an official video. You can see this very interesting animation which portrays a segment of the song below this post, while a whole album is available for a free listening here. 

Beyonce - 4 Live at Roseland DVD Teasers

File:Beyonce - Live at Roseland.JPG

Beyonce će za dva dana, 21. novembra, objaviti DVD "4 Live at Roseland" koji je letos snimila u poznatom njujorškom klubu kako bi promovisala svoj aktuelni album "4". Oni nestrpljivi već sada mogu da pogledaju dva nastupa koja promovišu ovo izdanje - "End of Time" i "I Was Here". Ovo izdanje sastoji se od dva diska na kome se nalazi ceo snimak koncerta, behind the scene snimci i video antologija, a omot se sastoji od čak 20 stranica.


Beyonce will in two days, on Nov 21, release a DVD "4 Live at Roseland" which she recorded this summer in a famous New York club during a promotion for her latest album "4". Those impatient can now watch two performances that promote this release - "End of Time" i "I Was Here". The set contains two discs with a complete concert, behind the scene footage, video antology + 20-page booklet.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Watch: Amy Winehouse - Our Day Will Come (NEW VIDEO!)

Kao što verovatno već znate, posthumni album Amy Winehouse, "Lioness: Hidden Treasures", biće objavljen 5. decembra. Na albumu će se naći neobjavljene pesme sa prethodnih izdanja, alternativne verzije starih pesama i obrade. "Our Day Will Come" je singl koji će pratiti ovo izdanje i za njega je urađen spot koji se sastoji od delova mnogobrojnih nastupa Amy. Ovaj spot možete pogledati ispod ovog posta, mada upozoravam vas da postoji mogućnost da zaplačete.


As you probably already know, Amy Winehouse's posthumous album, "Lioness: Hidden Treasures", will be released on Dec 5th. The album will feature unreleased tracks from previous albums, alternate versions of old songs and few covers. "Our Day Will Come"is a single that precedes this release and there's a video for it compiled from parts of various Amy's performances. You can watch this video below, but I warn you that you may start to cry. feat. Jennifer Lopez & Mick Jagger - T.H.E. (The Hardest Thing Ever) - NEW SINGLE!

Pre nešto više od mesec dana, na netu se pojavila demo verzija pesme "T.H.E. (The Hardest Thing Ever)", čiji je radni naziv bio "Hard". Sada je pesma završena i o njoj se zna više detalja. Pesma je prvi singl sa novog albuma will.i.ama u kojoj gostuje prilično neobičan duo - Jennifer Lopez i Mick Jagger. Ova numera biće objavljena u nedelju, 20. novembra, nakon što ovo troje pesmu izvede na dodeli Američkih muzičkih nagrada. Takođe, oni su snimili i spot koji će biti prikazan do kraja meseca.
Kako zvuči konačna verzija možete poslušati ovde.


About a month ago, a demo version of track "T.H.E. (The Hardest Thing Ever)", with a working title "Hard", leaked online. The song is now finished and we know more details about it. The song is the first single from's upcoming album and it features a pretty unusual duo - Jennifer Lopez and Mick Jagger. This single will be released this Sunday, Nov 20, after a performance at American Music Awards ceremony. This trio also filmed a video which should premiere by the end of this month.
The final version of the track you can listen here.

WATCH: Florence + The Machine - No Light, No Light (NEW VIDEO!)

Florence + The Machine predstavili su spot za treći singl sa albuma "Ceremonials" - "No Light, No Light". Mračno, pomalo uznemirujuće i morbidno, ali i i vrlo poučno i prelepo urađeno - Florence kakvu znamo! Više nego zanimljiv video za pogledati!


Florence + The Machine have premiered a video for the third "Ceremonials" single - "No Light, No Light". It's dark, little disturbing and morbid, but very educational and amazingly done - Florence as we all know! It's more than interesting video to watch!

Billboard promenio pravila! Albumi jeftiniji od 3.49$ neće biti uključeni na listu / Billboard changes rules! Albums cheaper than 3.49$ won't be included to charts

Magazin Billboard još jednom je promenio metodologiju nedeljnog rangiranja najprodavanijih albuma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Novo proavilo odnosi se na cenu po kojoj se albumi prodaju. Tačnije, ukoliko se album u prve četiri nedelje prodaje za manje od 3.49$, te kopije neće biti uključene na zvanične liste i njihova prodaja se neće računati. Pravilo se takođe odnosi i na reizdanja.
Novo pravilo je najverovatnije uvedeno, pišu mediji širom sveta, zbog albuma Lady Gage, "Born This Way", koji je u Amazonovoj MP3 prodavnici prodavan za 0.99$ tokom prve nedelje, što su mnogi kritikovali.


Billboard magazine has once again changed its chart metodology for ranking weekly best-selling albums in the USA. A new rule applies for a selling price of an album. Precisely, unit sales for albums priced below $3.49 during their first four weeks of release will not be eligible for inclusion on the album charts and will not count towards sales data. The rule also applies to reissued titles.
The new rule has been most probably introduced, according to worldwide medias, because of Lady Gaga's album, "Born This Way", that was sold for 0.99$ in its first week in Amazon MP3 store which many criticized. 

Lady Gaga - Marry the Night (Video Teaser)

Lady Gaga predstavila je prva dva minuta svog novog spota koji je snimila za pesmu "Marry the Night". Spot za peti singl sa albuma "Born This Way" biće najduži u njenoj karijeri, kako sama kaže, i trajaće oko 11 minuta. U ovom teaseru vidimo Gagu bez svesti kako je medicinske sestre prevoze kroz nešto što liči na bolnicu za mentalno obolele (Prosto da se zapitate...), dok slušamo njen monolog. Kako će se radnja spota dalje odvijati saznaćemo kada ceo video bude objavljen.


Lady Gaga has premiered first two minutes of her new video - "Mary the Night". The video for the fith single from her "Born This Way" album will be har longest, according to her, and it'll last 11 minutes aprox! In this teaser we see Gaga wheeled by nurses through what appears to be a mental hospital (It makes you wonder...) while we listen her monologue as a voiceover. To see the rest of the story we need to wait for the whole video to be released.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Billboard Charts: Mac Miller na vrhu liste albuma / Mac Miller tops albums chart

Mladi reper Mac Miller zaista je uspešno počeo svoju muzičku karijeru. Iako je njegov debi album, "Blue Slide Park", objavljen za nezavisnu izdavačku kuću, to ga nije sprečilo da se nađe na vrhu Billboard Top 200 liste sa 144 000 prodatih primeraka.
Nova "Now" kompilacija, "Now 40", debitovala je na trećem mestu (119 000), dok je iza nje soundtrack iz filma "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" (105 000).
Top 10 zatvaraju Romeo Santos iz grupe Aventura koji se nalazi na devetom mestu sa albumom "Formula, Vol. 1" (62 000) i grupa Il Divo na desetom mestu sa albumom "Wicked Game" (61 000). Ovo je najbolja nedeljna prodaja za Santosa i peti top 10 album za Il Divo.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna se nalazi na vrhu treću nedelju zaredom sa "We Found Love". Ovo je i dalje najprodavanija pesma u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama (227 000), dok je po slušanosti na radio-stanicama napredovala sa četvrtog na treće mesto.
Top 10 noviteti ove nedelje dolazi od Bruna Marsa i country zvezde Taylor Swift. Marsova numera iz novog Twilight filma napredovala je od desetog do osmog mesta po prodaji (130 000) i od 22. do 19. mesta po slušanosti. Ovo je njegov osmi top 10 hit. Novi singl Taylor Swift, "If This Was a Movie", debitovao je na desetom mestu Hot 100 liste zahvaljujući tome što je prodat u 162 000 primeraka i nalazi se na trećem mestu po prodaji. Ovo je njen deveti top 10 hit.
Top 10 liste albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Young rapper Mac Miller has really started his career in the best possible way. Although his debut album, "Blue Slide Park",is distributed independently, it didn't stop him to get #1 album on Billboard Top 200 chart with 144 000 copies sold.
New "Now" compilation, "Now 40", arrives at #3 (119 000), while behind it is a soundtrack from "Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" movie (105 000).
Top 10 close Aventura's Romeo Santos with his album "Formula, Vol. 1" at #9 (62 000) and Il Divo with "Wicked Game" at #10 (61 000). This is the biggest weekly sales for Santos, while Il Divo score their fifth top 10 set.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna is on the top for the third consecutive week with "We Found Love". This is still the best-selling single in the USA (227 000), while it moves 4-3 on Radio Songs chart.
Top 10 new entries this week come from Bruno Mars and country star Taylor Swift. Mars' song from  a new Twilight movie moves 10-8 on Digital Songs chart (130 000) and 22-19 on Radio Songs. This is his eighth top 10 single. Swift's new single, "If This Was a Movie", debuts at #10 thanks to 162 000 copies sold which is #3 on Digital Songs chart. This is her ninth top 10 hit.
Check out top 10 albums and singles below this post.

  1. (NE) Mac Miller - Blue Slide Park
  2. (8) Michael Buble - Christmas
  3. (NE) Now 40
  4. (NE) Twilight Saga: Breaking Down Part 1 Soundtrack
  5. (5) Adele - 21
  6. (1) Justin Bieber - Under the Mistletoe
  7. (4) Susan Boyle - Someone to Watch Over Me
  8. (7) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  9. (NE) Romeo Santos - Aventura
  10. (NE) Il Divo - Wicked Game
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (2) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  3. (3) Adele - Someone Like You
  4. (6) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  5. (4) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  6. (5) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
  7. (7) Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
  8. (8) Flo Rida - Good Feeling
  9. (12) Bruno Mars - It Will Rain
  10. (NE) Taylor Swift - If This Was a Movie
new entry
new peak position

Listen: Michael Jackson - Dancing Machine/Blame It On The Boogie (NEW SINGLE!)

Novi posthumni album Michaela Jacksona, "Immortal", biće objavljen 21. novembra. Na njemu će se naći 22 pesme koje su opisane kao novootkrivene verzije poznatih pesama i alternativne verzije starih hitova, kao i kolekcija mashup i remix verzija pesama.
Ovo izdanje najavljuje singl koji se sastoji iz dve pesme, "Dancing Machine/Blame It On The Boogie", koji možete poslušati ispod ovog posta.
Ovo neće biti poslednje posthumno izdanje Kralja popa. Advokat Howard Weitzman najavio je za sledeću godinu reizdanje albuma "Bad" povodom 25 godina od izdavanja ovog albuma, kao i još najmanje jedan kompilacijski album.


Michael Jackson's new posthumous album, "Immortal",will be released on November 21. It will feature 22 songs described as newly discovered outtakes, remixes and mash-ups of some of Michael's greatest hits. 
This set is preceded by a single made of two songs, "Dancing Machine/Blame It On The Boogie",which you can listen to below this post.
This won't be the last release of the King of Pop. A lawyer Howard Weitzman announced a re-release of "Bad" album to mark 25 years from its original release and there will be at least one more compilation album.

Selena Gomez & The Scene - Hit the Lights (NEW VIDEO)

Kad već pišem o Bieberu danas, redno je da pomenem i njegovu devojku koja još nema bebu (valjda?), Selenu Gomez. Ona je predstavila novi spot i to za pesmu "Hit the Lights" koju je izvela na ovogodišnjoj dodeli MTV EMA. Ukoliko ima zainteresovanih ili hipstera (ili oba), klip možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


Because this is the day for a post about Bieber, it would be nice to mention her girlfriend who hasn't a baby yet (I guess?), Selena Gomez. She premiered a new video and it's for a song "Hit the Lights", a track she performed at this year's MTV EMA ceremony. If there's anyone interested or hipster (or both), you can check out the clip below.

Mariah Yeater (Justin Bieber je otac moje bebe) odustala od tužbe / Mariah Yeater (Justin Bieber is a father of my baby) dropped lawsuit

Nakon nekoliko nedelja slave, izgleda da više nećemo čuti ime Mariah Yeater (kad bi to isto važilo i za Biebera...). Kao što verovatno znate, ona je tvrdila da je Justin Bieber otac njene bebe i protiv njega je podnela tužbu. Međutim, nakon što je mlada starleta rešila da uradi DNK test, gospođica Yeater je odustala od tužbe. I to vam je otprilike to.
Navodno će njeni advokati problem pokušati da reše van suda, ali to neću pratiti jer je ovom slučaju ionako posvećeno previše pažnje (aka DNK test je mogao da se uradi odmah). Međutim, izgleda da ovde pažnju javnosti traži više od jedne osobe...


After few weeks of fame, it seems that we won't hear Mariah Yeater's name again (when would same apply for Bieber...). As you probably know, she claimed that Justin Bieber is a father of her baby and she filed a lawsuit against him. But, after the young starlet decided to do a DNA test, miss Yeater dropped the lawsuit and that would be it.
Apparently, her lawyers will try to solve this problem out of a court, but I won't follow that because this case has already got too much attention (aka DNA test could be done right away). However, it seems that there's more than one person who wants to be in a spotlight...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Listen: Bob Sinclar feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Fuck With You (NEW SONG!)


Sophie Ellis Bextor, poznata po velikom broju pop dance hitova i saradnji sa mnogobrojnim velikanima dance muzike, objavila je pesmu eksplicitnog naziva, "Fuck With You". Ovoga puta udružila je snage sa čuvenim francuskim DJ-em Bobom Sinclarom. Očekivano, dobili smo još jednu odličnu pesmu za đuskanje u klubovima! It's a murder on the dance floor, kako kaže naziv njenog najvećeg hita!


Sophie Ellis Bextor, known by numerous pop dance hits and collaborations with many great dance acts, has premiered a new song with an explicit title - "Fuck With You". This time she joined forces with a famous French DJ Bob Sinclar. As expected, we got another great club banger! It's a murder on the dance floor, says a title of her biggest hit!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rebecca Black is back and she's a person of interest!

She's urban now, she's a rock star, Friday girl gone everyday girl, she's the present and the future, she's... POI aka person of interest! It's FUN, FUN, FUN - criminally FUN!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lady Gaga prekinula saradnju sa kreativnom direktorkom / Lady Gaga parts ways with creative director

Lady Gaga je zvanično prekinula saradnju sa njenom kreativnom direktorkom, Laurieann Gibson. Njih dve su sarađivale još od 2007. godine, kada je Gaga potpisala ugovor sa Interscope Records, i Gibsonova se smatra jednom od najzaslužnijih osoba sa Gagin, ponekad kontroverzni, imidž.
Navodno, tenzija je počela da se stvara kada je Gibsonova izjavila da je Madonna Gagi najveća inspiracija, iako pevačica već duže vreme beži od poređenja sa kraljicom popa. Takođe je došlo i do nesuglasica i tokom snimanja spotova za "Judas" i "The Edge of Glory", što je rezultiralo prekidom saradnje.
Sada ostaje da se vidi kako će to uticati na Gagin imidž u budućnosti.


Lady Gaga has officially parted ways with her creative director, Laurieann Gibson. These two collaborated since 2007, when Gaga was signed to Interscope Records, and Gibson is credited as one of people responsible for Gaga's, sometimies controversial, look.
Apparently, a tension have started after a few Gibbson's comments in a public that Madonna is the biggest inspiration to Gaga, although the singer has been trying to throw off comparisons with the queen of pop for a long time. These two also had creative clashes over "Judas" and "The Edge of Glory" videos which finally led to the end of this collaboration.
Now we'll have to wait and see in which way will this end of partnership affect Gaga's apperiances in the future.

UK Charts: Treći #1 album za Susan Boyle, Rihanna se vraća na vrh liste singlova / Susan Boyle scores third #1 album, Rihanna tops singles chart again

File:SomeonetoWatchOverMe.jpgSusan Boyle postala je prva žena u istoriji britanske liste albuma čija su prva tri izdanja debitovala na prvom mestu. Treći album youtube senzacije, "Someone to Watch Over Me", prodat je u 72 745 primeraka u prvoj nedelji prodaje.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, "Ceremonials" grupe Florence + The Machine, pao je na treće mesto (58 287).
U top 10 su još tri noviteta. Debi album mlade pevačice Cher Lloyd, "Sticks + Stones", našao se na četvrtom mestu (55 668), dok je na poziciji niže drugi album grupe The Wanted, "Battleground" (47 530) i ovo je drugi uzastopni top 5 za njih.
Holandski violinista Andre Rieu i Johann Strauss Orchestra zauzimaju sedmo mesto sa albumom "And the Waltz Goes On" (40 231) i ovo je treći top 10 album za čuvenog violinistu.
File:We Found Love - Single.jpgŠto se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna se nakon dvonedeljne pauze vraća na vrh sa "We Found Love" (79 834) čime je sprečila grupu JLS da dobije šesti #1 sa pesmom "Take a Chance On Me" (2. mesto, 67 850). Ipak, ovo je osmi uzastopni top 10 singl za popularni boy band.
Prošlonedeljni #1 hit, Professor Green feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It, pao je na četvrto mesto (51 473).
Novi singl pevačice Pixie Lott, "What Do You Take Me For?", debitovao je na desetom mestu (34 335). Ovo je drugi singl sa njenog drugog albuma, "Young Foolish Happy", koji je objavljen danas i četvrti top 10 hit za pevačicu.
Listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta. 


Susan Boyle has become the first woman in the UK chart history whose first three albums debuted at #1. The third album by a youtube sensation, "Someone to Watch Over Me", was sold in 72 745 copies in its first week.
Last week's #1, "Ceremonials" by Florence + The Machine, dips to #3 (58 287). 
There are three more new entries inside top 10. Cher Lloyd's debut album, "Sticks + Stones", bows at #4 (55 668), while one spot lower belongs to the second album by The Wanted, "Battleground" (47 530). and this is the second consecutive top 5 for them.  
Dutch violinist Andre Rieu and Johann Strauss Orchestra arrive at #7 with "And the Waltz Goes On" (40 231) and this is the third top 10 album for the famous violinist.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna returns to the top after two-week break with "We Found Love" (79 834) which stopped JLS getting their sixth #1 with "Take a Chance On Me" (#2, 67 850). Still, this is the eighth consecutive top 10 single for a popular boy band.
Last week's #1 hit, Professor Green feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It, slips to #4 (51 473).
Pixie Lott's new single, "What Do You Take Me For?", debuts at #10 (34 335). This is the second single from her second album, "Young Foolish Happy", which is released today and this is also the fourth top 10 hit for the singer.
Check out top 10 albums and singles below.


  1. (NE) Susan Boyle - Someone to Watch Over Me
  2. (5) Michael Buble - Christmas
  3. (1) Florence + The Machine - Ceremonials
  4. (NE) Cher Lloyd - Sticks + Stones
  5. (NE) The Wanted - Battleground
  6. (2) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  7. (NE) Andre Rieu and Johann Strauss Orchestra - And the Waltz Goes On
  8. (4) Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
  9. (7) Adele - 21
  10. (8) Ed Sheeran - +

  1. (2) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (NE) JLS - Take a Chance On Me
  3. (3) Labirinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
  4. (1) Professor Green feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It 
  5. (6) Ed Sheeran - Lego House
  6. (4) Cher Lloyd feat. Mike Posner - With UR Love
  7. (10) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  8. (7) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  9. (5) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Mooves Like Jagger
  10. (NE) Pixie Lott feat. Pusha T. - What Do You Take Me For
this week's #1
new entry
new peak

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Listen: Little Boots - Shake (NEW SINGLE!)

Little Boots ima novu pesmu i mixtape

Britanska pevačica Victoria Hesketh, poznatija kao Little Boots, postala je poznata zahvaljujući debi albumu "Hands" i hitovima "New in Town" i "Remedy". Nakon dve godine pevačica je objavila novi singl, "Shake", koji najavljuje njen drugi album i koji možete poslušati ispod ovog posta. Zvuči prilično zanimljivo i drugačije od njenog prvog albuma.
Ispod ovog posta možete poslušati i njen mixtape"Shake Until Your Heart Breaks", koji najavljuje njenu svetsku DJ turneju čiji je početak zakazan za 17. novembar.


British singer Victoria Hesketh, known as Little Boots, rose to fame thanks to a debut album "Hands" and hits "New in Town" and "Remedy". After two years she has released a new single, "Shake", which precedes her second album. You can listen to it below this post! It's a really interesting track and different from her previous work.
Below this post you will also find her mixtape, "Shake Until Your Heart Breaks", which is a warm-up for her DJ tour, scheduled to start on Nov 17.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kylie Minogue dobija strip + detalji o novom albumu! / Kylie Minogue To Get Comic Book + new album details

Kylie Minogue planira da na veoma zanimljiv način obeleži 25 godina muzičke karijere. U februaru sledeće godine će biti objavljen strip u okviru poznate "Female Force" serije sa njom o glavnoj ulozi. Kroz ovaj strip biće ispričana njena životna priča i čitaoci će moći da se upoznaju sa svim usponima i padovima u njenoj karijeri.
Takođe, pevačica je potvrdila da priprema i album za sledeću godinu na kome će se naći nove verzije njenih najvećih hitova, u akustičnim i orkestarskim aranžmanima. Na ovom izdanju radi u čuvenom londonskom Abbey Road studiju.
Ispod ovog posta pogledajte spot za pesmu "Locomotion" koja predstavlja početak više nego uspešne karijere princeze pop muzike i spremite se za godišnjicu! 


Kylie Minogue plans to mark her 25th anniversary of a music career in a very interesting way. As a part of a famous "Female Force" series, a comic book about her will be published in February next year. A biographical story follows her ups and downs through her career.
The singer also confirmed that she's working on a album which is scheduled for the next yeat and which will feature new versions of her greatest hits, in acoustic and orchestral arrangements. She's working on this release in a legendary Abbey Road studio in London.
Below this post check out her video for "Locomotion", a song which represents a beginning of a more than successful career of the princess of pop and get ready for this anniversary!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Watch: Katy Perry - The One That Got Away (NEW VIDEO!)

Katy Perry je konačno predstavila spot za "The One That Got Away" - šesti singl sa njenog poslednjeg albuma "Teeanage Dream". Kao što sam već rekao, ona je u spotu starica koja se priseća strastvene veze iz mladosti. A kako se ta priča završila, pogledajte ispod ovog posta! Spot je režirala Floria Sigismondi.


Katy Perry has finally premiered a video for "The One That Got Away" - the sixth single from her latest album "Teeanage Dream". As I said before, in this video we see Katy as an old woman who remembers her intense relationship from the past. How the story ends, find out in the clip below! The video is directed by Floria Sigismondi.  

Listen: Rihanna - You Da One (NEW SINGLE!)

 Rihanna je predstavila i drugi singl sa svog novog album "Talk That Talk" - "You Da One". Ovu simpatičnu ljubavnu pesmu sa rege uticajem možete poslušati ispod ovog posta. Numera će biti objavljena u digitalnim prodavnicama u nedelju, dok će album biti objavljen 18. novembra.


Rihanna has premiered the second single from "Talk That Talk" album - "You Da One".This cute love song with reggae influence you can listen below this post. The track will be released to digital stores on Sunday, will the album is scheduled for Nov 18.