Američki muzičar Moby biće podrška Amy Winehouse na koncertu koji je zakazan za 18. jun na Kalemegdanu u Beogradu, piše Blic. Moby je već oduševio publiku Exita 2009. godine, a sada će imati priliku da se pokaže i pred publikom u prestonici. Do tada će biti objavljen i njegov novi album Destroyed o kome sam već pisao, pa će publika pored starih hitova imati priliku da čuje i nove pesme.
Očekuje se da će i Amy Winehouse pevati neke od novih pesama, tako da je pred nama jedno više nego zanimljivo veče.
Cene karata biće objavljene uskoro.
American musician Moby will support Amy Winehouse on stage, on a concert scheduled for June 18th on Kalemegdan in Belgrade, Blic reports. Moby has already amazed an audience of Exit in 2009, and now he has a chance to do the same thing in front of an audience in Serbian capital. His new album Distroyed will be released by then, so the audience will have a chance to hear new songs beside old hits.
It's expected that Amy Winehouse will also perform new songs, so we can expect more than interesting evening.
Ticket prices will be revealed soon.
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