Saturday, May 7, 2011

"Monster Ball Tour" Lady Gage najuspešnija turneja novog izođača / Lady Gaga's "Monster Ball" the most successful tour for a new artist

Turneja Lady Gage "Monster Ball" završena je u Meksiko Sitiju i pevačica sada iza sebe ima najuspešniju turneju kada su u pitanju novi izvođači. Turneju je počela u novembru 2009. godine i od tada je njene koncerte videlo 2.5 miliona ljudi, što joj je donelo zaradu od 227,4 miliona dolara. U zavisnosti od rezultata koje tokom godine postignu drugi izvođači, ova turneja bi se mogla naći i u 10 najuspešnijih svih vremena.


Lady Gaga's "Monster Ball" tour ended last night in Mexico City and the singer now has the most successful tour of all time in a new artists category. She started the tour in November 2009, her concerts saw more than 2.5 million people which brought her $227.4M. Depending on the tour results of other performers this year, Monster Ball could end in the top 10 highest-grossing tours of all time. 

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