Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Natasha Bedingfield se vraća u Evropu / Natasha Bedingfield returns to Europe

Britanska pevačica Natasha Bedingfield, poznata po hitovima Unwritten i These Words, vraća se u Evropu nakon četvorogodišnje pauze. U nekoliko evropskih zemalja već je objavljen njen novi album Strip Me Away i ovo je evropska verzija albuma Strip Me koji je krajem prošle godine objavljen u Severnoj Americi. Zanimljivo je da je kao prvi single sa ovog izdanja izabrana pesma Pocketful of Sunshine koja je bila veliki hit pre tri godine. Naime, Natasha je od 2008. godine albume objavljivala samo za američko tržište. Pomenuta pesma je tamo postigla veliki uspeh, ali nije mogla legalno da se kupi u ostatku sveta. Ostaje da se vidi da li je evropska publika zaboravila ovu pevačicu i kako će prihvatiti nove-stare pesme.
Natasha je poslednji album za evropsko tržište N.B. objavila 2007. godine, dok je u međuvremenu objavila dva albuma za američko - Pocketful of Sunshine i Strip Me.


British singer/songwriter Natasha Bedingfield, known for hits Unwritten and These Words, returns to Europe after four years. Her new album Strip Me Away has ben already released in few European countries. Strip Me Away is European version of her album Strip Me which was released in North America last year. It's interesting that the first single from this release is Pocketful of Sunshine - a song that was a big hit three years ago. Natasha has released albums only for American market since 2008. and the mentioned song wasn't available in the rest of the world. Now let's wait and see if European audience forgot this singer and how they'll accept her old-new songs.
Natasha's last album for European market N.B. was released in 2007, while in the meantime she released two albums in America - Pocketful of Sunshine and Strip Me.  

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