Iako je Britney Spears na dosadašnjim turnejama zaobilazila ovaj deo Evrope, to se izgleda ovog puta neće ponoviti. Princeza pop muzike, kako je neki zovu, nastupiće u Zagrebu 1. oktobra u okviru Femme Fatale turneje, objavili su hrvatski mediji. Britney bi trebalo da nastupi u Areni Zagreb, a karte će biti puštene u prodaju 13. juna. Cena karata biće od 300 do 700 kuna (40 do 100 evra).
Sve detalje vezane za ovaj koncert i turneju uopšte možete pročitati na sajtu naših fragih prijatelja Britney.rs.
Although Britney Spears skipped this part of Europe during her previous tours, that won't happan this time around. The princess of pop, as some call her, will have a concert in Zagreb on Oct 1 as a part of her Femme Fatale tour, Croatian medias reported. Britney should perform in Arena Zagreb and tickets will be available from June 13 at cost from 300 to 700kn (40 to 100 EUR).
All details about this concert and the tour in general you can read at our friends site Britney.rs
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