Nakon što je prošle nedelje izbačena kao članica žirija, što je izazvalo veliku pažnju medija, Cheryl Cole se ipak vraća u američku verziju šou programa X Factor. Kao razlog njenog izbacivanja čelnici FOX mreže naveli su njen jak britanski akcenat i nedostatak "hemije" sa koleginicom Paulom Abdul. Ipak, prvi čovek ovog talent šou programa, Simon Cowell, doprineo je tome da ponovo razmisle o svojoj odluci. Navodno, nakon ponovo odgledanih snimaka sa dosadašnjih audicija čelnici FOX-a odlučili su da joj pruže još jednu šansu i očekuje se da će se Cheryl pojaviti na narednoj audiciji u New Jerseyu.
Cheryl Cole je slavu stekla kao članica benda Girls Aloud, ali je veliku popularnost uživala i kao član žirija u britanskom X Factoru zahvaljujući kojem je započela uspešnu solo karijeru.
After it was sensationally reported that Cheryl Cole had been axed from the US version of X Factor, it seems the she'll return to the judging panel after all. FOX network bosses said that the reason for her exclusion was her strong British accent and lack of chemistry with her fellow judge Paula Abdul. But, the first man of the show, Simon Cowell, made them to reconsider their desicion. Apparently, after they watched a footage from previous auditions, they decided to give the singer another chance and it's expected that Cheryl will return for an audition in New Jersey.
Cheryl Cole rose to fame as a member of Girls Aloud, but she enjoyed a huge popularity as a judge in the UK version of X Factor thanks to which she kicked off a successful solo career.
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