Sunday, June 19, 2011

Razočaravajući nastup Amy Winehouse u Beogradu... / A disappointing performance by Amy Winehouse in Belgrade

Ono što su svi mesecima naslućivali se ostvarilo. Sinoćnji koncert Amy Winehouse u Beogradu bio je potpuni fijasko. Već posle prve pesme bilo je jasno da je pevačica pijana ili drogirana i da nije u stanju da nastupa. Scenario je bio uobičajan - teturala se po bini, falširala, zaboravljala reči pesama, a u jednom trenutku je i bacila mikrofon. Kao i obično, najviše su pevali publika i prateći vokali. Publika je najstrašnije izviždala Amy, a neki su je gađali i čašama. Izgleda da za ovu pevačicu zaista nema spasa. Da podsetimo, pre samo nekoliko dana (ponovo) je izašla sa klinike za rehabilitaciju, a njen menadžment je tvrdio kako ona neće piti tokom evropske turneje. Nije pomoglo ni to što je nastupala prva, verovatno da ne stigne da se napije, ali to je nije sprečilo.
Nakon nje je nastupio fantastični Moby koji je još jednom pokazao zašto je jedan od najboljih izvođača današnjice, te je odličnom svirkom ublažio razočaranje fanova.


What we all have feared from for months, turned out into reality. The last night concert of Amy Winehouse in Belgrade was a complete disaster. After the first song it was clear that the singer is too drunk or drugged to perform. It was one of her regular performances - she could barely stand, she was out of tune all the time forgetting lyrics and she even threw a microphone at one point. Like usual, the audience and back vocalists were singing the most. Amy was booed by the crowed and some people even threw glasses at her. It seems that nothing can help her. She checked out of the rehab clinic few days before the concert when her management promissed that she won't drink during her European tour. The fact that she performed first, probably because of a less possibility to get drunk, didn't stop her.
After her Moby performed and proved why he is one of the best live acts today. With an amazing gig he mitigate the disappointment of fans.

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