Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coldplay: ''Mylo Xyloto" bi mogao biti naš poslednji album / ''Mylo Xyloto" could be our last album

Novi album grupe Coldplay, "Mylo Xyloto", biće objavljen 24. oktobra, ali je frontmen benda, Chris Martin, u intervjuu za Mail On Sunday rekao da bi to mogao biti njihov poslednji album.
"Radili smo na njemu tri godine i zaista ne znam kako da napravimo naredni album, " rekao je Martin.
On kao konkurenciju u svetu muzike vidi Adele i Justina Biebera (?) i ističe da su članovi benda osećali da moraju da ulože mnogo energije, baš kao i ovo dvoje.
"Sada se takmičimo sa Justinom Bieberom i Adele koji su mnogo mlađi, pa smo morali da uložimo podjednaku energiju u naš rad. Ipak, ako je gotovo, gotovo je i mogu da živim sa tim. Najvažnija stvar je da nastavimo kao da nam je svaki album poslednji i ne očekujemo mnogo," zaključuje on.
Album su najavila dva singla, "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" i "Paradise", a na albumu će se naći i pesma "Princess of China" u kojoj gostuje Rihanna.


Coldplay will release their new studio album, "Mylo Xyloto", on Oct 24, but in an interview for Mail On Sunday, a frontman, Chris Martin, said that this could be their last album.
"It’s the distillation of three years' work and right now I can’t imagine where another one would come from," he said.
He also said theat he regarded Adele and Justin Bieber (?) as their competition in the music world and felt they had to put as much energy into their work as those two artists do.
"Now we have Justin Bieber and Adele to compete with and they’re a lot younger. We have to have the energy to put as much effort into our work as they do. If it’s over, it’s over and I can live with that. The most important thing always is to proceed as if every album is the last and not expect anything more," he concluded.
Two singles have already been released from this album, "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" and "Paradise", and the album will also feature a track "Princess of China" with Rihanna as a guest.

Source: NME