Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Madonnin progonitelj u ludnici / Madonna's stalker detained

Grezgorz Matlok, koji proganja Madonnu jer veruje da je u vezi sa njom i da od nje dobija "specijalne poruke", osuđen je na boravak u instituciji za mentalne bolesnike do daljenjeg. 
On je svojeveremno deportovan u rodnu Poljsku na lečenje nakon što je uhvaćen u pevačicinoj kući u engleskoj pokrajini Wiltshire kako krade hranu i piće. Međutim, on se vratio u Englesku i obio njenu kuću u Londonu. Na saslišanju je rekao kako mu je Madonna dozvolila da ostane u njenoj kući.
Ipak, na suđenju je pročitana izjava pevačice u kojoj se kaže:
"Ne poznajem optuženog, niti sam bila u bilo kakvoj vezi sa njim i nisam mu dozvolila da boravi u mojoj kući. Veoma sam uznemirena zbog njegovih postupaka. I pored velikog obezbeđenja brinem jer je uspeo da provali u moj dom. Zabrinuta sam za sigurnost moje maloletne dece, mog osoblja i, naravno, sopstvenu bezbednost".
Maltok je zbog toga što predstavlja veliki rizik za pevačicu osuđen na neodređeni boravak u ustanovi za mentalne bolesnike.


Grezgorz Matlok, who was said to believe he was in an intimate relationship with Madonna and being sent special messages by her, has been detained indefinitely for a medical treatment in a mental institution.
He was deported to Poland last year for a similar treatment, after breaking into her home in Wiltshire count trying to steal clothes and food. But, he returned to England and broke into her London's house. He told the police that Madonna had told him he could stay.
Still, during a trial Madonna's statement was read:
"I do not know the defendant, have never had any relationship with the defendant … I have never given him permission to enter the premises or any of my other premises. I feel alarmed and distressed by the actions of the defendant. It is extremely unsettling to know that despite the extensive security I have he has been able to break into two residential properties owned by me. I am worried about the safety of my children, all of which are under 18. I am also worried about the safety of my staff and naturally I am also worried about my own safety." 
Because it has been determined that Matlok poses a serious risk for the singer, he has been detained indefinitely for a medical treatment.

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