Sunday, January 29, 2012

Christina Aguilera peva "At Last" na sahrani Ette James / Christina Aguilera sings "At Last" at Etta James' funeral

Christina Aguilera, koja Ettu James često pominje kao najveću inspiraciju i izvodi njene hitove, otpevala je na sahrani legendarne pevačice veoma dirljivu verziju njenog velikog hita, "At Last".
"Za mene je neverovatna čast što sam pozvana ovde danas da odam poštu velikoj Etti James. Kada sam dobila priliku da idem na turneje prošla bih ceo svet i svima rekla da je Etta James moja omiljena pevačica. Ovo je za mene veoma emotivan trenutak i mnogo mi znači što ću pevati ovde danas. Celog svog života želela sam da budem kao Etta James, da pevam kao ona. Od svih pevača koje sam čula, ona je bila ta koja je direktno pogodila moju dušu," izjavila je Aguilera tokom službe.
Etta James preminula je 20. januara, u 74. godini, nakon duge borbe za leukemijom. Iza sebe je ostavila veliki broj soul klasika, a "At Last" je samo jedan od njih.
Kako zvuči Christina, poslušajte ispod ovog posta.


Christina Aguilera, who often cites Etta James as her ultimate inspiration and covers her hits, sang a very moving version of James' big hit, "At Last", at the legendary singer's funeral.
"It is an amazing honour for me to have been welcomed here today, invited here to pay tribute to the great Miss Etta James. I've since I've been able to tour, I've gone round the whole wide world and I would tell people that Miss Etta James was my favourite singer. It's very emotional for me to sing today, as this has meant so much to me. All my life, I've aspired to sing like Etta James, to be like her, of all the singers I've ever heard, she was the one who cut right to my soul," Aguilera said during the ceremonial.
Etta James dies on January 20, aged 74, after a long battle with leukemia. She left many soul clasics behind her and "At Last" is just one of them.
Listen to Christina's version below this post.

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