Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Norah Jones objavljuje novi album / Norah Jones to release new album

Pop jazz pevačica Norah Jones, čije je debi izdanje, "Come Away With Me", najprodavaniji album u 21. veku, ovog proleća objaviće peti studijski album pod nazivom "Little Broken Hearts". Norah je na ovom izdanju radila sa producentom Danger Mousom i kaže da je ovaj album sledeći korak u njenoj umetničkoj evoluciji. Njih dvoje su već sarađivali na njegovom albumu "ROME", koji je objavljen prošle godine, kada su i odlučili da nastave saradnju.
Definitivno zanimljiva kombinacija. Jedva čekam da čujem rezultat ove saradnje :)
Norah je poslednji album, "The Fall", objavila 2009. godine i ovaj album je prodat u preko 2 miliona primeraka širom sveta.


Pop jazz singer Norah Jones, whose debut release, "Come Away With Me", is the best-selling album of the 21st century, will release her fifth studio album this spring, titled "Little Broken Hearts". Norah has been working with a producer Danger Mouse on this release and she says it's the next step in her artistic evolution. These two artists have already collaborated on his album "ROME", released last year, when they decided to extend their collaboration to her record as well.
Definitely an interesting combination. Can't wait to hear results of their collaboration :)
Norah released her last studio album, "The Fall", in 2009 and this set has been sold in over 2 million copies to date.

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