Sunday, January 29, 2012

I Adele umrla na twitteru / Adele dies on twitter too

Odavno je postalo jasno da je twitter više nego odlično mesto da se započne glasina o nečijoj smrti, pa je tokom jučerašnjeg dana na meti bila Adele. Tag "RIP Adele" bio je među trending topics nekoliko sati, ali su njeni fanovi uzvratili udarac, pa se među trending topics našao i tag "Really inspiring person" (veoma inspirativna osoba), umesto "Rest in peace" (počivaj u miru). Ovo nije prvi put da je Adele meta neslanih šala na twitteru. Pre nekoliko nedelja fanovi Lady Gage imali su organizovanu akciju postovanja što više viceva o Adele na račun njene težine.
Inače, osim što su ovakve šale prilično neslane, postaju i dosadne, jer je Adele otprilike milionita osoba koja je proglašena mrtvom na ovoj društvenoj mreži.


It's been clear for a long time that twitter is a great place for starting rumors about someone's death, and Adele was a target of such rumor yesterday. "RIP Adele" was among trending topics for a few hours, but her fans decided to fight back, so among trending topics could be seen "Really inspiring person" instead of "Rest in peace". This isn't the first time that Adele is the target of bad jokes. Fans of Lady Gaga had an organized action with a goal to post as many jokes as they can about Adele's weight.
Anyway, apart from being a bad joke, death hoax on twitter are getting boring too, because Adele il like the milionth person who was declared dead on this social network.

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