Američka mreža NBC uskoro će pokrenuti novi takmičarski show The Voice, a pop pevačica Christina Aguilera je dan nakon hapšenja pozvana da bude jedna od sudija, što je ona prihvatila. Osim nje sudije će biti Cee Lo Green i Adam Levin (Maroon 5).
Izvršni producent programa Mark Burnett izjavio je da Christina ima savršen glas i moć u biznisu i da je ona "glas".
The Voice kreće sa emitovanjem krajem aprila po završetku American Idola.
Videćemo hoće li ovaj show pomoći karijeri Christine Aguilere, kao što je Idol pomogao Jennifer Lopez.
American NBC network will premiere a new talent show soon The Voice and Christina Aguilera was offered to be one of the judges a day after her arrest, which she accepted. Cee Lo Green and Adam Levin (Maroon 5) will join her.
Executive producer of the show Mark Burnett said that Christina has a perfect voice and a power in the show business and that she is "the voice".
The Voice will start airing in the end of April after American Idol finale.
Let's wait and see will this show program help Christina's career as Idol helped Jennifer Lopez.
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