Friday, March 11, 2011

"Procureo" novi album Britney Spears! / New Britney Spears album leaked!

Novi album Britney Spears "Femme Fatale" malopre je "procureo", pa požurite jer verujem da je njena izdavačka kuća Jive već krenula sa brisanjem linkova. Album je veoma zanimljiv, mislim da ima za svakog po nešto s obzirom na to da je na njemu radio veliki broj ljudi. Ako volite dobru mešavinu pop muzike, densa i elektronike, volećete i ovaj album. Mislim da je definitivno njen najzreliji i najbolji album do sada.  Moji favoriti su Inside Out, How I Roll, Big Fat Bass, Gasoline, Criminal i  aktuelni single Till The World Ends.

P.S. Zbog autorskih prava ne smem da postavljam linkove, ali ne bi trebalo da bude suviše teško da ih nađete :)


A new album by Britney Spears "Femme Fatale" has just leaked, so hurry up to find it before her label Jive starts to remove links. This is a very interesting album with various styles which is not surprising considering the number of people who worked on it. If you like good mix of pop, dance and electronica, you'll like this album. This is her most mature and best album to date, IMO. My favorites are: Inside Out, How I Roll, Big Fat Bass, Gasoline, Criminal and her latest single Till The World Ends

P.S. Because of the copyright I can't post download links, but it shouldn't be too hard for you to find them :)

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