Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lady Gagi preti tužba zbog plagijata? / Lady Gaga to face a lawsuit over a plagiarism?

Jedan producent iz Južne Koreje izjavio je da će tužiti Lady Gagu zbog pesme Born This Way jer veruje da je veoma slična pesmi Be Happy koju je uradio za tamošnji bend SNSD
Ovaj producent je rekao da će prvo pokušati da stupi u kontakt sa Gaginom izdavačkom kućom kako bi rešio problem, a ako ne uspe, predaću tužbu. U nastavku posta poslušajte snimak obe pesme i ocenite ima li osnova za tužbu.
Podsećam da su mnogi ovu pesmu po objavljivanju poredili i sa Madoninim velikom hitom iz 1989. godine Express Yourself.


One producer from South Korea said that he would sue Lady Gaga because of a song Born This Way because he believes it's too similar to a song Be Happy which he did for a local band SNSD.
This producer said that he will try to contact her publishing company in order to resolve this problem. If he doesn't succeed, he'll file a lawsuit. Below you can hear both songs and judge yourself if there's a reason for a lawsuit.
I'll remind you that Born This Way many compare to Madonna's big hit from 1989 Express Yourself.


  1. kako bi bilo kul da ovo krme sektasko zavrsi u ćuzi <3

  2. Cak i ja koja nemam sluha za muziku vidim da lice :D
