Thursday, March 17, 2011

Raspada se grupa Faithless / Faithless announce split

Jedna od najpoznatijih dance senzacija na svetu Faithless uskoro će prestati da postoji, napisao je jedan od članova Maxi Jazz na svom web sajtu. On je napisao da su posle 15 godina i šest albuma rekli sve što su imali da kažu i da je vreme da "zatvore knjigu i vrate je u biblioteku".
Bend poznat po dance klasicima kao što su Insomnia, God Is a DJ i Salva Mea održaće koncert u Beogradu 22. marta, što je poslednja šansa da ih vidite u Srbiji. Oproštajni koncert biće održan 8. aprila u O2 Areni u Londonu.
Bend je osnovan 1995. godine i imao je pet članova. Nakon objavljivanja drugog albuma Sunday 8PM, 1998. godine, bend su napustili pop pevačica Dido i kompozitor Jamie Catto. Od tada Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss i Rollo Armstrong čine standardnu postavu benda. Poslednji album The Dance objavili su prošle godine.


One of the best known dance attractions Faithless is going to call its quits, one of the members Maxi Jazz wrote on his website. He wrote that after 15 years and six albums band probably made its collective point by now and that it's time to "close a book and return to the library".
The bend known by dance classics such as Insomnia, God Is a DJ and Salva Mea, will held a concert in Belgrade on March 22, so it's our last chance to see them in Serbia. Their last show will be held in London's O2 Arena on April 8th.
Faithless was formed in 1995 and originally had five members. After the second album release Sunday 8PM, in 1998, a pop singer Dido and a singer/songwriter Jamie Catto left the band. Since then Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo Armstrong have been the standard members of the band. The last album The Dance, Faithless released last year.