Jedini top 10 novitet na ovonedeljnoj listi najpopularnijih pesama u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama je novi single pevačice Ke$he "Blow". Ova pesma nalazi se na šestom mestu najprodavanijih pesama tokom protekle nedelje i među 30 najslušanijih pesama na radiju što je bilo dovoljno za skok sa 11. na sedmo mesto ovonedeljene Billboard Hot 100 liste. Zanimljivo je da su svi singlovi sa njenog debi albuma Animal i reizdanja Canibal završili među top 10 najpopularnijih pesama u Americi.
Lady Gaga je sa singlom Born This Way četvrtu nedelju zaredom na prvom mestu. Sa preko 230 000 downloada prošle nedelje, ova pesma je i dalje najprodavanija, a napredovala je i na listi slušanosti sa četvrtog na treće mesto.
Nakon debitovanja na devetom mestu, Jennifer Lopez je sa pesmom On the Floor napredovala četiri pozicije i ove nedelje zauzela peto mesto zahvaljujući odličnoj prodaji (drugo mesto sa 223 000 prodatih primeraka).
Ostatak top 10 liste pogledajte u nastavku posta. Celokupna Billboard Hot 100 lista dostupna je na http://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100#/charts/hot-100.
The only new top 10 entry on this week chart of the most popular singles in the USA is a new single by Ke$ha "Blow". This song took #6 on Hot Digital Songs chart this week and it's within top 30 on the Airplay Chart which was enough to rise from #11 to #7 this week on Billboard Hot 100. It's interesting that all singles from her debi album Animal and a re-release Canibal peaked inside the top 10 of the most popular songs in America.
Lady Gaga holds #1 spot for the fourth week in a row with Born This Way. With over 230k downloads last week, it's still the best-selling single in the USA. This song also raised from #4 to #3 on the Airplay Chart.
After debuting at #9, Jennifer Lopez moved to #5 this week with On the Floor thanks to a huge digital sales (#2 with over 230k downloads).
Below you can check out the rest of top 10. The complete Billboard Hot 100 chart is available at http://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100#/charts/hot-100.
Top 10:
The only new top 10 entry on this week chart of the most popular singles in the USA is a new single by Ke$ha "Blow". This song took #6 on Hot Digital Songs chart this week and it's within top 30 on the Airplay Chart which was enough to rise from #11 to #7 this week on Billboard Hot 100. It's interesting that all singles from her debi album Animal and a re-release Canibal peaked inside the top 10 of the most popular songs in America.
Lady Gaga holds #1 spot for the fourth week in a row with Born This Way. With over 230k downloads last week, it's still the best-selling single in the USA. This song also raised from #4 to #3 on the Airplay Chart.
After debuting at #9, Jennifer Lopez moved to #5 this week with On the Floor thanks to a huge digital sales (#2 with over 230k downloads).
Below you can check out the rest of top 10. The complete Billboard Hot 100 chart is available at http://www.billboard.com/charts/hot-100#/charts/hot-100.
Top 10:
- Lady Gaga - Born This Way
- Cee-lo Green - F**k You (Forget You)
- Rihanna - S&M
- P!nk - F**kin' Perfect
- Jennifer Lopez feat. Pitbull - On the Floor
- Bruno Mars - Grenade
- Ke$ha - Blow
- Katy Perry feat. Kanye West - E. T.
- Enrique Iglesias feat. Ludacris & DJ Frank E - Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)
- Katy Perry - Firework
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