Adele i dalje vlada britanskim top-listama. Album 21 nalazi se na vrhu devetu nedelju zaredom što se nije dogodilo još od 1991. godine kada je isti rezultat ostvarila Madonnina kompilacija The Immaculate Collection. 21 je prošle nedelje prodat u više od 156 hiljada primeraka. Prvi album ove pevačice 19 i dalje se drži na drugom mestu i prošle nedelje je prodat u 47159 primeraka.
Među top 10 najprodavanijih albuma ove nedelje su četiri noviteta. Novi album grupe Strokes "Angels" debitovao je na trećem mestu sa 35643 prodatih primeraka. Njihova prva dva albuma stigla su do drugog albuma, dok je prethodni First Impressions of Earth njihov prvi i jedini #1 album u Velikoj Britaniji.
Album nastao kao rezultat saradnje Ronana Keatinga i Burta Bucharcha "When Ronan Met Burt" stigao je do petog mesta.
Iako je Nicole Scherzinger prošle nedelje bila #1 na listi singlova, to nije mnogo pomoglo njenom prvom solo albumu Killer Love koji je završio na osmom mestu.
Novi album Chrisa Browna "F.A.M.E." debitovao je na desetom mestu što je napredak u odnosu na prethodni album Graffiti koji je dostigao tek 55. mesto.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Adele se nakon jednonedeljne pauze vratila na prvo mesto sa Someone Like You. Ovaj single je prošle nedelje prodat u 82357 kopija. Jedini top 10 novitet ove nedelje je novi single grupe The Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" koji je skočio sa 15. na treće mesto - 43451 prodat primerak.
Ostatak top 10 liste možete pogledati ispod ovog teksta.
Adele is still a queen of UK charts. Her album 21 is #1 for the nineth week in a row which equaled to Madonna's result from 1991 with The Immaculate Collection. 21 was sold in more than 156k copies last week. Debut album by Adele "19" still holds #2 spot with 47519 copies sold last week.
There are four new entries among top 10 best-selling albums this week. A new album by Strokes "Angels" debuted at #3 with 35643 copies sold. Their first two albums peaked at #2, while their last album First Impressions of Earth remains their only #1 in the UK.
An album than consists of collaboration between Ronan Keating and Burt Bucharch "When Ronan Met Burt" reached #5.
Although her single was #1 last week, it didn't help Nicole Scherzinger's debut album Killer Love much which debuted at #8.
A new album by Chris Brown "F.A.M.E." debuted at #10 which is an improvement compared to his previous effort Graffiti which reached only #55.
As for the singles chart, Adele regained her top spot with Someone Like You. This single was sold in 82357 copies last week. The only new entry within top 10 is a new single by The Black Eyed Peas "Just Can't Get Enough" which jumped from #15 to #3 (43451).
You can check out the rest of top 10 below this text.
Top 10 Albums:
- (1) Adele - 21
- (2) Adele - 19
- (new) Strokes - Angels
- (3) Jessie J - Who You Are
- (new) Ronan Keating & Burt Bucharch - When Ronan Met Burt
- (5) Overtones - Good Ol' Fashioned Love
- (7) Rihanna - Loud
- (new) Nicole Scherzinger - Killer Love
- (6) Elbow - Build a Rocket Boys
- (new) Chris Brown - F.A.M.E.
Top 10 Singles:
- (2) Adele - Someone Like You
- (1) Nicole Scherzinger - Don't Hold Your Breath
- (15) The Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
- (3) Wanted - Gold Forever
- (4) Jessie J feat. B.o.B - Price Tag
- (5) Rihanna - S&M
- (6) Wiz Khalifa - Black & Yellow
- (9) Dr. Dre feat. Eminem & Skylar Grey - I Need a Doctor
- (8) Adele - Rolling In the Deep
- (7) Lady Gaga - Born This Way
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