Monday, March 28, 2011

Kylie Minogue želi duet sa Britney Spears / Kylie Minogue wants to duet with Britney Spears

Kylie Minogue je u jednom intervjuu otkrila da bi volela da snimi duet sa Britney Spears jer misli da bi to bila sjajna saradnja. Kylie, koja je na turneji, misli da je Britney sjajna i kaže da joj je trenutno omiljena pesma He About to Lose Me koja se nalazi na deluxe verziji Britneynog albuma Femme Fatale i da je stalno pevuši.
Kylie je takođe otkrila da razmišlja o tome da zvuk na njenom novom albumu bude drugačiji od pop zvuka na koji smo navikli.
U svakom slučaju, ova saradnja bi bila više nego zanimljiva! 


Kylie Minogue revealed in one of her interviews that she would like to record a duet with Britney Spears because she thinks that would be a great collaboration. Kylie, who's touring at the moment, thinks that Britney is great and she says that her favorite song at the moment is Britney's track from deluxe version of Femme Fatale - He About to Lose Me and that she sings it all the time.
Kylie also revealed that she was thinking about branching out from her usual pop sound on the next record.
Anway, the collaboration between these pop stars would be more than interesting!

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