Monday, October 31, 2011

UK Charts: Coldplay dominira listom albuma, Professor Green na vrhu liste singlova / Coldplay Dominate Albums Chart, Professor Green Tops Singles Chart

Coldplay su sa svojim petim albumom, "Mylo Xyloto", dobili peti #1 u Velikoj Britaniji. Ovaj album prodat je u 208 343 primerka prošle nedelje, što je druga najbolja prodaja u prvoj nedelji i treća najbolja nedeljna prodaja generalno ove godine . 
Novi božićni album Michaela Bublea, "Christmas", debitovao je na trećem mestu (53 736). Ovo je njegov peti uzastopni top 10 album.
Prva pobednica American Idola, Kelly Clarkson, našla se na petom mestu sa svojim novim albumom "Stronger" (29 233) - njen četvrti uzastopni top 10 album.
Top 10 zatvara novi album Toma Waitsa, "Bad as Me" (16 074) što je njegov tek drugi top 10 album u četrdesetogodišnjoj karijeri.
Što se liste singlova tiče, novi singl Professor Greena, "Read All About It", na kome gostuje mlada pevačica Emeli Sande, dospeo je do prvog mesta sa 153 007 prodatih downloada. Ovaj singl, koji najavljuje njegov drugi album "At Your Inconvenience", prvi je #1 hit za oba izvođača i ovo je druga najbolja nedeljna prodaja ove godine.
Iza njih je novi singl Labirintha i Tinia Tempaha, "Earthquake", koji najavljuje Labirinthov prvi album "Furtherworks" (115 530).
Poslednji top 10 novitet je drugi singl Rizzla Kicksa, "When I Was Youngster", koji je kao i njegov prvi singl, "Down With the Trumpets" stigao do osmog mesta (38 611).
Listu top 10 albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Coldplay score their fifth #1 with the fith album thanks to their newest set, "Mylo Xyloto", that was shifted in 208 343 copies last week. It's the second biggest opening week and third overall this year.
Michael Buble's new Christmas album, "Christmas", debuts at #3 (53 736) and this is his fifth consecutive top 10 album.
The first American Idol winner, Kelly Clarkson, bows at #5 with ner new album "Stronger" (29 233) - her fourth consecutive top 10 album.
Top 10 closes Tom Waits' new album "Bad as Me" (16 074) which is his only second top 10 in 40-year-long career.
As for the singles chart, Professor Green's new song, "Read All About It", featuring a young singer Emeli Sande debuts at #1 with 153 007 sold downloads. This single, which precedes his second album "At Your Inconvenience", is the first #1 hit for both performers and it holds the second biggest weekly sales this year.
Behind them are Labirinth and Tinie Tempah with their new collab track "Earthquake", which precedes Labirinth's debut album "Furtherworks" (115 530).
The last top 10 new entry comes from Rizzle Kicks and his second single  "When I Was Youngster". This song bows at #8 (38 611), just like his debut single "Down With the Trumpets".
Check out top 10 albums and singles below.

  1. (NE) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  2. (1) Noel Galagher's High Flying Birds - Noel Galagher's High Flying Birds
  3. (NE) Michael Buble - Christmas
  4. (9) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  5. (NE) Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
  6. (2) Matt Cardle - Letters
  7. (5) Ed Sheeran - +
  8. (4) Adele - 21
  9. (3) Steps - The Ultimate Collection
  10. (NE) Tom Waits - Bad as Me
  1. (NE) Professor Green feat. Emeli Sande - Read All About It
  2. (NE) Labirinth feat. Tinie Tempah - Earthquake
  3. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  4. (6) Kelly Clarkson - Mr Know It All
  5. (4) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  6. (3) Charlene Soraia - Wherever You Will Go
  7. (8) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  8. (NE) Rizzle Kicks - When I Was Youngster
  9. (2) The Wanted - Lightning
  10. (5) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts 

[UPD] Adele NEMA rak grla / Adele DOESN'T Have Throat Cancer

Nakon što je Adele otkazala sve koncerte i nastupe do kraja godine zbog operacije grla, na twitteru su se pojavile glasine da pevačica ima rak grla, pa je juče jedan od trending tagova bio #prayforadele.
Njen tim nije potvrdio niti demantovao ovu informaciju. Rekli su samo da su joj doktori naredili da mora da odmara glas dok se potpuno ne oporavi, pa samim tim i otkaže sve predstojeće nastupe.
Ona je ranije na svom sajtu napisala da mora da otkaže ostatak američke turneje jer nema izbora. Mora u potpunosti da se oporavi ili rizikuje da trajno ošteti glas.
Ostaje samo da se nadamo da glasine koje su se pojavile nisu istinite i da ćemo je ponovo slušati od naredne godine. U međuvremenu uživajte u novom singlu sa hit albuma "21" - "Rumor Has It".

UPD: Njen publicista je je saopštio da Adele nema rak grla i da na operaciju ide zbog problema sa glasnim žicama!


After Adele cancelled all her concerts and performances until the end of the year because of a throat surgery, a rumor has hit twitter that she did it due a throat cancer, so one of trending tags yesterday was #prayforadele. 
Her team didn't confirm nor deny this. They just said that doctors had ordered her to rest her voice and completely recuperate before looking to schedule any work commitments.
She wrote on her website earlier that she had absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or she risks damaging her voice forever. 
We can only hope that rumors aren't true and that we'll see her performing again next year. In the meantime enjoy in her new single, "Rumor Has It", from her hit album "21".

UPD: Her rep has just confirmed that Adele doesn't have throat cancer and that she'll undergo surgery because of a vocal chord problem.

Sade hipnotisali srpsku publiku!

Soul diva baršunastog glasa, Sade Adu, počela je sa svojim bendom prvi koncert pred srpskom publikom sa zakašnjenjem od čak sat vremena.
Nakon dugog čekanja, Arenu je zapljusnuo snop plave svetlosti, a zatim je uz prve taktove "Solider of Love" legendarna pevačica izašla na scenu.
- Srbijo, hvala! Nema reči kojima bih vam se izvinila za sve propuštene godine, ali večeras ću pokušati da nadoknadim izgubljeno vreme. Hvala što ste večeras sa mnom - rekla je Sade na početku koncerta i zaređala stare i nove hitove.
Više od deset hiljada posetilaca uživalo je u magiji koju je bend stvorio na sceni. Odevena u crno od glave do pete, pevačica se kretala scenom suptilno i graciozno u ritmu muzike.
Nizali su se hitovi poput: "Smooth Operater", "Jezabel", "Is It a Crime", "No Ordinary Love", a publika je svaku numeru nagrađivala dugim aplauzom i skandiranjem, dok je Sade uzvraćala poljupcima i zahvaljivala se na srpskom.
- Nadam se da ste i vi večeras srećni kao ja - rekla je pevačica.
Neverovatni specijalni efekti dodatno su začinili ovaj muzički ugođaj, a emotivnog naboja nije manjkalo ni jednog trenutka među publikom.
Koncert koji je trajao gotovo dva sata bio je podeljen u tri celine, a pevačica koja i dalje ima figuru iz mladosti isto toliko puta je promenila stajling. Šou je završila pesmom "Cherish the Day".
Vredelo je čekati Sade u Areni jer je svojim glasom obojila oktobarsku noć u dugin spektar satkan od bluza, soula, džeza i bosa nove.

Izvor: uz korekcije autora bloga

Najavljen posthumni album Amy Winehouse / Posthumous Amy Winehouse Album Announced


Posthumni album Amy Winehouse, "Lioness: Hidden Treasures", biće objavljen 5. decembra, saopšteno je danas. Ipak, na njemu se neće naći pesme koje je radila za svoj treći album, već neobjavljene pesme sa ranijih albuma, alternativne verzije starih pesama i nekoliko obrada. Na ovom izdanju rade njeni stari saradnici - Mark Ronson i Salaam Remi. Ispod ovog posta možete pogledati listu pesama i opise.


Amy Winehouse's posthumous album, "Lioness: Hidden Treasures", will be released on December 5, it has been announced today. Still, this set won't feature songs that were recorded for her third album, only unreleased tracks from previous albums, alternate versions of old songs and few covers. This album is being produced by her old collaborators - Mark Ronson and Salaam Remi. Below this post you can see a tracklist and description of the songs.

  1. "Our Day Will Come" (Reggae Version) - rege obrada klasika iz šezdesetih godina snimljena u maju 2002 / reggae cover of 1960s claasic recorded in May 2002.
  2. "Between the Cheats" - neobjavljena pesma snimljena u maju 2008. / unreleased track recorded in May 2008.
  3. "Tears Dry" - prvobitna verzija pesme "Tears Dry On Their Own" sa albuma "Back to Black" / the first version of a track "Tears Dry On Their Own" from "Back to Black" album.
  4. "Wake Up Alone" - demo verzija istoimene pesme sa "Back to Black" albuma / demo of a track with a same name from  "Back to Black" album.
  5. "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" - obrada istoimene pesme Carole King / cover of a song with a same name by Carole King.
  6. "Valerie" - sporija verzija od objavljene / slower version than released single.
  7. "Like Smoke" - neobjavljena pesma u kojoj gostuje reper NAS / unreleased track that feautures a rapper NAS.
  8. "The Girl From Ipenama" - Prva pesma koju je Amy snimila radeći na albumu "Frank" / First recorded song for "Frank".
  9. "Halftime" - neobjavljena pesma iz "Frank" ere / unreleased track from "Frank" era.
  10. "Best Friends" - pesma kojom je Amy otvarala koncerte tokom Frank ere / song performed as a concert opener during "Frank" era.
  11. "Body & Soul" - duet sa Tonyem Bennettom. Obrada jazz standarda iz tridesetih godina prošlog veka / duet with Tony Bennett. Cover of 1930s jazz standard.
  12. "A Song for You" - obrada istoimenog klasika Leona Rusella / cover of a classic of a same name by Leon Rusell.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Nicki Minaj i MIA u zajedničkoj pesmi sa Madonnom? / Madonna's new single to feature Nicki Minaj & MIA?

Kako izveštava sajt MadonnaTribe, koji uvek ima insajderske informacije vezane za kraljicu popa, prvi singl sa Madonninog novog albuma, koji je najavljen za početak sledeće godine, zvaće se "Give Me All Your Love". Na njemu će gostovati Nicki Minaj i MIA, dok je producent Martin Solveig! Takođe se navodi da će njih tri ovu pesmu izvesti tokom polufinala Super Bowla u februaru sledeće godine! Ne znam za vas, ali ja jedva čekam da čujem rezultat ove saradnje! Kako se navodi, do sada je završeno devet pesama za album, dok se očekuje da će album biti kompletiran do kraja godine.
Pominje se i to da je Madonna za soundtrack njenog rediteljskog filma "W.E." napisala i jednu baladu, ali još uvek nije odlučila hoće li i nju uvrstiti na album. Za sada su kao producenti novog albuma potvrđeni i William Orbit i Benny Benassi koji su već sarađivali sa njom. 


MadonnaTribe, a website that always has insider news related to the queen of pop, has reported that the first single from Madonna's new album, scheduled for the next year, will be titled "Give Me All Your Love". The track produced by Martin Solveig will feature Nicki Minaj MIA! It's also reported that these three will perform the song during Super Bowl semi-final in February next year! I don't know what you thing, but I CAN'T WAIT to hear this! Apparently, nine tracks for the new album have been finished, while it's expected that the album be completed by the end of the year.
It's also mention that Madonna penned a new ballad for a soundtrack of her directorial movie "W.E.", but at this stage hasn't been decided if it will also be put on the record. William Orbit and Benny Benassi, who have already worked with her, are also confirmed as producers.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Watch: Christina Perri - A Thousand Years (Twilight Song Video!)

christina perri twilight new moon breaking dawn soundtrack a thousand years

Christina Perri je svetsku slavu stekla zahvaljujući fantastičnoj baladi "Jar of Hearts", a ovoga puta možemo je čuti na soundtracku popularne filmske franšize "The Twilght Saga" - "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Down, Part 1". "A Thousand Years" je još jedna balada za Christinu, a u spotu fanovi mogu videti scene iz novog Twilight filma koji će premijerno biti prikazan 18. novembra.


Christina Perri rose to fame thanks to an amazing ballad "Jar of Hearts", and this time we can hear her on a soundtrack for a popular movie franchise "The Twilght Saga" - "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Down, Part 1". "A Thousanf Years" is another ballad for Christina and the video features scenes from the upcoming Twilight movie which will be premiered on Nov 18.

Watch: Beyonce - Party (NEW VIDEO!)


Beyonce je izgleda odlučila da objavi spot za svaku pesmu sa njenog aktuelnog albuma "4", pa je tako i pesma "Party" dobila svoju video priču. Doduše, niti je ovo pesma koja bi se puštala na žurkama, niti spot nema neku priču. Međutim, važno da je Beyonce tu, da je sve šareno, retro (kao što smo već navikli), a kao bonus vidimo i neke druge poznate likove.


It seems that Beyonce has decided to film a music video for every song from her latest album "4", so "Party" also got its video story. Ok, this song is unlikely to be played at parties and the video doesn't have a story. But, there's Beyonce + a few familiar faces and everything is colorful and retro (as we used to).

Billboard Charts: Adele se vraća na vrh liste albuma / Adele Tops Albums Chart Again

File:21Adele.jpgAdele se sa albumom "21" vraća na vrh liste albuma po 13. put. Ovaj album je prošle nedelje prodat u 106 000 primeraka i ovo je najviše nedelja na vrhu za neki album još od 1998. godine kada je soundtrack za film "Titanic"proveo 16 nedelja na prvom mestu.
Hrišćanski bend Castling Crowns debitovao je na drugom mestu sa albumom "Come to the Well" (99 000) i ovo je četvrti top 10 album za njih.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, album "Evanescence" nazvan po grupi, pao je na četvrto mesto (40 000).
R&B pevač Joe dobio je peti top 10 album. Njegov novi set, "The Good, the Bad, the Sexy", stigao je do osmog mesta (33 000).
File:Adele - Someone Like You.jpgŠto se liste singlova tiče, Adele je po peti put na vrhu sa "Someone Like You". Ovo pesma nalazi se na četvrtom mestu po prodaji (173 000), dok i dalje drži drugo mesto po slušanosti na radio-stanicama.
Novi singl kanadskog repera Drakea, "Make Me Proud", sa Nicki Minaj, dospeo je do devetog mesta drugu nedelju po objavljivanju, zahvaljujući dobroj digitalnoj prodaji (166 000).
Top 10 listu albuma i singlova pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Adele's "21" jumps back to #1 on albums chart for the 13th time. This album was sold in 106 000 and it has the most weeks at #1 since the soundtrack to "Titanic" spent 16 weeks at the top back in 1998. 
Christian band Castling Crowns settles for the runner-up spot with "Come to the Well" (99 000) and this is the fourth top 10 album for them.
Last week's #1, Evanescence's self-titled album, falls to #4 (40 000).
R&B singer Joe scores his fifth top 10 with "The Good, the Bad, the Sexy" (#8, 33 000).
As for the singles chart, Adele spends the fifth week atop this chart with "Someone Like You". This song fallas to #4 on Digital Songs Chart, while it holds #2 on Radio Songs.
Drake's new single, "Make Me Proud", featuring Nicki Minaj, leaps to #9 after full week sales (166 000).
Check out top 10 albums and singles below this post.

Top 10 Albums:

  1. (2) Adele - 21
  2. (NE) Castling Crowns - Come to the Well
  3. (4) Scotty McCreery - Clear as Day
  4. (1) Evanescence - Evanescence
  5. (6) Tonny Bennett - Duets II
  6. (9) Lil Wayne - The Carter IV
  7. (8) Lady Antebellum - Own the Night
  8. (NE) Joe - The Good, the Bad, the Sexy
  9. (3) Five Finger Death Punch - American Capitalist
  10. (5) Lauren Alaina - Wildflower
Top 10 Singles:

  1. (1) Adele - Someone Like You
  2. (6) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  3. (2) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Mooves Like Jagger
  4. (4) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  5. (3) Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
  6. (5) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
  7. (7) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  8. (8) Cobra Starship feat. Sabi - You Make Me Feel
  9. (97) Drake feat. Nicki Minaj - Make Me Proud
  10. (9) LMFAO feat. Laurenn Bennett & GoonRock - Party Rock Anthem

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Michal Jackson je mrtva zvezda sa najvećom zaradom / Michael Jackson Is Top-Earning Dead Celebrity

Michael Jackson

Magazin Forbes je objavio da je Michal Jackson mrtva zvezda sa najvećom zaradom drugu godinu zaredom. Tokom prethodnih 12 meseci njegovi naslednici zaradili su 70 miliona dolara od autorskih prava. Koje još mrtve zvezde dobro zarađuju, pogledajte ispod ovog posta.


Magazine Forbes has reported that Michal Jackson is a top-earning dead celebrity for the second year in a row. His heirs have earned 70 million $ from royalties in the past 12 months. If you want to know which dead stars still earn notable amount. check out a list below.

1. Michael Jackson, $170 million
2. Elvis Presley, $55 million
3. Marilyn Monroe, $27 million
4. Charles Schulz, $25 million
5-6. John Lennon/Elizabeth Taylor, $12 million (tie)
7. Albert Einstein, $10 million
8. Theodor Geisel, $9 million
9-12. Jimi Hendrix/Stieg Larsson/Steve McQueen/Richard Rodgers, $7 million (tie)
13-15.. George Harrison/Bettie Page/Andy Warhol, $6 million (tie)

Amy Winehouse umrla od trovanja alkohola / Amy Winehouse Died From Alcohol Poisoning

Nakon nekoliko meseci spekulisanja, rezultati detaljnih analiza su potvrdili da je zvaničan uzrok smrti Amy Winehouse trovanje alkoholom. Koncentracija alkohola u njenoj krvi bila je čak 0.416 promila, što je pet puta više od dozvoljene količine prilikom vožnje u Londonu!


After a few months of speculations, the results of a detailed analysis have shown that the official cause of Amy Winehouse's death was alcohol poisoning. Her blood alcohol concentration level was enormous 0.416, over five times the legal driving limit in London!
I remind you that Amy's lifeless body was found on July 23th this year in her appartment.

Adele objavljuje live DVD / Adele To Release Live DVD

Adele je odlučila da svoje fanove za Božić obraduje CD/DVD izdanjem "Live at the Royal Albert Hall". Na ovom izdanju će se naći live izvođenja pesama sa njena dva albuma, "19" i "21", ali i nekoliko obrada poput "I Can't Make You Love Me", koja je oduševila i publiku i kritiku (možete poslušati ispod ovog posta). Naravno, na DVD-u će se naći i behind the scenes, pa ćete moći da vidite kako se Adele priprema za koncert. 
Ovaj set biće u prodaji od 29. novembra.


Adele has decided to make her fans happy for Christmas, so she'll release CD/DVD set "Live at the Royal Albert Hall".This release will feature live redentions of songs from her two albums, "19" and "21", and few covers, inluding much-praised "I Can't Make You Love Me" (you can check it out below this post). Of course, DVD will also feature behind the scenes footage, so you could see Adele getting her ready for the concert.
This set will be released on Nov 29.

Madonnin progonitelj u ludnici / Madonna's stalker detained

Grezgorz Matlok, koji proganja Madonnu jer veruje da je u vezi sa njom i da od nje dobija "specijalne poruke", osuđen je na boravak u instituciji za mentalne bolesnike do daljenjeg. 
On je svojeveremno deportovan u rodnu Poljsku na lečenje nakon što je uhvaćen u pevačicinoj kući u engleskoj pokrajini Wiltshire kako krade hranu i piće. Međutim, on se vratio u Englesku i obio njenu kuću u Londonu. Na saslišanju je rekao kako mu je Madonna dozvolila da ostane u njenoj kući.
Ipak, na suđenju je pročitana izjava pevačice u kojoj se kaže:
"Ne poznajem optuženog, niti sam bila u bilo kakvoj vezi sa njim i nisam mu dozvolila da boravi u mojoj kući. Veoma sam uznemirena zbog njegovih postupaka. I pored velikog obezbeđenja brinem jer je uspeo da provali u moj dom. Zabrinuta sam za sigurnost moje maloletne dece, mog osoblja i, naravno, sopstvenu bezbednost".
Maltok je zbog toga što predstavlja veliki rizik za pevačicu osuđen na neodređeni boravak u ustanovi za mentalne bolesnike.


Grezgorz Matlok, who was said to believe he was in an intimate relationship with Madonna and being sent special messages by her, has been detained indefinitely for a medical treatment in a mental institution.
He was deported to Poland last year for a similar treatment, after breaking into her home in Wiltshire count trying to steal clothes and food. But, he returned to England and broke into her London's house. He told the police that Madonna had told him he could stay.
Still, during a trial Madonna's statement was read:
"I do not know the defendant, have never had any relationship with the defendant … I have never given him permission to enter the premises or any of my other premises. I feel alarmed and distressed by the actions of the defendant. It is extremely unsettling to know that despite the extensive security I have he has been able to break into two residential properties owned by me. I am worried about the safety of my children, all of which are under 18. I am also worried about the safety of my staff and naturally I am also worried about my own safety." 
Because it has been determined that Matlok poses a serious risk for the singer, he has been detained indefinitely for a medical treatment.

Monday, October 24, 2011

UK Charts: Noel Gallagher na vrhu liste albuma / Noel Gallagher Tops Albums Chart

Album Noela Gallaghera, bivšeg člana grupe Oasis, "Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds", debitovao je na prvom mestu britanske liste albuma sa 122 530 prodatih primeraka.
Debi album Matta Cardlea, pobednika X-Factora, "Letters", dospeo je do drugog mesta (70 896), dok je prošlonedeljni #1 album, "The Ultimate Collection" grupe Steps", pao na treće mesto (27 765).
U top 10 je još jedan novitet - "The Ultimate Collection" Daniela O'Donnella (7. mesto, 15 585). Ovo je njegov 14. top 20 album od 2000. godine, što je više od bilo kog drugog izvođača.
Što se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je na vrhu treću nedelju zaredom sa "We Found Love" (92 689). Grupa The Wanted nije uspela da je skine sa ove pozicije iako su svoj novi singl "Lightning" izveli u X-Factoru (2. mesto, 71 451).
U top 10 su još tri noviteta. Aktuelni singl Kelly Clarkson, "Mr Know It All", debitovao je na šestom mestu (47 910) i ovo je sedmi top 10 hit za prvu pobednicu American Idola.
Na devetom mestu je debi singl pevačice Lane Del Ray, "Video Games" (40 541), dok je nakon osam nedelja konačno u top 10 dospeo i singl Davida Guette i Ushera - "Without You". Ovo je 12. top 10 hit za Guettu i 16. za Ushera.
Top 10 listu albuma i singlova možete pogledati ispod ovog posta.


Noel Gallagher's album, Oasis ex-member, "Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds", tops this week's albums chart with 122 530 copies sold.
He's followed by a debut album of X-Factor winner, Matt Cardle's "Letters", at #2 (70 896), while last week's #1 album, "The Ultimate Collection" by Steps, slips to #3 (27 765).
There's one more new entry inside top 10 - "The Ultimate Collection" by Daniel O'Donnell (#7, 15 585). This is his 14th top 20 album since 2000 - more than any other act. 
As for the singles chart, Rihanna is on top with "We Found Love" for the third consecutive week (92 689). The Wanted fail to dethrone her, although they performed thair new single, "Lightning", in X-Factor (#2, 71 451).
There are three more new entries inside top 10. Kelly Clarkson's latest single, "Mr Know It All", debuts at #6 (47 910) and this is the seventh top 10 hit for the inaugural winner of American Idol.
Lana Del Ray's debut single, "Video Games" arrives at #9 (40 541), while David Guetta's and Usher's collab track "Without You" finally settles inside top 10. This is the 12th top 10 hit for Guetta and 16th for Usher.
Check out top 10 albums and singles below . 

Top 10 Albums:
  1. (NE) Noel Gallagher - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
  2. (NE) Matt Cardle - Letters
  3. (1) Steps - The Ultimate Collection
  4. (3) Adele - 21
  5. (2) Ed Sheeran - +
  6. (5) James Morrison - The Aweking
  7. (NE) Daniel O'Donnell - The Ultimate Collection
  8. (27) Katy Perry - Teenage Dream
  9. (14) Bruno Mars - Doo Wops & Hooligans
  10. (23) Maroon 5 - Hands All Over
Top 10 Singles:
  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (NE) The Wanted - Lightning
  3. (7) Charlene Soraia - Wherever You Will Go
  4. (2) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Moves Like Jagger
  5. (3) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levone - Stereo Hearts
  6. (NE) Kelly Clarkson - Mr Know It All
  7. (4) Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
  8. (5) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  9. (NE) Lana Del Ray - Video Games
  10. (16) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You

This week's #1 hit

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jessie J sarađuje sa Davidom Guettom na novom albumu / Jessie J Working With David Guetta On New Album

Jessie J radi na novom albumu, a saradnik je - David Guetta

Nakon što su Jessie J i David Guetta sarađivali na pesmi "Repeat" koja se nalazi na njegovom albumu "Nothing But the Beat", ovo dvoje umetnika odlučilo je da uradi pesmu i za njen novi album. Guetta je u intervjuu za BBC Radio 1 rekao:
"Upravo smo uradili jednu veliku pesmu. Zajednička pesma koju smo prethodno uradili je odlično prošla, pa smo odlučili da uradimo pesmu i za njen album. Zaista sam uzbuđen zbog toga. Ona je zaista neverovatna, veoma pozitivna osoba i srećan sam zbog ove saradnje".
Šta mislite o ovoj saradnji? Njihovu zajedničku pesmu sa Guettinog albuma možete poslušati ispod ovog posta.


After Jessie J and David Guetta collaborated on a track "Repeat" that is featured on his album "Nothing But the Beat", these two artists have decided to do a track for her album too. Guetta spoke about this collab in an interview for BBC Radio 1:
"We just made a really big record. There was one record we made and it went so well, we decided to do one for her new album. [I'm] really excited about it. She's really amazing, a very positive person. I'm really happy that we did it."
What do you think about this collab? Check out their previous collab below this post.

Adele, Sting i Ke$ha (?) na tributu albumu Boba Dylana / Adele, Sting and Ke$ha (?) To Be Featured On Bob Dylan Tribute Album

Bob Dylan je jedan od najuspešnijih i najuticajnijih muzičara svih vremena, a neke od najvećih muzičkih zvezda današnjice odaće mu počast tribute albumom koji će biti objavljen u dobrotvorne svrhe.
Na albumu će gostovati i Ke$ha, što je izazvalo negodovanje jednog dela publike, koja je obradila "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right". Ona je o ovom projektu rekla:
"Kada pomislite na mene, sigurno nećete pomisliti na Boba Dylana. Moja muzika je luđa od politike. Ali on je veoma inspiritivan - piše svoju muziku i misli to što kaže. I ja pišem svoju muziku i je***o mislim to što kažem".
Na albumu će se naći i i veoma uspešna obrada od Adele, "Make You Feel My Love" koja se nalazi na njenom albumu "19". Gosti na albumu biće, između ostalih, i Sting, My Morning Jacket, Rise Against, Patti Smith i Bad Relegion.
Ovaj album, pod nazivom "Chimes of Freedom: Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International", biće objavljen 21. novembra, a sva sredstva od prodaje biće uplaćena ovoj organizaciji koja se bori za ljudska prava.


Bob Dylan is one of the most successful and most influential artists ever and some of the biggest contemporary stars will pay their respects on an upcoming tribute charity album.
Ke$ha will also appear on this album, which already has some detractors. She covered "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right". About this project she says:
"When you think of me, you wouldn’t think of Bob Dylan. My music is more crazy than politics. But he’s a huge influence – he writes his own music and means what he says. I write my own music and I f***cking mean every word I sing.”
Adele will include her highly successful rendition of "Make You Feel My Love" which can already be heard on her album "19". The album will also feature covers by StingMy Morning JacketRise AgainstPatti Smith and Bad Relegion among others.

This album, titled "Chimes of Freedom: Songs of Bob Dylan Honoring 50 Years of Amnesty International", will be released on Nov 21 and all proceeds will be donated to this human rights group.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Justin Bieber snima film? / Justin Bieber To Star In Movie

Nakon što je Justin Bieber ostvario zapaženu ulogu u seriji "CSI" (umire na kraju epizode), ova tinejdž starleta razmišlja o filmu u kome će igrati glavnu ulogu i tim povodom je rekao:
"Sada moram da završim turneju, da promovišem božićni album i da se posvetim radu na drugom regularnom albumu. Ipak, nadam se da ću naći vremena da sledećeg leta snimim film. Za sada mogu samo da otkrijem da moj tim radi na scenariju".
Jeste li uzbuđeni??? Inače, ispod ovog posta možete pogledati najbolju scenu iz "CSI" ikada :)


After great role in "CSI" (he dies in the end of the episode), Justin Bieber is thinking about movie in which he would star, so this teenage starlet has made an announcment about that.
"What's happening is: get off this tour, and then my holiday album's coming out, so I have to go back out and promote that album ... and then after that ... it's almost time for my next album, Hopefully next summer I can start on a movie or something. My team is working on the script."
Are you excited??? Btw, below this post you can watch the best "CSI" scene ever :)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Robbie Williams objavljuje novi album za Universal Music / Robbie Williams To Release New Album For Universal Music

Robbie Williams je saopštio da će svoj novi album, deveti po redu, objaviti sledeće jeseni za Universal Music. Nakon odlaska iz izdavačke kuće EMI i ponovnog napuštanja grupe Take That, Robbie se posvetio snimanju novog albuma u Los Anđelesu.
"Veoma sam uzbuđen zbog pridruživanja porodici Universala. Mislim da je ovo najuzbudljivije doba u mojoj karijeri", rekao je Robbie.
Direktor Universal Musica u Velikoj Britaniji, David Joseph, takođe je veoma zadovoljan ovom saradnjom:
"Nakon što sam imao prilike da čujem njegovu novu muziku, nemam sumnji da je Robijeva kreativnost na najvišem nivou. Bićemo svedoci nečeg zaista specijalnog".
Dakle, ostaje nam samo da čekamo sledeću jesen :)


Robbie Williams has announced that he'll relese a new studio album, his ninth, next autumn for Universal Music. After his departure from EMI Records and Take That band (again), he started recording of the new album in LA.
“I'm really thrilled to be joining the Universal family at what I think is the most exciting time in my career," said Robbie
David Joseph, Universal Music UK chairman & CEO, is also happy about this partnership:
"Having had the chance to listen to the music I’ve no doubt that Robbie is currently at his most creatively inspired. We are about to witness something very special.”
Now we can only wait the next autumn :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Kraj benda Westlife / Westlife Announce Split

Jedan od najuspešnijih boy bendova, Westlife, nakon 14 godina prestaje sa radom, objavili su članovi benda na zvaničnom sajtu. Prema njihovim rečima, odluka je potpuno prijateljska i, između ostalog, su napisali:
"Zajedno smo od punoletstva, želimo dobro zasluženu pauzu i da se posvetimo novim poduhvatima. Želimo da se zahvalimo fanovima koji su bili uz nas na ovom neverovatnom putovanju i koji su takođe deo naše porodice".
Westlife će u novembru objaviti novi single, "Lighthouse", koji najavljuje njihovu kompilaciju najvećih hitova, dok će u maju sledeće godine krenuti na poslednju turneju po Velikoj Britaniji.
Bend je do sada objavio 10 studijskih albuma, dve kompilacije i dva box seta koji su prodati u preko 44 miliona primeraka širom sveta. 


One of the most successful boy bends, Westlife, will officialy split after 14 years, band members posted on their website. According to them, the decision is entirely amicable and, among other things, they wrote:
"After spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures. We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too." 
Westlife will release a new single in November, "Lighthouse", which precedes their new greatest hits collection, while in May next year they'll kick-off the last tour in the UK.
The band has released 10 studio albums, two compilation albums and two box sets that have been sold in more than 44 million copies worldwide. 

Billboard Charts: Drugi #1 za Evanescence / Evanescence Score Second #1 Album

Evanescence su zahvaljujući istoimenom albumu dobili drugi #1 album u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Ovaj album prodat je u 127 000 primeraka prošle nedelje.
Rok bend Five Finger Death Punch ostvario je najbolju poziciju i nedeljnu prodaju u karijeri. Njihov album, "American Capitalist", stigao je do trećeg mesta sa 91 000 prodatih kopija.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, "Clear as Day" Scottya McCreerya, pao je na četvrto mesto (88 000).
Drugoplasirana takmičarka American Idola, Lauren Alaina, debitovala je na petom mestu sa albumom "Wildflower" (69 000).
Kantri pevač Ryan Adams nalazi se na sedmom mestu sa albumom "Ashes & Fire" (49 000), što je njegov drugi top 10 album.
Poslednji top 10 novitet dolazi od kantri pevačice Martine McBride. Njen novi album, "Eleven", nalazi se na desetom mestu (40 000) i ovo je njen šesti top 10 album.
File:Adele - Someone Like You.jpgŠto se liste singlova tiče, Adele se sa "Someone Like You" nalazi četvrtu nedelju na vrhu. Ovo je i dalje najprodavanija pesma u zemlji (207 000), dok po slušanosti na radio-stanicama drži drugo mesto.
Trio Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg i Bruno Mars debitovao je na desetom mestu ovonedeljne Hot 100 liste sa "Young, Wild & Free" zahvaljujući 159 000 prodatih downloada. Ovo je deseti top 10 za Snoopa, treći za Khalifu i sedmi za Marsa.
Top 10 listu albuma i singlova možete pogledati ispod ovog posta, kao i spot za ovonedeljni #1 singl.


Evanescence score their second #1 album in the USA thanks to their self-titled album that was shifted in 127 000 copies last week.
Rock band Five Finger Death Punch gets its best chart position and weekly sales as their new set, "American Capitalist", arives at #3 (91 000).
The last week's #1 album, "Clear as Day" by Scotty McCreery, falls to #4 (88 000).
American Idol's runner-up, Lauren Alaina, debuts at #5 with her first album, "Wildflower" (69 000).
A country singer Ryan Adams bows at #7 with his newest album,  "Ashes & Fire" (49 000), which is his second top 10 album.
The last top 10 new entry comes from another country act, Martina McBride. Her new album, "Eleven", starts at #10 (40 000) and this is her sixth top 10 album.
As for the singles chart, Adele is on top with "Someone Like You" for the fourth time. This is still the best-selling song in the country (207 000), while it holds #2 on Radio Songs chart. 
A trio Wiz KhalifaSnoop Dogg and Bruno Mars debuts at #10 with "Young, Wild & Free" thanks to 159 000 sold downloads. This is the tenth top 10 single for Snoop, third for Khalifa and seventh for Mars.
Check out top 10 albums and singles below this post and a video for this week's #1 single.

  1. (NE) Evanescence - Evanescence
  2. (2) Adele - 21
  3. (NE) Five Finger Death Punch - American Capitalist
  4. (1) Scotty McCreery - Clear as Day
  5. (NE) Lauren Alaina - Wildflower
  6. (3) Tony Bennett - Duets II
  7. (NE) Ryan Adams - Ashes & Fire
  8. (4) Lady Antebellum - Own the Night
  9. (6) Lil Wayne - The Carter IV
  10. (NE) Martina McBride - Eleven
  1. (1) Adele - Someone Like You
  2. (2) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Mooves Like Jagger
  3. (3) Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks
  4. (4) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  5. (5) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
  6. (7) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  7. (8) David Guetta feat. Usher - Without You
  8. (9) Cobra Starship feat. Sabi - You Make Me Feel
  9. (6) LMFAO feat. Lauren Bennett & GoonRock
  10. (NE) Wiz Khalifa & Snoop Dogg feat. Bruno Mars - Young, Wild & Free

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

WATCH: Rihanna - We Found Love (NEW VIDEO!)

Još jedna video premijera! Rihanna je predstavila dugoočekivani spot za "We Found Love" koji je prošlog meseca snimala u Severnoj Irskoj! Spot je režirala Melina Matsoukas, koja je režirala i spotove za "Rude Boy" i "S&M". Kako Rihanna izgleda u novom klipu, možete pogledati ispod ovog posta! It's all about love!


Another video premiere! Rihanna has finally presented her long-awaited video for "We Found Love" that she filmed last month in Northern Ireland. The video is directed by Melina Matsoukas,who also directed videos for "Rude Boy" and "S&M". If you want to see how Rihanna looks in this brand new video, check out the clip below! It's all about love!

Watch: Coldplay - Paradise (NEW VIDEO!)

Coldplay su predstavili svoj novi spot koji je urađen za pesmu "Paradise", drugi singl sa njihovog predstojećeg albuma "Mylo Xyloto". Veoma zanimljiv spot (možda i bolji od same pesme) prati simpatičnog slona na njegovom putovanju. Šta se sve dešava na tom putu i kako se priča završava, saznaćete ako pogledate klip, koji je režirao Hype Williams, ispod ovog posta.


Coldplay have premiered their new video, "Paradise" - the second single from their upcoming album "Mylo Xyloto". This very interesting video (mayne better than the song itself) follows a cute elephant on his journey. What happens during that trip and how the story ends, you'll find out if you check out the clip, directed by Hype Williams, below this post.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Watch: James Morrison feat. Jessie J - Up (NEW VIDEO!)

Danas predstavljam još jedan video. To je spot za drugi singl, "Up", sa novog albuma Jamesa Morrisona, "The Aweking". Ovo je, inače duet sa mladom britanskom pevačicom, Jessie J. Morrison kaže da je za njega velika privilegija što je Jessie pristala da uradi pesmu sa njim, jer zna da ne snima pesme koje nije sama napisala.
Divna i emotivna pesma, spot isto takav, tako da verujem da ćete uživati :) Posebno, jer ćete upoznati Jessie J u jednom drugačijem svetlu. Ipak, kritičari su ovaj duet ocenili samo kao ponavljanje njegovog uspešnog dueta sa Nelly Furtado - "Broken Strings" bez ikakvih novinacija.


Today I present you another video. It's the video for the second single, "Up", taken from James Morrison's second album, "The Aweking". This is a duet with a popular young singer Jessie J. Morrison says that he was honored she accepted to do a song with him, because he knows that she doesn't record songs that she didn't write.
This is beautiful and emotional song song, you can descripe the video that way too, so I believe you'll enjoy. Plus, you'll see Jessie in another light. Still, critics descriped this song simply as a repeat of his successful duet with Nelly Furtado - "Broken Strings"without any inovations.

WATCH: Britney Spears - Criminal (NEW VIDEO!)

File:Britney Criminal video.png

Britney Spears je definitivno snimila jedan od najboljih spotova u karijeri! Veoma zanimljiva priča, golotinja, nasilje... sve kako bi se dočarala priča o ljubavi sa kriminalcem. Iz tog razloga, spot za četvrti singl sa "Femme Fatale" albuma, "Criminal", zabranjen je za mlađe od 18. godina. Dakle, ako ste punoletni, pogledajte ovaj klip ispod ovog posta. Spot je režirao Chris Marrs Piliero koji je režirao i njen prethodni video za "I Wanna Go".


Britney Spears has definitely released one of her best videos ever! A very interesting story, nudity, violence... everything to portray a story about love with a criminal. That's why the video for the fourth "Femme Fatale" single, "Criminal", is recommended for 18+. So, if you're old enough, check out the clip below this post. The video is directed by Chris Marrs Piliero who also directed "I Wanna Go" video.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kylie Minogue objavljuje "Aphrodite Tour" DVD / Kylie Minogue to release "Aphrodite Tour" DVD

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Kylie Minogue će 28. novembra objaviti DVD pod nazivom "Kylie: Aphrodite Les Folies Live In London". Na DVD-u će se naći kompletan koncert snimljen u londonskoj O2 areni u okviru njene "Aphrodite Les Folies" turneje, tokom koje je posetila 5 kontinenta i nastupila pred skoro 600 000 fanova. Fanovi će moći da vide i ekskluzive snimke Kylie, "iza scene", kako se priprema za koncert. Osim toga, biće objavljen u limitiranom broju i DVD box set na kome će se naći i live album, dok će na Blu-ray disku biti objavljena 3D verzija koncerta!
Ispod ovog posta možete pogledati kako se Kylie priprema za nastup za pesmu "Spinning Around".


Kylie Minogue will release her new DVD on Nov 28th titled "Kylie: Aphrodite Les Folies Live In London". The DVD will feature a complete show filmed in London's O2 Arena as a part of her "Aphrodite Les Folies" tour during which she vidited five continents and performed in front of almost 600 000 fans. Fans will also get an exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of her preparing for the concerts. Beside that, a limited edition DVD box set with a live album will also be released and a Blu-ray version will feature 3D concert!
In a clip below you can see Kylie perfecting her performance of "Spinning Around".

Listen: Justin Bieber - Mistletoe (NEW SINGLE!)

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Ukoliko za Božić želite da slušate Justina Biebera, posetite psihijatra. Ukoliko kupite njegov božićni album, "Under the Mistletoe", pomoći vam nama. Pošto je Biberče, jelte, urbano, na ovom izdanju možete čuti i urbane dive - Ushera, Boyz II Men i Mariah Carey. Na šta će sve to da liči, možete da procenite ako poslušate prvi singl, "Mistletoe", koji je u danas u prodaji. Ko preživi, pričaće.
P.S. Za mazohiste - album je u prodaji od 1. novembra.


If you want to listen to Justin Bieber for Christmas, you should visit a psychiatrist. But if you buy his Christmas album, "Under the Mistletoe", there's no help for you. Because it (Bieber) is urban as ya all know, you can also hear urban divas on this release - Usher, Boyz II Zone and Mariah Carey. How it will sound like you can conclude if you listen to the first single which is available from today. Only survivers will talk.
P.S. For masochists - the album will be released on Nov 1.

UK Charts: Steps na vrhu liste albuma / Steps Top Albums Chart

File:Steps - The Ultimate Collection.jpgPop grupa Steps, koja je ponovo oformljena u maju ove godine nakon 10 godina pauze, nalazi se na vrhu britanske liste albuma sa njihovom najnovijom kompilacijom - "The Ultimate Collection" (34 200). Ovo je njihov treći #1 album.
U top 10 su još čak pet noviteta! Iako je novi album grupe Evanescence, nazvan po njima, bio najprodavaniji na početku nedelje, na kraju je završio na četvrtom mestu (26 221). U svakom slučaju, ovo je njihov treći uzastopni top 5 album.
Prošlonedeljni #1 album, "The Awaking" Jamesa Morrisona, pao je na peto mesto (21 760).
Novi album velške pevačice Katherine Jenkins, "Daydream", zauzima šesto mesto (15 977), što je sedmi top 10 album za nju.
Drugi album Jasona Derula, "Future History", debitovao je na sedmom mestu (15 646), za jednu poziciju više u odnosu na njegov prvi album.
Zahvaljujući nedavnim TV gostovanjima, album Cee-Lo Greena, "The Lady Killer", vraća se u top 10  (8. mesto, 15 537).
Kantri pevač, Ryan Adams, dobio je svoj prvi top 10 album u Velikoj Britaniji zahvaljujući izdanju "Ashes & Fire" koje se nalazi na devetom mestu (13 464).
Poslednji top 10 novitet je novi album Cliffa Richarda, "Soulicious" (13 031). Ovo je album na kome se nalaze dueti sa R&B velikanima poput Roberte Flack, Deniece Williams i Billyem Paulom. Takođe, ovo je njegov 39. top 10 album, što je rekord u kategoriji muških izvođača.
File:We Found Love - Single.jpgŠto se liste singlova tiče, Rihanna je zadržala prošlonedeljnu #1 poziciju sa "We Found Love" (106 553). 
Kao novitet na trećem mestu je saradnja grupe Gym Class Heroes i Adama Levina - "Stereo Hearts" (68 287). Ovo je njihov četvrti top 10 singl. 
Zahvaljujući izvođenju jednog od takmičara u X-Factoru, u top 5 se vraća hit Christine Perri - "Jar of Hearts" (4. mesto, 63 832).
Drugi singl Matta Cardlea, pobednika prošlogodišnjeg X-Factora, "Run for Your Life" debitovao je na šestom mestu (39 663).
U top 10 je dospela i Charlene Soraia sa obradom pesme grupe The Calling - "Wherever You Will Go" (7. mesto, 38 724).
Ispod ovog posta pogledajte top 10 listu albuma i singlova i preslušajte ovonedeljni #1 hit.


A pop group Steps, that reformed in May after 10 years, tops this week's albums chart with their newest compilation - "The Ultimate Collection" (34 200). This is their third #1 album.
There are also five more new entries inside top 10! Although a new, self-titled, album by Evanescence headed to #1 in the beginning of the week, it finishes at #4 (26 221). Anyway, this is their third consecutive top 5 album.
Last week's #1 album, James Morrison's "The Awaking", slips to #5 (21 760).
A new album by Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins"Daydream", arrives at #6 (15 977), which is her seventh top 10 album.
Jason Derulo's second album, "Future History", debuts at #7 (15 646), one slot higher than his debut release.
Thanks to recent TV appereances, Cee-Lo Green's latest album, "The Lady Killer",  returns to top 10 (#8, 15 537).
A country singer, Ryan Adams, scores his first UK top 10 album as his new set,  "Ashes & Fire" bows at #9 (13 464).
The last top 10 new entry this week comes from Cliff Richard. His new album, "Soulicious", is a collaboration set with R&B legends like Roberte FlackDeniece Williams Billyem Paulom (13 031). This is also his 39th top 10 album which is a record for a male performer.
As for the singles chart, Rihanna stays on top with "We Found Love" (106 553).
As a new entry at #3 is a collaboration track of Gym Class Heroes Adam Levine - "Stereo Hearts" (68 287). This is the fourth top 10 single for the band.
Thanks to a performance of one of X-Factor contestants, a big hit of Christina Perri - "Jar of Hearts", returns to top 10 (#4, 63 832).
Matt Cardle's second single, the winner of the last year's X-Factor"Run for Your Life", debuts at #6 (39 663).
Charlene Soraia, who covered The Calling's "Wherever You Will Go", also reaches top 10 (#7, 38 724).
Check out top 10 albums and singles below and listen to this week's #1 single.


  1. (NE) Steps - The Ultimate Collection
  2. (5) Ed Sheeran - +
  3. (2) Adele - 21
  4. (NE) Evanescence - Evanescence
  5. (1) James Morrison - The Aweking
  6. (NE) Katherine Jenkins - Daydream
  7. (NE) Jason Derulo - Future History
  8. (18) Cee-Lo Green - The Lady Killer 
  9. (NE) Ryan Adams - Ashes & Fire
  10. (NE) Cliff Richard - Soulicious

  1. (1) Rihanna feat. Calvin Harris - We Found Love
  2. (2) Maroon 5 feat. Christina Aguilera - Mooves Like Jagger
  3. (NE) Gym Class Heroes feat. Adam Levine - Stereo Hearts
  4. (12) Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts
  5. (7) LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It
  6. (NE) Matt Cardle - Run for Your Life
  7. (20) Charlene Soraia - Wherever You Will Go
  8. (3) Sak Noel - Loca People (What the F**k)
  9. (13) Ed Sheeran - The A Team
  10. (4) One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful

EXCLUSIVE: Coldplay feat. Rihanna - Princess of China (NEW SONG!)

Najiščekivanija pesma sa novog albuma grupe Coldplay, "Mylo Xyloto" (u prodaji od 24. oktobra), svakako je zajednička numera sa Rihannom - "Princess of China". Ova pesma se konačno pojavila na netu i možete je poslušati ispod ovog posta!
Ovo je svakako drugačije od svega što je Rihanna do sada snimala, pa šta mislite, kako se snašla?


The most wanted song from Coldplay's new album, "Mylo Xyloto" (due Oct 24), is definitely their collaboration track with Rihanna - "Princess of China". This song has finally debuted online and you can listen to it below!
This is certainly a different kind of song for Rihanna, so what do you think?

WATCH: Beyonce - Love On Top (NEW VIDEO!)

Iako nije prošlo ni dve nedelje od premijere spota za pesmu "Countdown", Beyonce je objavila još jedan spot! Ovoga puta za pesmu "Love On Top", uz koju je otkirla da je trudna na ovogodišnjoj dodeli MTV VMAs. Još jedan video u retro fazonu sa zanimljivom koreografijom (moguće ukradenom). Beyonce je takođe snimila i spot za pesmu "Party" koji ćemo verovatno videti u bliskoj budućnosti. Jedno je sigurno - u ovoj eri spotovi ne manjkaju (samo prodaja :D ).


Although a video for "Countdown" was premiered barely two weeks ago, Beyonce has released another video! This time for "Love On Top", the song she performed during MTV VMAs ceremony when she revealed she's pregnant. This is another retro video with an interesting choreography (poddibly ripped-off). Beyonce also filmed a video for "Party", so we'll probably see it in the near future too. One thing is fur sure - videos don't lack in this era (only sales :D ).

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Coldplay: ''Mylo Xyloto" bi mogao biti naš poslednji album / ''Mylo Xyloto" could be our last album

Novi album grupe Coldplay, "Mylo Xyloto", biće objavljen 24. oktobra, ali je frontmen benda, Chris Martin, u intervjuu za Mail On Sunday rekao da bi to mogao biti njihov poslednji album.
"Radili smo na njemu tri godine i zaista ne znam kako da napravimo naredni album, " rekao je Martin.
On kao konkurenciju u svetu muzike vidi Adele i Justina Biebera (?) i ističe da su članovi benda osećali da moraju da ulože mnogo energije, baš kao i ovo dvoje.
"Sada se takmičimo sa Justinom Bieberom i Adele koji su mnogo mlađi, pa smo morali da uložimo podjednaku energiju u naš rad. Ipak, ako je gotovo, gotovo je i mogu da živim sa tim. Najvažnija stvar je da nastavimo kao da nam je svaki album poslednji i ne očekujemo mnogo," zaključuje on.
Album su najavila dva singla, "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" i "Paradise", a na albumu će se naći i pesma "Princess of China" u kojoj gostuje Rihanna.


Coldplay will release their new studio album, "Mylo Xyloto", on Oct 24, but in an interview for Mail On Sunday, a frontman, Chris Martin, said that this could be their last album.
"It’s the distillation of three years' work and right now I can’t imagine where another one would come from," he said.
He also said theat he regarded Adele and Justin Bieber (?) as their competition in the music world and felt they had to put as much energy into their work as those two artists do.
"Now we have Justin Bieber and Adele to compete with and they’re a lot younger. We have to have the energy to put as much effort into our work as they do. If it’s over, it’s over and I can live with that. The most important thing always is to proceed as if every album is the last and not expect anything more," he concluded.
Two singles have already been released from this album, "Every Teardrop Is a Waterfall" and "Paradise", and the album will also feature a track "Princess of China" with Rihanna as a guest.

Source: NME

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Lady Gaga zabranila Lady Goo Goo / Lady Gaga Wins Court Battle Over Lady Goo Goo

Lady Gaga dobila je sudski proces protiv britanske kompanije Mind Candy koja u online igrici "Moshi Monsters" koristi lik nazvan Lady Goo Goo koji predstavlja parodiju pevačice. Ova igra je namenjena deci koja kroz igru "usvajaju" i vode malog monstruma.
Lady Goo Goo, koja neodoljivo podseća na Lady Gagu, pojavila se u klipu na YouTubu "The Moshi Dance" (pogledaj ispod ovog posta), što je privuklo pažnju pevačicinog time, te su joj skrenuli pažnju da se njen lik i ime koriste bez dozvole.


Lady Gaga won a court battle over British company Mind Candy which uses a character Lady Goo Goo (a parody of the singer) in their online game "Moshi Monsters". This game is intended for children who can "adopt" and lead a pet monster through the game.
Lady Goo Goo, who's very similar to Lady Gaga, appeared in YouTube video "The Moshi Dance" (check it out below this post), which got attention of the singer's team who warned her that her name and look were used without a permission.

Belgijska balerina tuži Beyonce / Belgian ballet dancer set to take legal action against Beyonce

Beyonce je (ponovo) optužena za plagijat. Pre nekoliko dana belgijska balerina, Anne Teresa De Keersmaker, optužila je Beyonce da je bez njene dozvole potpuno iskopirala deo njenog čuvenog plesa, Rosas Danst Rosa, za potrebe spota "Countdown".
Jedna od rediteljki spota, Adria Petty, ovo nije porekla, ali je dodala da se na taj način promoviše balet.
Ipak, čuvena balerina razmišlja o tužbi i njen PR je tim povodom izjavio:
"Primetili smo više od nekoliko sličnosti. Prosledili smo detalje našem advokatu kako bismo ostvarili svoja prava".
Po objavljivanju spornog spota, balerina je objavila video kojim potkrepljuje svoje tvrdnje i koji možete pogledati ispod ovog posta. 


Beyonce is (once again) accused for a plagiarism. Few days ago Belgian ballet dancer,  Anne Teresa De Keersmaker, accused Beyonce for ripping-of parts of her famous,  Rosas Danst Rosa, dance for "Countdown" video without a permission.
One of the video directors, Adria Petty,  didn't deny this but she also added that the video will introduce contemporary ballet to a massive new audience.
Still, the famous ballet dancer is thinking about a lawsuit according to her spokeperson who said:
“We noticed more than a few resemblances to the film. We have passed the details to our lawyer to see about our rights.”
After the video premiere, the ballet dancer posted her own video to prove her claims and you can watch it below.